- 関
- imitate、mimesis、mimetic、mimic、mimicked、mimicry
- constituting an imitation; "the mimic warfare of the opera stage"- Archibald Alison
- someone who mimics (especially an actor or actress) (同)mimicker
- imitate (a person or manner), especially for satirical effect; "The actor mimicked the President very accurately" (同)mime
- make a reproduction or copy of
- reproduce someones behavior or looks; "The mime imitated the passers-by"; "Children often copy their parents or older siblings" (同)copy, simulate
- appear like, as in behavior or appearance; "Life imitate art"
- exhibiting mimicry; "mimetic coloring of a butterfly"; "the mimetic tendency of infancy"- R.W.Hamilton
- characterized by or of the nature of or using mimesis; "a mimetic dance"; "the mimetic presentation of images"
- any disease that shows symptoms characteristic of another disease
- the imitative representation of nature and human behavior in art and literature
- the representation of another persons words in a speech
- the resemblance of an animal species to another species or to natural objects; provides concealment and protection from predators
- 〈人,人の話し方・しぐさなど〉‘を'まねてからかう / (欺くために)…‘に'似せる / ものまねをする人,ものまね役者 / 人まねをする動物;人の声をまねる鳥 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》 / ものまねをする / 偽りの,模擬の / 擬態の
- …‘を'『見習う』,手本にする / …‘の'『まねをする』 / …‘を'『模写(模造)する』,‘に'似せて作る
- 模倣の,まねをする / 見せかけの,模擬の
- (修辞上の技法としての)模写,模倣
- ものまね,模倣 / 擬態(ある動物が他の動物,あるいば周囲の物に似せて身の安全を守ること)
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English Journal
- Label-free electrochemical nucleic acid biosensing by tandem polymerization and cleavage-mediated cascade target recycling and DNAzyme amplification.
- Liu S1, Gong H2, Wang Y2, Wang L3.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Mar 15;77:818-23. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.056. Epub 2015 Oct 20.
- Owing to the intrinsic importance of nucleic acid as bio-targets, the achievement of its simple and sensitive detection with high confidence is very essential for biological studies and diagnostic purposes. Herein, a label-free, isothermal, and ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of target DNA
- PMID 26513289
- Multifunctional catalytic platform for peroxidase mimicking, enzyme immobilization and biosensing.
- Maroneze CM1, Dos Santos GP1, de Moraes VB1, da Costa LP2, Kubota LT3.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Mar 15;77:746-51. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.042. Epub 2015 Oct 23.
- A hybrid platform based on ionic liquid-based alkoxysilane functionalized mesoporous silica was applied for the synthesis of supported Pt nanoparticles with peroxidase-like catalytic activity. The positively charged groups (imidazolium) chemically bonded to the surface provide dual-functionality as
- PMID 26499871
- Guanine-rich DNA-based peroxidase mimetics for colorimetric assays of alkaline phosphatase.
- Yang J1, Zheng L2, Wang Y1, Li W1, Zhang J1, Gu J1, Fu Y3.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2016 Mar 15;77:549-56. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2015.10.003. Epub 2015 Oct 9.
- DNA-based peroxidase mimetics are facilely constructed through Cu(II)-coordination with different oligonucleotides involving G20, C20, A20 and T20, respectively, with high peroxidase mimicking activity as well as high stability against proteins. Peroxidase-like activities of DNA-Cu(II) complexes are
- PMID 26476012
Japanese Journal
- The Use of the Student's Native Language in the Classroom, in Theory and Practice
- An intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct mimicking a hemorrhagic hepatic cyst: a case report
- Kakisaka Tatsuhiko,Kamiyama Toshiya,Yokoo Hideki,Nakanishi Kazuaki,Wakayama Kenji,Tsuruga Yosuke,Kamachi Hirofumi,Mitsuhashi Tomoko,Taketomi Akinobu
- World Journal of Surgical Oncology 11, 2013-05-24
- … Here, we report a case of an intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct mimicking a hemorrhagic hepatic cyst in a middle-aged man with large hemorrhagic hepatic cysts who experienced abdominal pain and repeated episodes of intracystic bleeding. …
- NAID 120005311818
- 前立腺癌骨転移との鑑別が困難であった骨パジェット病の1例
- 福士 謙,古家 琢也,山本 勇人,岡本 亜希子,今井 篤,畠山 真吾,米山 高弘,橋本 安弘,大山 力
- 泌尿器科紀要 59(4), 247-250, 2013-04-00
- A 61-year-old man was referred to our hospital complaining of elevated serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) (5.1 ng/ml). Histopathologic diagnosis with trans-rectal prostate biopsy specimen was adeno …
- NAID 120005244614
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- ~の真似をする、真似て馬鹿にする。そっくりにまねる。~によく似る。~に擬態する。
- 関
- imitate、mimesis、mimetic、mimicked、mimicking、mimicry
- 関
- imitate、mimesis、mimic、mimicked、mimicking、mimicry
- 関
- imitate、mimesis、mimetic、mimic、mimicked、mimicking
- 英
- mimicry、mimesis、mimic、mimetic、mimicking、mimicked
- 関
- 模倣、擬態性
- 関
- mimetic、mimic、mimicking、mimicry