- 関
- customary、habitual
- according to habit or custom; "her habitually severe expression"; "he habitually keeps his office door closed"
- exhibiting mimicry; "mimetic coloring of a butterfly"; "the mimetic tendency of infancy"- R.W.Hamilton
- characterized by or of the nature of or using mimesis; "a mimetic dance"; "the mimetic presentation of images"
- in accordance with convention or custom; "sealed the deal with the customary handshake"
- 模倣の,まねをする / 見せかけの,模擬の
- 習慣的の,通例の,しきたりの
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(行いが)『癖になった』,いつもの,常習的な / (人が)『常習の』 / (物事が)いつもの,例の
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English Journal
- Neuro-mechanical adjustments to shod versus barefoot treadmill runs in the acute and delayed stretch-shortening cycle recovery phases.
- Morio C1,2, Sevrez V2,3, Chavet P2, Berton E2, Nicol C2.
- Journal of sports sciences.J Sports Sci.2016 Apr;34(8):738-45. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2015.1069379. Epub 2015 Jul 29.
- In habitually shod recreational runners, we studied the combined influence of footwear and stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) fatigue on treadmill running pattern, paying special attention to neuro-mechanical adjustments in the acute and 2-day delayed recovery periods. The SSC exercise consisted of a se
- PMID 26222328
- Individual Responses to a Barefoot Running Program: Insight Into Risk of Injury.
- Tam N1, Tucker R2, Astephen Wilson JL3.
- The American journal of sports medicine.Am J Sports Med.2016 Mar;44(3):777-84. doi: 10.1177/0363546515620584. Epub 2016 Jan 7.
- BACKGROUND: Barefoot running is of popular interest because of its alleged benefits for runners, including reduced injury risk and increased economy of running. There is a dearth in understanding whether all runners can gain the proposed benefits of barefoot running and how barefoot running may affe
- PMID 26744483
- Metabolic characteristics of keto-adapted ultra-endurance runners.
- Volek JS1, Freidenreich DJ2, Saenz C2, Kunces LJ3, Creighton BC3, Bartley JM3, Davitt PM3, Munoz CX3, Anderson JM3, Maresh CM2, Lee EC3, Schuenke MD4, Aerni G3, Kraemer WJ2, Phinney SD5.
- Metabolism: clinical and experimental.Metabolism.2016 Mar;65(3):100-10. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2015.10.028. Epub 2015 Nov 2.
- BACKGROUND: Many successful ultra-endurance athletes have switched from a high-carbohydrate to a low-carbohydrate diet, but they have not previously been studied to determine the extent of metabolic adaptations.METHODS: Twenty elite ultra-marathoners and ironman distance triathletes performed a maxi
- PMID 26892521
Japanese Journal
- Real-time Voice Adaptation with Abstract Normalization and Sound-indexed Based Search
- 日本の水生動物に寄生するミズダニ類(Acari:Hydrachnidiae and Stygothrombiae)
- ドライビングシミュレータを用いたヒヤリハットコース走行時における安全確認行動と運転操作の分析
Related Links
- habituallyとは。意味や和訳。[副]習慣[常習]的に,いつも. - 40万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 ... 音節 ha • bit • u • al • ly 発音 həbítʃuəli | -tju
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- 関
- imitate、mimesis、mimic、mimicked、mimicking、mimicry
- 英
- habitual、customary、habitually
- 関
- 習慣性、常習性、通例
- 関
- habitual、habitually、routine
- 関
- addiction、addictive、customary、habit-forming、habitually、habituation、recidivism