- 関
- Weber-Christian disease
- relating to or characterized by or having nodules; "Nodular vaginitis"
- having nodules or occurring in the form of nodules; "nodular ores" (同)nodulated, noduled
- not suppurative
- 節(ふし)の[ような]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/06 19:16:05」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Weber–Christian disease |
Classification and external resources |
ICD-10 |
M35.6 |
ICD-9-CM |
729.30 |
DiseasesDB |
14055 |
eMedicine |
ped/2429 |
MeSH |
D010201 |
Weber–Christian disease (also known as "Idiopathic Relapsing febrile non-suppurative panniculitis") is a cutaneous condition characterized by recurrent subcutaneous nodules that heal with depression of the overlying skin.[1]
It is type of panniculitis.[2] It is a rare disease seen in females 30-60 years of age. It is a recurring inflammation of fatty layers of tissue present beneath the skin. Clinical course is characterised by exacerbations and remissions. Lesions are bilaterally symmetrical and are usually seen in the lower legs.
It is named for Frederick Parkes Weber and Henry Asbury Christian.[3][4][5]
See also
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency panniculitis
- List of cutaneous conditions
- ^ Rapini, Ronald P.; Bolognia, Jean L.; Jorizzo, Joseph L. (2007). Dermatology: 2-Volume Set. St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 1-4160-2999-0.
- ^ "Weber-Christian disease" at Dorland's Medical Dictionary
- ^ Weber–Christian disease at Who Named It?
- ^ F. P. Weber. A case of relapsing non-suppurative nodular panniculitis, showing phagocytosis of subcutaneous fat-cells by macrophages. British Journal of Dermatology and Syphilis, Oxford, 1925, 37: 301-311. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.1925.tb10003.x
- ^ H. A. Christian. Relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis. Archives of Internal Medicine, Chicago, 1928, 42: 338-351. doi:10.1001/archinte.1928.00020020026004
Disorders of subcutaneous fat (M79.3, 729.3)
Panniculitis |
Lobular |
- without vasculitis
- Cold
- Cytophagic histiocytic
- Factitial
- Gouty
- Pancreatic
- Traumatic
- needle-shaped clefts
- Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn
- Sclerema neonatorum
- Post-steroid panniculitis
- Lipodermatosclerosis
- Weber–Christian disease
- Lupus erythematosus panniculitis
- Sclerosing lipogranuloma
- with vasculitis: Nodular vasculitis/Erythema induratum
Septal |
- without vasculitis: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency panniculitis
- Erythema nodosum
- with vasculitis: Superficial thrombophlebitis
Lipodystrophy |
Acquired |
- generalized: Acquired generalized lipodystrophy
- partial: Acquired partial lipodystrophy
- Centrifugal abdominal lipodystrophy
- HIV-associated lipodystrophy
- Lipoatrophia annularis
- localized: Localized lipodystrophy
Congenital |
- Congenital generalized lipodystrophy
- Familial partial lipodystrophy
- Poland syndrome
Index of skin
Description |
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Development
Disease |
- Infections
- Vesiculobullous
- Dermatitis and eczema
- Papulosquamous
- Urticaria and erythema
- Radiation-related
- Pigmentation
- Mucinoses
- Keratosis, ulcer, atrophy, and necrobiosis
- Vasculitis
- Fat
- Neutrophilic and eosinophilic
- Congenital
- Neoplasms and cancer
- nevi and melanomas
- epidermis
- dermis
- Symptoms and signs
- Terminology
Treatment |
- Procedures
- Drugs
- antibiotics
- disinfectants
- emollients and protectives
- itch
- psoriasis
- other
- Wound and ulcer
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Ocular Inflammation: Can It Be a Sign of Activity of Weber-Christian Disease? A Case Report and Review of Literature.
- Verrilli S1, Ciarnella A, Laganà B, Calafiore S, Guglielmelli F, Basile L, Mutolo MG, Recupero SM.
- Ocular immunology and inflammation.Ocul Immunol Inflamm.2014 Oct 17:1-4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abstract Purpose: To present a case of Weber-Christian disease with symptomatic ocular involvment. Weber-Christian disease is a relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis. It is characterized by malaise and fever accompanied by subcutaneous inflammatory nodules on the trunk and extremitie
- PMID 25325705
- Neutrophilic lobular panniculitis as an expression of a widened spectrum of familial mediterranean fever.
- Leiva-Salinas M, Betlloch I, Arribas MP, Francés L, Pascual JC.
- JAMA dermatology.JAMA Dermatol.2014 Feb;150(2):213-4. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.6095.
- PMID 24369338
- Idiopatic lobular necrotizing paniculitis.
- Letkova K, Uhrinova A, Bartosova Z, Minarikova Z, Vacula I, Babal P.
- Bratislavské lekárske listy.Bratisl Lek Listy.2014;115(6):377-80.
- 42-year old patient was presented to our clinic with a fever lasting for seven months and a ten month history of subcutaneous nodules on all extremities and trunk. Further examination revealed anaemia, lymphocytopenia and elevation of inflammatory parameters and liver enzymes. Authors comment their
- PMID 25023430
Japanese Journal
- 平海 晴一,田渕 圭作,北尻 真一郎
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 93(9), 775-779, 2000-09-01
- … Weber-Christian disease (relapsing febrile nonsuppurative nodular panniculitis) is an idiopathic systemic recurrent panniculitis. … An exploratory biopsy was performed, and the histology showed granuloma and panniculitis, which indicated Weber-Christian disease. …
- NAID 10005601530
- 青木 忍,石田 卓夫,梅田 昌樹,内野 富弥
- 日本獣医師会雑誌 41(9), 659-662, 1988
- 犬にみられた結節性非化膿性脂肪織炎の1例である.<BR>本症例は, 9歳のマルチーズ種で皮膚の硬結, 肝脾腫, 破行, 発熱などの症状を呈したものである.その皮膚病変の組織所見は, 皮下脂肪組織の肉芽腫性炎症像であり, 脂肪組織はほとんど消失し密に炎症細胞で置換されていた.炎症細胞は組織球が主体で, 部位により形質細胞や好中球の集積像もみられすでに線維化しているところもみられた.< …
- NAID 130003847780
- 肺に空洞形成をみとめた Weber-Christian 病の1剖検例
- 松崎 稔,上田 昭夫,衛藤 繁男,塩田 善朗,堀井 昌子,有田 禎二,松井 豊,田中 利彦,山口 正直
- 日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 14(1), 29-33, 1976
- 45歳女, 発熱と皮下結節があり, 胸部X線写真で結節影, 浸潤影がみられ, 空洞形成, 気胸となり呼吸不全で死亡した. 剖検で全身の非化膿性脂肪織炎を認めWeber-Christian病と診断された. 肺の病変は壊死性線維素性肺炎でその成因について検討した.
- NAID 130003674186
Related Links
- panniculitis [pah-nik″u-li´tis] inflammation of the subcutaneous fat, characterized by development of single or multiple cutaneous nodules. See also steatitis. nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis (relapsing febrile nonsuppurative ...
- Nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis describes a rare group of skin disorders characterized by tender, painful bumps below the surface of the skin (subcutaneous nodules) that usually lead to inflammation of the subcutaneous layer of ...
- 英
- nonsuppurative panniculitis
- 関
- 結節性非化膿性皮下脂肪織炎、nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis、ウェーバー・クリスチャン病
- 英
- nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis, nodular non-suppurative panniculitis
- 関
- ウェーバー・クリスチャン病
- 関
- nodal、nodosity、nodule、tophaceous、tubercular、varicose
- 関
- panniculus