- restricted to a particular condition of life; "an obligate anaerobe can survive only in the absence of oxygen"
- commit in order to fulfill an obligation; "obligate money"
- (microbiology) single-celled or noncellular spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking chlorophyll that reproduce by fission; important as pathogens and for biochemical properties; taxonomy is difficult; often considered to be plants (同)bacterium
- caused by law or conscience to follow a certain course; "felt obligated to repay the kindness"; "was obligated to pay off the student loan"
- located or occurring within a cell or cells; "intracellular fluid"
- 《受動態で》(道徳上または法律上)〈人〉‘に'義務を負わせる;〈人〉‘に'(・・・する)義務を負わせる《+『名』+『to』 do》
- 『バクテリア』,細菌
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English Journal
- Chlamydial biology and its associated virulence blockers.
- Beeckman DS1, De Puysseleyr L, De Puysseleyr K, Vanrompay D.Author information 1Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University , Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent , Belgium.AbstractChlamydiales are obligate intracellular parasites of eukaryotic cells. They can be distinguished from other Gram-negative bacteria through their characteristic developmental cycle, in addition to special biochemical and physical adaptations to subvert the eukaryotic host cell. The host spectrum includes humans and other mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, insects and even amoeba, causing a plethora of diseases. The first part of this review focuses on the specific chlamydial infection biology and metabolism. As resistance to classical antibiotics is emerging among Chlamydiae as well, the second part elaborates on specific compounds and tools to block chlamydial virulence traits, such as adhesion and internalization, Type III secretion and modulation of gene expression.
- Critical reviews in microbiology.Crit Rev Microbiol.2014 Nov;40(4):313-28. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2012.726210. Epub 2012 Nov 7.
- Chlamydiales are obligate intracellular parasites of eukaryotic cells. They can be distinguished from other Gram-negative bacteria through their characteristic developmental cycle, in addition to special biochemical and physical adaptations to subvert the eukaryotic host cell. The host spectrum incl
- PMID 23134414
- Backbone and side-chain (1)H, (13)C and (15)N assignments of the PPIase domain of macrophage infectivity potentiator (Mip) protein from Coxiella burnetii.
- Tse MK1, Cheung SK, Ke YH, Lau CC, Sze KH, Yuen KY.Author information 1Department of Microbiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.AbstractCoxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular gram-negative bacterium uniquely evolved to thrive in the inhospitable phagolysosome of macrophage. C. burnetii causes Q fever in humans and animals, which is emerging as a global public health concern. It is highly infectious and designated as a category B biowarfare agent because of its ubiquitous nature, abundant natural reservoirs, high resistance to environmental conditions, ease of transmission and low infectious dose. The lack of knowledge and awareness of C. burnetii leads to under-reporting and under-diagnosing of Q fever cases. Therefore, further understanding of the interactions between the infected host and the bacteria is necessary. C. burnetii macrophage infectivity potentiator (cb-Mip) is a secreted protein of 230 amino acids involving in intracellular survival of the pathogen. cb-Mip belongs to the family of FK506 binding protein, which possesses peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase) activity. Besides acting as a PPIase, Mip protein homolog has been identified as virulence factor of many intracellular pathogenic microorganisms. In the present study, we report the near complete resonance assignments of the PPIase domain-containing region of Mip protein of C. burnetii. Secondary structure prediction based on chemical shift index analysis indicates that the protein adopts a predominately beta-strand structure, which is consistent with the crystal structure of homologous Mip protein in Legionella pneumophila.
- Biomolecular NMR assignments.Biomol NMR Assign.2014 Apr;8(1):173-6. doi: 10.1007/s12104-013-9477-3. Epub 2013 Apr 25.
- Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular gram-negative bacterium uniquely evolved to thrive in the inhospitable phagolysosome of macrophage. C. burnetii causes Q fever in humans and animals, which is emerging as a global public health concern. It is highly infectious and designated as a catego
- PMID 23616102
- Evolution, phylogeny, and molecular epidemiology of Chlamydia.
- Nunes A1, Gomes JP2.Author information 1Reference Laboratory of Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections and Bioinformatics Unit, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health, Av. Padre Cruz, 1649-016 Lisbon, Portugal.2Reference Laboratory of Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections and Bioinformatics Unit, Department of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health, Av. Padre Cruz, 1649-016 Lisbon, Portugal. Electronic address: j.paulo.gomes@insa.min-saude.pt.AbstractThe Chlamydiaceae are a family of obligate intracellular bacteria characterized by a unique biphasic developmental cycle. It encompasses the single genus Chlamydia, which involves nine species that affect a wide range of vertebral hosts, causing infections with serious impact on human health (mainly due to Chlamydia trachomatis infections) and on farming and veterinary industries. It is believed that Chlamydiales originated ∼700mya, whereas C. trachomatis likely split from the other Chlamydiaceae during the last 6mya. This corresponds to the emergence of modern human lineages, with the first descriptions of chlamydial infections as ancient as four millennia. Chlamydiaceae have undergone a massive genome reduction, on behalf of the deletional bias "use it or lose it", stabilizing at 1-1.2Mb and keeping a striking genome synteny. Their phylogeny reveals species segregation according to biological properties, with huge differences in terms of host range, tissue tropism, and disease outcomes. Genome differences rely on the occurrence of mutations in the >700 orthologous genes, as well as on events of recombination, gene loss, inversion, and paralogous expansion, affecting both a hypervariable region named the plasticity zone, and genes essentially encoding polymorphic and transmembrane head membrane proteins, type III secretion effectors and some metabolic pathways. Procedures for molecular typing are still not consensual but have allowed the knowledge of molecular epidemiology patterns for some species as well as the identification of outbreaks and emergence of successful clones for C. trachomatis. This manuscript intends to provide a comprehensive review on the evolution, phylogeny, and molecular epidemiology of Chlamydia.
- Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases.Infect Genet Evol.2014 Apr;23C:49-64. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2014.01.029. Epub 2014 Feb 5.
- The Chlamydiaceae are a family of obligate intracellular bacteria characterized by a unique biphasic developmental cycle. It encompasses the single genus Chlamydia, which involves nine species that affect a wide range of vertebral hosts, causing infections with serious impact on human health (mainly
- PMID 24509351
Japanese Journal
- クラミジアの持続感染と宿主アポトーシス制御、そして多様な慢性感染症
- 近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology of Kinki University 34, 1-13, 2014-09-01
- NAID 120005735159
- A domino-like chlamydial attachment process: Parachlamydia acanthamoebae attachment to amoebae is concurrently required for several amoebal released molecules and serine-protease activity
- Rhodovulum phaeolacus sp. nov. a phototrophic alphaproteobacterium isolated from a brown pond
- The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 57(3), 145-151, 2011
- NAID 130004802202
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- bacterial obligate intracellular parasites, obligate intracellular bacteria
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- ~に(法律/道徳上の)義務を負わせる(to do/sb)。感謝の念を起こさせる。(収入などを)債務の支払に充てる
- 避けられない、やむを得ない。(法律上/道徳上)義務的な。必須の。(生態)(寄生虫・寄生菌など)アル特定の環境のみに生活しうる、無条件的な、絶対的な、扁性の、真性の(⇔ facultative)
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