- 同
- pass into or through by filtering or permeating; "the substance infiltrated the material"
- pass through an enemy line; in a military conflict (同)pass_through
- enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members; "The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor" (同)penetrate
- cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices
- a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter (同)humor, humour, witticism, wittiness
- a symptom of allergic states; increased eosinophils in the blood
- (…に)〈液体・気体〉‘を'しみ込ませる《+『名』+『into』+『名』》;(…を)…‘に'しみ込ませる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / …‘に'潜入する,もぐり込む;(…に)…‘を'潜覧させる《+『名』+『into』(『in』)+『名』》 / しみ込む
- 《随伴・協調》…『と』,と共に,といっしょに / 《所有・所持》…『を持っている』,がある,の付いた / 《道具・手段》…『で』,を使って / 《財料・供給物》…『で』,を与えて / …を支持して,に賛成して / …『に反対(敵対)して』,を相手として / …『と同時に』,と同様に / …『に比べて』,に比例して / 《様態》《名詞を伴い副詞句として》『…で』,を示して,をもって / 《付帯状競》…『して』,しながら / 《譲歩》…がありながら,にもかかわらず / 『…が原因で』,のために,…で / …に任せて,のもとにあずけて,のところに / …に関して,について / …から離れて / 《連結・混合》…と / 《副詞と共に命令文で》
- 知る(know)
- 〈U〉『機知』,機転,ウィット / 〈C〉『機知に富む人』,機転のきく人 / 《複数形で;単数扱い》『理解(表現)力』,知性 / 《複数形で》(物事を見抜いたりもくろんだりする)才覚,才知 / 《複数形で;単数扱い》正気
- 肺の;肺を冒す
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English Journal
- Acute eosinophilic pneumonia.
- Akkanti B1, Gentry B2, Kesavan R3, Kar B4.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2016 Feb 18;2016. pii: bcr2015212899. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-212899.
- We report the case of an 18-year-old woman who presented to an outside hospital in respiratory distress and was found to have pulmonary eosinophilia. She remained profoundly hypoxaemic despite maximal ventilatory strategies and underwent cannulation for veno-venous extra corporeal membrane oxygenati
- PMID 26891699
- Genome-Wide Methylation Study Identifies an IL-13-induced Epigenetic Signature in Asthmatic Airways.
- Nicodemus-Johnson J1, Naughton KA1, Sudi J2, Hogarth K2, Naurekas ET2, Nicolae DL1,3,4, Sperling AI2, Solway J2, White SR2, Ober C1.
- American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2016 Feb 15;193(4):376-85. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201506-1243OC.
- RATIONALE: Epigenetic changes to airway cells have been proposed as important modulators of the effects of environmental exposures on airway diseases, yet no study to date has shown epigenetic responses to exposures in the airway that correlate with disease state. The type 2 cytokine IL-13 is a key
- PMID 26474238
- Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Role of ChemR23 Signaling in Pollutant-Induced Inflammatory Lung Responses.
- Provoost S1, De Grove KC2, Fraser GL3, Lannoy VJ3, Tournoy KG2, Brusselle GG2, Maes T2, Joos GF2.
- Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950).J Immunol.2016 Feb 15;196(4):1882-90. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1501113. Epub 2016 Jan 15.
- Inhalation of traffic-related particulate matter (e.g., diesel exhaust particles [DEPs]) is associated with acute inflammatory responses in the lung, and it promotes the development and aggravation of allergic airway diseases. We previously demonstrated that exposure to DEP was associated with incre
- PMID 26773141
Japanese Journal
- Churg-Strauss Syndrome with a Clinical Condition Similar to IgG4-Related Kidney Disease: A Case Report
- Ayuzawa Nobuhiro,Ubara Yoshifumi,Keiichi Sumida,Masayuki Yamanouchi,Hasegawa Eiko,Hiramatsu Eriko,Hayami Noriko,Suwabe Tatsuya,Hoshino Junichi,Sawa Naoki,Kawabata Masateru,Ohashi Kenichi,Takaichi Kennmei
- Internal Medicine 51(10), 1233-1238, 2012
- … A 68-year-old Japanese woman with asthma of recent onset and a long history of membranous glomerulonephropathy (MN) was admitted because of multifocal pulmonary infiltrates, marked eosinophilia, mild renal dysfunction, a rash on her feet, and right median nerve paralysis. … Renal biopsy revealed MN with eosinophil-rich tubulointerstitial nephropathy. …
- NAID 130002062441
- 3.アレルギー性気管支肺アスペルギルス症・好酸球性肺炎(IX.好酸球増多を主徴とする疾患,専門医のためのアレルギー学講座)
- 三好 里佳,安永 祐一,木津 崇,井上 拓也,渡辺 知英,松本 由美,堅田 龍生,乾 由明,興梠 隆,西川 正博
- 日本消化器病學會雜誌 = The Japanese journal of gastro-enterology 104(4), 542-547, 2007-04-05
- 73歳女性.主訴は咽頭痛,夜間咳嗽.18000/mm3(WBC 21900/mm3, Eos 82%)と著明な好酸球増加症および胃食道逆流症と診断した.ランソプラゾール投与により食道炎は軽快,好酸球は正常化した.ファモチジンへの変更にて胸やけの出現と好酸球の増加傾向を認め,オメプラゾールへの変更にて症状は軽快,好酸球も減少した.以上より胃食道逆流症が好酸球増加症の原因の1つとなりうることが示唆され …
- NAID 10018886154
Related Links
- 12/10/2011 A 35 yr old female with lund infiltrate, 3 foci, diagnosed as pneumonia 2 weeks before, presents with WBC 19000, 55% eosinophils. Patient had very good response to Predinisone and VFEND, clically and radiologically.
- Acute Pulmonary Eosinophilia A self-limiting non-infectious inflammation in the lungs accompanied by increased eosinophils in tissue and peripheral blood. Aetiology Unknown, or various drugs, parasitic infestation (especially ...
- 同
- pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia
- 同
- pulmonary interstitial emphysema
- 浸透/浸潤させる、しみこませる(into)。(物質)に浸透する。(軍隊を)浸入させる、潜入させる(into)。(組織など)に潜入する
- 関
- infiltrator、infiltration、invade、invasion、invasive
- 関
- lung、pneumo