- 関
- pancreatic fluid
- electric current; "when the wiring was finished they turned on the juice"
- energetic vitality; "her creative juices were flowing"
- any of several liquids of the body; "digestive juices" (同)succus
- the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking
- of or involving the pancreas; "pancreatic cancer"
- 〈U〉〈C〉(果物・野菜・肉などの)『汁』,『液』,ジュース;〈U〉(植物の)樹液 / 《複数形で》(動物の)体液,分泌液 / 〈U〉《俗》電気;ガソリン,燃料オイル / …‘から'汁をしぼり取る
- 膵臓の
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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2012) |
Pancreatic juice is a liquid secreted by the pancreas, which contains a variety of enzymes, including trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, elastase, carboxypeptidase, pancreatic lipase, nucleases and amylase.The Pancreas is located in the visceral region, and is a major part of the digestive system required for proper digestion and subsequent assimilation of macronutrient substances required for living.
Pancreatic juice is alkaline in nature due to the high concentration of bicarbonate ions. This is useful in neutralizing the acidic gastric acid, allowing for effective enzymic action.
Pancreatic juice secretion is regulated by the hormones secretin and cholecystokinin, which is produced by the walls of the duodenum upon detection of acid food, proteins and fats, vitamins. Pancreatic secretion consists of an aqueous bicarbonate component from the duct cells and enzymatic component from the acinar cells. A clear alkaline secretion of the pancreas containing enzymes that aid in the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
External links[edit]
- "Pancreatic juice" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- Physiology at MCG 6/6ch4/s6ch4_18
- Diagram at uta.edu
Digestive system, physiology: gastrointestinal physiology
GI tract |
Upper GI
Chief cells (Pepsinogen) · Parietal cells (Gastric acid, Intrinsic factor) · Goblet cells (Mucus)
Swallowing · Vomiting
Saliva · Gastric juice
Lower GI
Enteric nervous system
Meissner's plexus · Auerbach's plexus
G cells (gastrin) · D cells (somatostatin) · ECL cells (Histamine)
enterogastrone: I cells (CCK) · K cells (GIP) · S cells (secretin)
Enteroendocrine cells · Enterochromaffin cell · APUD cell
Intestinal juice
Segmentation contractions · Migrating motor complex · Borborygmus · Defecation
Peristalsis (Interstitial cell of Cajal · Basal electrical rhythm) · Gastrocolic reflex · Digestion
Accessory |
Bile · Pancreatic juice
Enterohepatic circulation
Abdominopelvic |
Peritoneal fluid
anat (t, g, p)/phys/devp/enzy
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
proc, drug (A2A/2B/3/4/5/6/7/14/16), blte
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- 1. 膵臓ステント留置術およびその合併症の概要 overview of pancreatic stenting and its complications
- 2. 膵管癒合不全の治療 treatment of pancreas divisum
- 3. 膵液瘻:臨床的特徴および診断 pancreatic fistulas clinical manifestations and diagnosis
- 4. 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍の診断および治療 diagnosis and treatment of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas
- 5. 膵外分泌癌の治療における外科手術の概要 overview of surgery in the treatment of exocrine pancreatic cancer and prognosis
English Journal
- Endogenous praecaecal and total tract losses of nitrogen in pancreatic duct-ligated minipigs.
- Mößeler A1, Gregory PC, Loock H, Beyerbach M, Kamphues J.
- Archives of animal nutrition.Arch Anim Nutr.2015 Apr;69(2):98-112. doi: 10.1080/1745039X.2015.1009612. Epub 2015 Feb 18.
- The pancreatic duct-ligated minipig (PL) is an established model of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) with a significant decrease of nutrient digestibility. This study aimed to quantify and compare endogenous losses of nitrogen (N) (ileal and faecal) in minipigs receiving an almost N-free diet
- PMID 25690557
- Bitter melon juice targets molecular mechanisms underlying gemcitabine resistance in pancreatic cancer cells.
- Somasagara RR1, Deep G1, Shrotriya S1, Patel M1, Agarwal C1, Agarwal R1.
- International journal of oncology.Int J Oncol.2015 Apr;46(4):1849-57. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2015.2885. Epub 2015 Feb 9.
- Pancreatic cancer (PanC) is one of the most lethal malignancies, and resistance towards gemcitabine, the front‑line chemotherapy, is the main cause for dismal rate of survival in PanC patients; overcoming this resistance remains a major challenge to treat this deadly malignancy. Whereas several mo
- PMID 25672620
- Trypsin-inspired poly(urethane-urea)s based on poly-lysine oligomer segment.
- Gu Z1, Wang F, Lu H, Wang X, Zheng Z.
- Journal of biomaterials science. Polymer edition.J Biomater Sci Polym Ed.2015 Apr;26(5):311-21. doi: 10.1080/09205063.2014.998589. Epub 2015 Jan 13.
- A new kind of biodegradable poly(urethane-urea)s based on poly-lysine oligomer used as the soft segment was synthesized and characterized. In vitro degradation behavior of poly (urethane-urea)s was investigated, and was assessed by (1)H NMR and mass loss. The results indicated that the peptide bonds
- PMID 25584962
Japanese Journal
- 膵液細胞診および膵液遺伝子検査による膵癌診断 (特集 見直される膵癌診療の新展開) -- (診断における新展開)
- 阿蘓 鉄平,大塚 隆生,木村 英世 [他]
- 臨床外科 = Journal of clinical surgery 69(1), 12-16, 2014-01
- NAID 40019925250
- 膵管内乳頭粘液性腫瘍における膵液セルブロック細胞診の有用性 (特集 膵癌の早期発見をめざして)
- 超音波内視鏡下生検・膵液細胞診併用による膵癌早期診断 (特集 膵癌の早期発見をめざして)
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- 英
- pancreatic juice
- 関
- 膵臓
- 腺房細胞
- 消化酵素分泌、チモーゲン顆粒(+)
- 腺房細胞は隣接する細胞とGap junctionを形成
- →cAMP,Ca2+などは隣接細胞に拡散
- →腺房が分泌の機能単位
- 介在導管intercalated duct
- 一部は中心腺房細胞として腺房内に入り込んでいる。チモーゲン顆粒(-)
- 小葉内導管intralobular duct
- 小葉外導管extralobular duct
- 陽イオン:Na+,K+(ほぼ血漿濃度)、Ca2+,Mg2+(濃度低い)
- 陰イオン:HCO3-(血漿濃度の4倍),
- Cl-,SO42-,HPO42-(濃度低い)
- なお、HCO3-とCl-は分泌速度依存的
- 膵液の分泌速度が速いとき、HCO3-↑、Cl-↓
- 膵液の分泌速度が遅いとき、HCO3-↓、Cl-↑
- 膵αアミラーゼ
- トリプシノーゲン
- キモトリプシノーゲン
- プロカルポキシペプチダーゼA,B
- プロエラスターゼ
- 膵リパーゼ(ステアプシン)
- コレステロールエステルヒドロラーゼ
- プロホスホリパーゼA2
- リボヌクレアーゼ
- デオキシリボヌクレアーゼ
- 全食事中の約20%分泌
- 味覚・嗅覚(無条件性)、聴覚・視覚(条件性)→迷走神経(ACh作動性)→膵腺房→膵液分泌↑→胃G細胞→ガストリン↑
- 2-1. 胃壁伸展→迷走神経局所反射(Ach作動性)
- →膵腺房→膵液分泌↑ →胃G細胞→ガストリン↑
- 2-2. 食物ペプチド,アミノ酸→胃G細胞→ガストリン↑→膵液分泌↑
- 全食事中の約80%分泌
- 3-1. フェニールアラニン・脂肪酸,モノグリセリド→小腸I細胞→CCK↑→膵腺房→膵液分泌↑
- 3-2. 腸pH<4.5→小腸S細胞→セクレチン↑→導管→Na+,HCO3-分泌↑
- 3-3. アミノ酸,脂肪酸,→十二指腸粘膜→迷走神経反射→ACh↑→膵腺房→膵液分泌↑
- ACh(迷走神経),CCK→[Ca2+]i↑→K+,Cl-チャンネル活性化→血漿成分に近い電解質および酵素を分泌。すなわちCl-のみ分泌されるため、細胞間隙からNa+,H2Oが移動する結果等張となる。
- セクレチン→cAMP↑→Cl-チャンネル活性化→HCO3-/Cl-交換輸送→HCO3-分泌→電気的勾配に従ってNaが分泌される。
- 関
- pancreatic juice
- 関
- secreta、secretory fluid
- 関
- pancreas、pancreata