- 関
- larvae、larval、maggot、tadpole
- the immature free-living form of most invertebrates and amphibians and fish which at hatching from the egg is fundamentally unlike its parent and must metamorphose
- relating to or typical of a larva; "the larval eye"
- immature of its kind; especially being or characteristic of immature insects in the newly hatched wormlike feeding stage; "larval societies"; "larval crayfishes"; "the larval stage"
- the larva of the housefly and blowfly commonly found in decaying organic matter
- a larval frog or toad (同)polliwog, pollywog
- an insecticide that kills the larvae of insects
- (昆虫の)幼虫(青虫など) / (動物の)幼生(オタマジャクシなど)
- 幼虫の
- ウジ(ハエなどの幼虫)
- オタマジャクシ
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For other uses, see Larva (disambiguation).
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (February 2015) |
Larva of
Papilio xuthus, butterfly
A larva (plural larvae ) is a distinct juvenile form many animals undergo before metamorphosis into adults. Animals with indirect development such as insects, amphibians, or cnidarians typically have a larval phase of their life cycle.
The larva's appearance is generally very different from the adult form (e.g. caterpillars and butterflies). A larva often has unique structures and organs that do not occur in the adult form, while their diet might be considerably different.
Larvae are frequently adapted to environments separate from adults. For example, some larvae such as tadpoles live almost exclusively in aquatic environments, but can live outside water as adult frogs. By living in a distinct environment, larvae may be given shelter from predators and reduce competition for resources with the adult population.
Animals in the larval stage will consume food to fuel their transition into the adult form.[citation needed] In some species like barnacles, adults are immobile but their larvae are mobile, and use their mobile larval form to distribute themselves.
Some larvae are dependent on adults to feed them. In many eusocial Hymenoptera species, the larvae are fed by female workers. In R. marginata the males are also capable of feeding larvae but they are much less efficient, spending more time and getting less food to the larvae.[1]
The larvae of some species (for example, some newts) can become pubescent and do not develop further into the adult form. This is a type of neoteny.
Eurosta solidaginis Goldenrod Gall Fly larva
It is a misunderstanding that the larval form always reflects the group's evolutionary history. This could be the case, but often the larval stage has evolved secondarily, as in insects. In these cases the larval form may differ more than the adult form from the group's common origin.[citation needed]
- 1 Selected types of larvae
- 2 See also
- 3 References
- 4 External links
- 5 Bibliography
Selected types of larvae
Animal |
Name of larva |
Cnidarians |
planula, actinula |
Crustacea: Decapoda |
zoea |
Insecta: Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) |
caterpillar |
Insecta: Beetles |
grub |
Insecta: Flies, Bees, Wasps |
maggot |
Insecta: Mosquitoes |
wriggler |
Certain molluscs, annelids, nemerteans and sipunculids |
trochophore |
Certain molluscs |
veliger |
Mollusca: freshwater Bivalvia (mussels) |
glochidium |
Petromyzontiformes (lamprey) |
ammocoete |
Fish (generally) |
larva |
Fish: Anguilliformes (eels) |
leptocephalus |
Amphibians |
tadpole, polliwog |
Phoronids |
actinotroch |
Porifera (sponges) |
coeloblastula larvae (= blastula larvae), parenchymula (= parenchymella), amphiblastula |
Cycliophora |
pandora, chordoid larva |
Nemertea |
pilidium, Iwata larva, Desor larva |
Hemichordata |
tornaria |
Acanthocephala |
acanthor |
Ctenophora |
cydippid larvae |
Deuterostomes |
dipleurula (hypothetical larva) |
Arthropoda: Xiphosura |
euproöps larva ("trilobite larva") |
Platyhelminthes |
Götte’s larva, Müller's larva, miracidium, oncomiracidium, coracidium |
Locifera |
Higgins larva |
Dicyemida |
infusoriform larva |
Brachiopoda |
lobate larva |
Priapula |
loricate larva |
Crustaceans |
nauplius, metanauplius, protozoea, antizoea, pseudozoea, zoea, postlarva, cypris, primary larva, mysis |
Arthropoda: †Trilobita |
protaspis (unjointed), meraspis (increasing number of joints, but 1 less than the holaspis), holaspis (=adult)[2] |
Arthropoda: Pycnogonida |
protonymphon |
Urochordata |
tadpole (does not feed, technically a "swimming embryo") |
Echinodermata |
bipinnaria, vitellaria, brachiollaria, pluteus, ophiopluteus, echinopluteus, auricularia |
Nematomorpha |
nematomorphan larva |
Sipuncula |
pelagosphera larva |
Annelida |
nectochaeta, polytroch |
Ectoprocta |
cyphonautes, vesiculariform larvae |
Heterocyemida |
Wagener's larva |
Nematoda |
Dauer larva |
See also
- Crustacean larvae
- Ichthyoplankton
- Spawn (biology)
- Ecdysis
- Instar, intermediate between each ecdysis
- Other non-larval juveniles (immature forms):
- Paralarva, young cephalopods
- Nymphs and naiads, immature forms in hemimetabolous insects
- Subimago, a juvenile that resembles the adult in Ephemeroptera
- Pupa and chrysalis, intermediate between larva and imago
- Imago, final stage
- Marine larval ecology
- ^ Sen, R; Gadagkar, R (2006). "Males of the social wasp Ropalidia marginata can feed larvae, given an opportunity". Animal Behavior 71: 345–350. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2005.04.022.
- ^ Moore, R.C. (1959). Arthropoda I - Arthropoda General Features, Proarthropoda, Euarthropoda General Features, Trilobitomorpha. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part O. Boulder, Colorado/Lawrence, Kansas: Geological Society of America/University of Kansas Press. pp. O121, O122, O125. ISBN 0-8137-3015-5.
External links
- Media related to Larva at Wikimedia Commons
- The dictionary definition of larva at Wiktionary
- Arenas-Mena, C. (2010) Indirect development, transdifferentiation and the macroregulatory evolution of metazoans. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Feb 27, 2010 Vol.365 no.1540 653-669
- Brusca, R. C., & Brusca, G. J. (2003). Invertebrates (2nd ed.). Sunderland, Mass. : Sinauer Associates.
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- larva、larvae、larval
- 関
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内臓幼虫移行症 VLM