前外側中心動脈, anterolateral central artery。レンズ核線条体動脈
- a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body (同)arteria, arterial blood vessel
- 動脈 / (道路・水路・鉄道などの)勘線,(通信の)主チャンネル
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/10 21:37:18」(JST)
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Artery: Anterolateral central arteries |
Latin |
Arteriae centrales anterolaterales |
Gray's |
p.573 |
Source |
Middle cerebral artery |
The anterolateral central arteries (antero-lateral ganglionic branches or lenticulostriate arteries) are a group of small arteries which arise at the commencement of the middle cerebral artery. They are arranged in two sets:
- one, the internal striate, passes upward through the inner segments of the lentiform nucleus, and supplies it, the caudate nucleus, and the internal capsule;
- the other, the external striate, ascends through the outer segment of the lentiform nucleus, and supplies the caudate nucleus.
More modern texts divide the anterolateral central arteries into "lateral striate arteries" and "medial striate arteries". The lenticulostriate arteries originate from the initial segment of middle cerebral artery (MCA). They are small perforating arteries, which enter the underside of the brain substance to supply blood to part of the basal ganglia and posterior limb of the internal capsule. The lenticulostriate perforators are end arteries.
The name of these arteries is derived from some of the structures it supplies: the lenticular nucleus and the striatum.
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
External links
- MedEd at Loyola Neuro/neurovasc/navigation/mcall.htm
- http://www.dartmouth.edu/~humananatomy/part_8/chapter_43.html
List of arteries of head and neck (TA A12.2.05–08, GA 6.549)
CC |
sup. thyroid
- superior laryngeal
- sternocleidomastoid branch
- infrahyoid branch
- cricothyroid branch
- glandular branches
asc. pharyngeal
- posterior meningeal
- pharyngeal branches
- inferior tympanic
- suprahyoid
- dorsal lingual
- deep lingual
- sublingual
- cervical branches (ascending palatine, tonsillar, submental, glandular)
- facial branches (inferior labial
- superior labial / nasal septum
- lateral nasal
- angular)
- sternocleidomastoid
- meningeal
- occipital
- auricular
- descending
post. auricular
- stylomastoid
- stapedial
- auricular
- occipital
- Parotid
sup. temporal
- transverse facial
- middle temporal (zygomatico-orbital)
- anterior auricular
- frontal
- parietal
1st part / mandibular
- anterior tympanic
- deep auricular
- middle meningeal (superior tympanic, petrosal)
- accessory meningeal
- inferior alveolar (mental, mylohyoid)
2nd part / pterygoid
- to muscles of mastication (deep temporal, pterygoid, masseteric)
- buccal
3rd part / pterygopalatine
- posterior superior alveolar
- infraorbital (anterior superior alveolar)
- descending palatine (greater palatine, lesser palatine)
- artery of the pterygoid canal
- sphenopalatine (posterior septal branches, posterior lateral nasal)
- pharyngeal
- orbital group:anterior ethmoidal (anterior septal, anterior lateral nasal, anterior meningeal)
- posterior ethmoidal
- lacrimal (lateral palpebral)
- medial palpebral
- terminal (supraorbital, supratrochlear, dorsal nasal)
ocular group: central retinal
- ciliary (short posterior, long posterior, anterior)
- hypophysial (superior, inferior)
- ACA (anterior communicating, medial striate)
- MCA (anterolateral central, Orbitofrontal artery, Prefrontal artery, Superior terminal branch, Inferior terminal branch, Anterior temporal branch)
- posterior communicating
- anterior choroidal
SC |
vertebral artery
- meningeal
- spinal (posterior, anterior)
- basilar: pontine
- labyrinthine
- cerebellar (AICA, SCA, PICA)
- cerebral (PCA)
thyrocervical trunk
inferior thyroid
- inferior laryngeal
- tracheal
- esophageal
- ascending cervical
- pharyngeal
- glandular branches
transverse cervical
- superficial branch
- deep branch / dorsal scapular
costocervical trunk
- deep cervical
- Supreme Intercostal artery
anat (a:h/u/t/a/l,v:h/u/t/a/l)/phys/devp/cell/prot
noco/syva/cong/lyvd/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C2s+n/3/4/5/7/8/9)
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Related Links
- The anterolateral central arteries, antero-lateral ganglionic branches, or lenticulostriate arteries, are a group of small arteries which arise at the ... The lenticulostriate arteries originate from the initial segment of middle cerebral artery (MCA). ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- anterolateral central artery (N)
- 同
- レンズ核線条体動脈 lenticulostriate artery (KH)
- 関
- 外側線条体動脈 lateral striate artery, 内側線条体動脈 medial striate artery。シャルコー脳出血動脈、ウィリス動脈輪
- 前外側中心動脈=外側線条体動脈 lateral striate artery+内側線条体動脈 medial striate artery
- http://www4.ocn.ne.jp/~etrt/15yms.htm
- [show details]
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- lateral striate artery
- 関
- [[]]
前外側中心動脈, anterolateral central artery = lenticulostriate artery