- make less dense; "loosen the soil"
- make loose or looser; "loosen the tension on a rope" (同)loose
- become loose or looser or less tight; "The noose loosened"; "the rope relaxed" (同)relax, loose
- movement or space for movement; "there was too much play in the steering wheel" (同)play
- a lack of strict accuracy; laxity of practice; "misunderstandings can often be traced to a looseness of expression"
- freedom from restraint; "the flexibility and looseness of the materials from which mythology is made"
- the quality of movability by virtue of being free from attachment or other restraints
- not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting; "loose clothing"; "the large shoes were very loose"
- without restraint; "cows in India are running loose" (同)free
- (of textures) full of small openings or gaps; "an open texture"; "a loose weave" (同)open
- not tense or taut; "the old mans skin hung loose and grey"; "slack and wrinkled skin"; "slack sails"; "a slack rope" (同)slack
- (of a ball in sport) not in the possession or control of any player; "a loose ball"
- not carefully arranged in a package; "a box of loose nails"
- not compact or dense in structure or arrangement; "loose gravel"
- the act of making something less tight (同)laxation
- …‘を'『緩める』 / 〈土など〉‘を'ばらばらにする / 〈制限・規定・訓練など〉‘を'緩める / 『緩む』,ばらばらになる
- 緩いこと,ばらばらであること;散漫,締まりのなさ
- 『結んでない』,解けている,ばらの / 『解き放たれた』,自由な(free) / 『緩い』,だぶだぶの;ぐらぐらの / 『散漫な』,不正確な,あいまいな / 大ざっぱな,漠然とした / (行為などが)だらしのない,ふしだらな / (織物などが)目の粗い / …‘を'『放す』,自由にする(set free) / …‘を'緩める;〈結び目など〉‘を'解く / 〈矢・弾丸など〉‘を'放つ,発射する
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English Journal
- A preliminary study of the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound exposure on the stability of orthodontic miniscrews in growing rats.
- Miura K1, Motoyoshi M2, Inaba M1, Iwai H1, Karasawa Y1, Shimizu N1.
- European journal of orthodontics.Eur J Orthod.2014 Aug;36(4):419-24. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjt066. Epub 2013 Sep 23.
- SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Orthodontic miniscrews placed in growing subjects often loosen during orthodontic treatment. The ability to place miniscrews, regardless of age, would be clinically beneficial.OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the stability of orthodo
- PMID 24062379
- PMID 25033812
- More than one world, more than one health: Re-configuring interspecies health.
- Hinchliffe S.
- Social science & medicine (1982).Soc Sci Med.2014 Jul 4. pii: S0277-9536(14)00436-5. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.07.007. [Epub ahead of print]
- 'One World One Health' (OWOH), 'One Medicine' and 'One Health' are all injunctions to work across the domains of veterinary, human and environmental health. In large part they are institutional responses to growing concerns regarding shared health risks at the human, animal and environmental interfa
- PMID 25022470
Japanese Journal
- 83. FEM解析によるゆるみ岩盤モデル化方法の検討(その3)(斜面・地すべり(5),口頭発表)
- 59. ダム建設事例におけるゆるみ区分についての実態と考察(斜面・地すべり(1),口頭発表)
- S1170102 CFRP/金属平板締結体におけるCFRP等価剛性のゆるみ進行への影響評価([S117-01]機械要素の設計・製造・応用技術,機素潤滑設計部門)
- 年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2014, "S1170102-1"-"S1170102-3", 2014-09-07
- NAID 110009945273
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- 英
- loosen
- 関
- ゆるめる
- 英
- loosen
- 関
- ほぐす