- 関
- preliminary
- denoting an action or event preceding or in preparation for something more important; designed to orient or acquaint with a situation before proceeding; "a preliminary investigation"
- something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows; "training is a necessary preliminary to employment"; "drinks were the overture to dinner" (同)overture, prelude
- a minor match preceding the main event (同)prelim
- 『準備する』,『予備の』;前置きの / 《通例複数形で》準備の処置,予備行動,下準備 / 予備試験;前座試合;予選
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English Journal
- Ultrasound-assisted heating extraction of pectin from grapefruit peel: Optimization and comparison with the conventional method.
- Wang W1, Ma X1, Xu Y1, Cao Y2, Jiang Z2, Ding T1, Ye X3, Liu D4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Jul 1;178:106-14. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.01.080. Epub 2015 Jan 22.
- The extraction of pectin from grapefruit peel by ultrasound-assisted heating extraction (UAHE) was investigated using response surface methodology and compared with the conventional heating extraction (CHE). The optimized conditions were power intensity of 12.56W/cm(2), extraction temperature of 66.
- PMID 25704690
- In situ fenestration: a novel option for endovascular aortic arch repair.
- Malina M1, Sonesson B.
- The Journal of cardiovascular surgery.J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).2015 Jun;56(3):355-62. Epub 2015 Jan 16.
- Aortic arch repair, is a surgical challenge irrespective of which technique is applied. While open surgical repair is a major trauma and a technically difficult procedure that many elderly patients tolerate poorly, the branched and fenestrated stent-grafts remain complex to implant safely. Hybrid pr
- PMID 25592278
- Usage pattern-based exposure screening as a simple tool for the regional priority-setting in environmental risk assessment of veterinary antibiotics: A case study of north-western Germany.
- Menz J1, Schneider M2, Kümmerer K3.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2015 May;127:42-8. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.12.091. Epub 2015 Feb 2.
- Veterinary antibiotics (VAs) are widely recognized as important environmental contaminants. Despite the extensive use of antibiotic agents in meat and poultry production and the known resistance problems in human and veterinary medicine, detailed knowledge about usage patterns of VAs in Germany is s
- PMID 25655696
Japanese Journal
- 近藤 真前
- 心身医学 55(1), 55-61, 2015-01-01
- 慢性めまいは平衡機能と不安の心理生理学的過程の悪循環が想定される病態である.本研究では慢性めまいに対する認知行動療法プログラムを作成し,長期的効果を予備的に検討することを目的とした.3カ月以上持続し,器質的要因では説明困難なめまいを主訴としてめまい専門外来を受診した20〜70歳の患者に対して,全4〜5回の集団認知行動療法を実施し,めまいによる機能障害(Dizziness Handicap Inve …
- NAID 110009900183
- 液滴接触法による人工細胞膜上でのチャネルタンパク質機能の解析と応用
- 神谷 厚輝,大崎 寿久,竹内 昌治
- 分析化学 64(6), 441-449, 2015
- 細胞膜は,情報伝達や細胞間の情報交換の場である.このような細胞内外での物質のやり取りは,チャネルやレセプターのような膜タンパク質が主にかかわっている.膜タンパク質は,ガン等の疾病と関連しているため,膜タンパク質の機能を理解する研究が強く進められている.特に,イオンチャネルはパッチクランプ法と呼ばれる,イオンチャネル内のイオンの通過を電気シグナルにて観察する手法により機能評価が行われている.しかし, …
- NAID 130005086937
- Improving shear bond strength between feldspathic porcelain and zirconia substructure with lithium disilicate glass-ceramic liner
- Dental Materials Journal 34(3), 302-309, 2015
- … The mineral phases and microstructures of lithium disilicate glass-ceramic at temperature range of 800–900°C were preliminarily investigated. …
- NAID 130005074662
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- 1. prefatory. Preliminary, introductory both refer to that which comes before the principal subject of consideration. That which is preliminary is in the nature of preparation or of clearing away details which would encumber the main ...
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- 関
- precede, precedence, preceding, preliminarily, preparatory, reserve, spare
- 英
- preliminary、preliminarily
- 関
- 先行、予備、準備中