- visible; "be sure of it; give me the ocular proof"- Shakespeare; "a visual presentation"; "a visual image" (同)visual
- of or relating to or resembling the eye; "ocular muscles"; "an ocular organ"; "ocular diseases"; "the optic (or optical) axis of the eye"; "an ocular spot is a pigmented organ or part believed to be sensitive to light" (同)optic, optical, opthalmic
- relating to or using sight; "ocular inspection"; "an optical illusion"; "visual powers"; "visual navigation" (同)optic, optical, visual
- involuntary movements of the eyeballs; its presence or absence is used to diagnose a variety of neurological and visual disorders
- 《文》目の / 《まれ》視覚の,目で見た / (顕微鏡・望遠鏡などの)接眼レンズ,接眼鏡
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- 1. 眼振の概要 overview of nystagmus
- 2. 核間性眼筋麻痺 internuclear ophthalmoparesis
- 3. 律動眼振 jerk nystagmus
- 4. 振子様眼振 pendular nystagmus
- 5. 回転性めまい患者の評価 evaluation of the patient with vertigo
English Journal
- Abnormal head oscillations in neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology.
- Shaikh AG1.
- Current opinion in neurology.Curr Opin Neurol.2016 Feb;29(1):94-103. doi: 10.1097/WCO.0000000000000277.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The study describes the clinical phenomenology and contemporary pathophysiology of concurrent oscillations of the eyes and the head that are present in neurological conditions with diverse causes.RECENT FINDINGS: One classic example is spasmus nutans in which the eye oscillations
- PMID 26641814
- Nystagmus in a newborn: a manifestation of Joubert syndrome in the neonatal period.
- Salva I1, Albuquerque C2, Moreira A3, Dâmaso C4.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2016 Jan 12;2016. pii: bcr2015213127. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-213127.
- Joubert syndrome is a rare disorder, usually autosomal recessive, with a prevalence of 1:80 000 to 1:100 000. This disease presents most commonly as breathing irregularities, although the two major clinical criteria are hypotonia and developmental delay, sometimes associated with ocular movement
- PMID 26759440
- Risk factors of persistent diplopia following secondary intraocular lens implantation in patients with sensory strabismus from uncorrected monocular aphakia.
- Ahn YJ1, Park SH1, Shin SY2.
- Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie.Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.2016 Jan;254(1):129-33. doi: 10.1007/s00417-015-3223-8. Epub 2015 Nov 25.
- PURPOSE: We aimed to compare clinical characteristics between diplopia-free and diplopia-persistent patients after successful strabismus surgery, when patients complained of diplopia following secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation after prolonged aphakia accompanied by sensory strabismus.MET
- PMID 26608581
Japanese Journal
- 前庭核中心に plaque 病変を認めた多発性硬化症2例における視運動性眼振所見の継時的検討
- 大量飲酒や偏食を伴わずに,Wernicke脳症を来たしたと考えられた高齢2型糖尿病患者の1例
Related Links
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- Looking for answers on ocular albinism? Take a look at our comprehensive list providing answers to our most frequently asked questions on ocular albinism and oculocutaneous albinism. ... FAQ about Ocular Albinism (OA) and ...
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- 英
- optokinetic nystagmus OKN
- ラ
- nystagmus optocyneticus
- 同
- 視運動眼振、視動眼振、visual nystagmus、眼性眼振 ocular nystagmus
- 関
- 鉄道眼振、眼振、眼球運動
[show details]
- 関
- bulbar、eyeball、eyepiece、globe、optic、vision、visual