- with relevance
- in an irrelevant manner; "suddenly and irrelevantly, she asked him for money"
- having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research"
- 適切な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(主題・当面の問題などに)関連のた《+『to』+『名』》
English Journal
- The construct validity of the Short Form-36 Health Survey for patients with nonspecific chronic neck pain.
- de Vries GE1, Jorritsma W, Dijkstra PU, Geertzen JH, Reneman MF.
- International journal of rehabilitation research. Internationale Zeitschrift für Rehabilitationsforschung. Revue internationale de recherches de réadaptation.Int J Rehabil Res.2015 Jun;38(2):137-43. doi: 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000102.
- Self-reported disability related to neck pain can be measured using general health questionnaires. The validity of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) in patients with nonspecific chronic neck pain (CNP) in a tertiary outpatient rehabilitation setting is unknown. This
- PMID 25521576
- Future role of MR elastography in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
- Othman SF1, Xu H, Mao JJ.
- Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.J Tissue Eng Regen Med.2015 May;9(5):481-7. doi: 10.1002/term.1801. Epub 2013 Aug 16.
- Tissue engineering (TE) has been introduced for more than 25 years without a boom in clinical trials. More than 70 TE-related start-up companies spent more than $600 million/year, with only two FDA-approved tissue-engineered products. Given the modest performance in clinically approved organs, TE is
- PMID 23956239
- Reference Values of the Pain Disability Index in Patients With Painful Musculoskeletal and Spinal Disorders: A Cross-national Study.
- Soer R1, Köke AJ, Speijer BL, Vroomen PC, Smeets RJ, Coppes MH, Reneman MF, Gross DP; Groningen Spine Study Group.
- Spine.Spine (Phila Pa 1976).2015 May 1;40(9):E545-51. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000000827.
- STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study.OBJECTIVE: To examine reference data for the Pain Disability Index (PDI) in Dutch and Canadian patient samples with a variety of musculoskeletal pain disorders and to test which potential factors are independently associated with the PDI score.SUMMARY OF BACKGROUN
- PMID 26030221
Japanese Journal
- 発表の目的を考慮したプレゼンテーション・シナリオの構成支援(一般,教育・学習支援に対する新展開/一般)
- 花植 康一,渡邉 豊英
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ET, 教育工学 112(104), 41-46, 2012-06-16
- プレゼンテーションでは,発表の目的や聴衆の背景知識,および発表時間によって,発表の進め方が異なる.我々はこうした様々な発表の条件に応じて,発表者がシナリオを構成できるようにすることを目指している.本稿では,発表内容の説明順序に焦点を当て,発表者が意図した進め方と発表時間に応じて,ストーリーを構成する手法を提案する.我々は発表者が日常的に表出,蓄積した断片的な考えのまとまりの存在を前提とし,これを知 …
- NAID 110009588264
- 可児 富子,入山 圭二
- 静脈経腸栄養 26(6), 1407-1415, 2011
- [目的]著者らは先の研究で、切除を必要とする胃および大腸疾患患者の術前期味覚はともに障害されており、術後は大腸切除患者に比べて胃切除患者の味覚認知は減退し回復が遅延していたことを報告した。この結果を踏まえ今回は、手術術式別にみた手術侵襲度をはじめ各種評価指標との関連を検討した。[対象及び方法] 消化管手術患者20名 (大腸切除9, 胃切除11) における術前術後の計3回に測定した味覚 (甘、塩、酸 …
- NAID 130004487265
- 51.セダム中の糖およびアブシジン酸産生量の定量による生育状態の診断(口頭発表)
- 青山 美有紀,信田 亜季,飯島 健太郎,齋藤 潔
- 植物化学調節学会研究発表記録集 (45), 68, 2010-10-01
- … It became clear that the content of the glucose relevantly increased in the color in the winter than that of the autumn. …
- NAID 110007767151
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- adjective bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent: a relevant remark. Origin: 1550–60; Medieval Latin relevant-(stem of relevāns), special use of Latin, present participle of relevāre to raise, lift up. See relieve, -ant
- World English Dictionary relevant (ˈrɛlɪvənt) —adj 1. having direct bearing on the matter in hand; pertinent 2. linguistics another word for distinctive [C16: from Medieval Latin relevans, from Latin relevāre to lighten, from re-+ levāre to raise, ...
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- 関
- (adv.)relevantly
- associate、association、attach、bearing、connection、correlate、correlation、implication、link、pertinent、reference、relate、relatedness、relation、relationship、relative、relevance