- 関
- sensory evaluation
- undergo a test; "She doesnt test well"
- any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc; "the test was standardized on a large sample of students" (同)mental test, mental testing, psychometric test
- the act of undergoing testing; "he survived the great test of battle"; "candidates must compete in a trial of skill" (同)trial
- the act of testing something; "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately"; "he called each flip of the coin a new trial" (同)trial, run
- a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
- put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; "This approach has been tried with good results"; "Test this recipe" (同)prove, try, try out, examine, essay
- achieve a certain score or rating on a test; "She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools"
- determine the presence or properties of (a substance)
- show a certain characteristic when tested; "He tested positive for HIV"
- an examination of the characteristics of something; "there are laboratories for commercial testing"; "it involved testing thousands of children for smallpox"
- the act of subjecting to experimental test in order to determine how well something works; "they agreed to end the testing of atomic weapons"
- tested and proved useful or correct; "a tested method" (同)tried, well-tried
- tested and proved to be reliable (同)time-tested, tried, tried and true
- (人の能力などの)『試験』,考査,テスト / (物事の)『試験』,検済,試錬,実験《+of+名》 / 化学分析;試薬 / =test match / …‘を'『試験する』,検査する / …‘を'化学分析する / (…の)試験を受ける,試験をする《+for+名》
- testis の複数形
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English Journal
- Tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors alleviation of experimentally induced neuropathic pain is associated with modulation of TNF receptor expression.
- Andrade P1, Hoogland G, Del Rosario JS, Steinbusch HW, Visser-Vandewalle V, Daemen MA.
- Journal of neuroscience research.J Neurosci Res.2014 Nov;92(11):1490-8. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23432. Epub 2014 Jun 25.
- Inflammation plays a key role in the development of sensitization after peripheral nerve damage. We recently demonstrated that tumor necrosis factor-α receptor (TNFR) levels in the spinal cord correlate with pain sensation in herniated disc patients in a rat chronic constriction injury (CCI) model.
- PMID 24964368
- The role of TRPM8 in the Guinea-pig bladder-cooling reflex investigated using a novel TRPM8 antagonist.
- Gardiner JC1, Kirkup AJ2, Curry J3, Humphreys S4, O'Regan P5, Postlethwaite M6, Young KC7, Kitching L8, Ethell BT9, Winpenny D10, McMurray G11.
- European journal of pharmacology.Eur J Pharmacol.2014 Oct 5;740:398-409. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2014.07.022. Epub 2014 Jul 21.
- Patients with overactive bladder often exhibit abnormal bladder contractions in response to intravesical cold saline (positive ice-water test). The molecular entity involved in cold sensation within the urinary bladder is unknown, but a potential candidate is the ion channel, transient receptor pote
- PMID 25058909
- The efficacy of topical 0.05 % cyclosporine A in patients with dry eye disease associated with Sjögren's syndrome.
- Devecı H1, Kobak S.
- International ophthalmology.Int Ophthalmol.2014 Oct;34(5):1043-8. doi: 10.1007/s10792-014-9901-4. Epub 2014 Jan 19.
- Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune epithelitis which usually presents with mouth and eye dryness. Although the place of systemic drugs in keratoconjunctivitis sicca treatment has been discussed, the efficacy of some topical drugs has also been demonstrated; however, there are contradictory re
- PMID 24442759
Japanese Journal
- 小木曽 加奈,中澤 弥子,岡崎 光雄
- 日本家政学会誌 66(3), 113-119, 2015
- … The organoleptic test results show that bread baked with SBR lees had higher levels of roasted effect (p=0.0365) and smell of lees (p=0.0026) than bread baked with ginjo lees. …
- NAID 130004774164
- 栽培条件 ( 有機栽培と慣行栽培 ) の違いによる葉物野菜の栄養成分と官能特性
- 日笠 志津
- 日本食生活学会誌 24(2), 68-82, 2013
- … However, the vegetable quality like the nutrient content and the organoleptic characteristics are unproven. … These results suggest that cultivation technique is an important factor to grow vegetables of good quality.<BR>3 ) The quality in komatsunas shows that the difference of the variety had stronger effect than the difference between the cultivation techniques did.<BR>4 ) For each of the 3 years, the spinach that the same producer organically grew scored highly in almost every parameter of the sensory test. …
- NAID 130004493891
- 生息域を異にする涸沼川水系産ヤマトシジミ Corbicula japonica のエキス成分および潮汁の食味の比較
- 岡本 成司,山口 洋子,小山 寛喜 [他],中谷 操子,米田 千恵,渡部 終五
- 日本水産學會誌 = Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 78(3), 444-453, 2012-05-15
- ヤマトシジミの食味に及ぼす塩分の影響を明らかにするため,涸沼および涸沼川下流域で採取した試料のエキス分および潮汁の食味を比較して,水質環境との関係を調べた。涸沼川下流の塩分は潮汐の影響を強く受けて涸沼に比べて高く,軟体組織中の D-, L-アラニン含量は涸沼川産の方が涸沼産よりも高い値を示した。一方,潮汁の遊離アミノ酸総量は涸沼産の方が涸沼川産に比べて高く,官能検査では涸沼産の方が涸沼川産より先味 …
- NAID 10030312859
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- 英
- sensory evaluation、organoleptic test
- 関
- organoleptic test
- 関
- assessment、data quality、exam、examination、examine、experimental design、matched group、measurement、research design、scoring method、test、trial
- 関
- sensation