- 関
- lateral band、lateral funiculus
- anything that approximates the shape of a column or tower; "the test tube held a column of white powder"; "a tower of dust rose above the horizon"; "a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite" (同)tower, pillar
- a vertical glass tube used in column chromatography; a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands (同)chromatography column
- (architecture) a tall vertical cylindrical structure standing upright and used to support a structure (同)pillar
- a vertical cylindrical structure standing alone and not supporting anything (such as a monument) (同)pillar
- an article giving opinions or perspectives (同)editorial, newspaper column
- a line of units following one after another
- a page or text that is vertically divided; "the newspaper devoted several columns to the subject"; "the bookkeeper used pages that were divided into columns"
- a vertical array of numbers or other information; "he added a column of numbers"
- any tubular or pillar-like supporting structure in the body
- lying away from the median and sagittal plane of a body; "lateral lemniscus"
- situated at or extending to the side; "the lateral branches of a tree"; "shot out sidelong boughs"- Tennyson (同)sidelong
- comparative of the adverb `late; "he stayed later than you did"
- coming at a subsequent time or stage; "without ulterior argument"; "the mood posterior to" (同)ulterior, posterior
- having or resembling columns; having columns of a specified kind (often used as a combining form); "a columned portico"; "trees with columned trunks"; "white-columned houses"
- (柱頭・台座のついた)『円柱』 / (…の)『円柱状の物』,柱《+『of』+『名』》 / (新聞などの)『欄』,段;(積み重ねた数字の)縦行;(印刷の)縦段 / コラム(署名した筆者による定期的寄稿欄) / (軍隊の)縦隊;(艦船・飛行機などの)縦列
- 横の,側面の;横からの / (音声が)側音の / 側面,(道路の)側溝(そっこう) / 側音(英語の[1]など)
- 《補語にのみ用いて》(人などが)(…するのが)『もっと遅い』《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (時刻・時期が)『もっと遅い』,もっと後の / 後で,のちほど / (lateの比較級)(定刻・予定時間・他の人(物))より遅れて,遅く
- 円柱のある
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/05/19 15:01:20」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Lateral horn |
A spinal nerve with its anterior and posterior roots. (Lateral column labeled at top.) |
Transverse section of the medulla spinalis in the mid-thoracic region. (Lateral column labeled at center right.) |
Latin |
cornu laterale medullae spinalis |
Gray's |
subject #185 753 |
In the thoracic region, the postero-lateral part of the anterior column projects lateralward as a triangular field, which is named the lateral column (lateral cornu, lateral horn).
Nerve Cells in the Lateral Column
These form a column (the intermediolateral cell column) which is best marked where the lateral gray column is differentiated, viz., in the thoracic region; but it can be traced throughout the entire length of the medulla spinalis (aka: spinal cord) in the form of groups of small cells which are situated in the anterior part of the formatio reticularis. The intermediolateral cell column exists at vertebral levels T1 - L2 and mediates the entire sympathetic innervation of the body. Preganglionic, myelinated GVA fibers from viscera course through prevertebral and paravertebral (sympathetic) ganglia, white rami and dorsal roots to synapse with cells of the intermediolateral cell column. These cells then give rise to preganglionic GVE fibers which will pass through ventral spinal roots, white rami, and into paravertebral ganglia where some will synapse, thus sending unmyelinated, postganglionic fibers through gray rami and into peripheral nerves. Those fibers that do not synapse in the paravertebral ganglia will eventually synapse at prevertebral ganglia near target viscera. Postganglionic neurons in the prevertebral ganglia send postganglionic fibers to target tissues.
In the upper part of the cervical region and lower part of the medulla oblongata as well as in the third and fourth sacral segments this column is again differentiated.
In the medulla it is known as the lateral nucleus.
The cells of this column are fusiform or star-shaped, and of a medium size: the axons of some of them pass into the anterior nerve roots, by which they are carried to the sympathetic nerves: they constitute the white rami and are sympathetic or visceral efferent fibers; they are also known as preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic system; the axons of others pass into the anterior and lateral funiculi, where they become longitudinal.
This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.
Anatomy of torso (primarily): the spinal cord (TA 14.1.02, GA 9.749)
External, dorsal |
Posterior median sulcus · Posterolateral sulcus
Grey matter/
Rexed laminae |
I–VI: Posterior horn
I: Marginal nucleus · II: Substantia gelatinosa of Rolando · III+IV: Nucleus proprius · Spinal lamina V · Spinal lamina VI
VII: Lateral horn
Intermediolateral nucleus · Posterior thoracic nucleus
VIII–IX: Anterior horn
Interneuron · Alpha motor neuron (Onuf's nucleus)
X: Other
Central gelatinous substance · Gray commissure
Central canal · Terminal ventricle
White matter |
Posterior/PCML: touch: Gracile · Cuneate
Lateral: proprioception: Spinocerebellar (Dorsal, Ventral) · pain/temp: Spinothalamic (Lateral, Anterior) · Posterolateral (Lissauer) · Spinotectal
Spinoreticular tract · Spino-olivary tract
Lateral: Corticospinal (Lateral) · Ep (Rubrospinal, Olivospinal)
Anterior: Corticospinal (Anterior) · Ep (Vestibulospinal, Reticulospinal, Tectospinal)
Anterior white commissure
External, ventral |
Anterior median fissure · Anterolateral sulcus
External, general |
Cervical enlargement · Lumbar enlargement · Conus medullaris · Filum terminale · Cauda equina
noco(m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug(N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
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- 関
- lateral band、lateral column
- 同
- 側索
- 英
- ()
- 英
- lateral column
- 関
- 側角《脊髄の》
- 関
- aspect、external、externally、flanking、laterale、lateralis、laterally、outer、outside、profile、side、sided、sidedness