- sweeten with sugar; "sugar your tea" (同)saccharify
- a white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative (同)refined sugar
- a thick sweet sticky liquid (同)sirup
- change into an isomer (同)isomerise
- cause to change into an isomer (同)isomerise
- with sweetening added (同)sweetened, sweet, sweet-flavored
- 〈U〉砂糖 / 〈C〉(1個・さじ1杯の)砂糖 / 〈U〉庶糖 / 《話》(恋人に対して呼び掛けて)ねえ / …‘に'砂糖を混ぜる(かける);…‘に'砂糖を加えて甘くする
- シロップ(砂糖や果汁を煮詰めて作る甘い汁) / (薬用の)シロップ剤
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English Journal
- Conversion of glucose in lactase-hydrolyzed whey permeate to fructose with immobilized glucose isomerase.
- Chiu CP, Kosikowski FV.AbstractThe maximum conversion of glucose to fructose in lactase-hydrolyzed whey permeate by glucose isomerase was approximately 52% at .1 g enzyme/ml substrate after 7 h incubation at 60 degrees C. Removal of minerals from the substrate was essential for enzyme activity. The dependence of the enzyme on Mg++ and Co++ for activity in the presence of high ash concentration was demonstrated. Optimum Mg++ and Co++ additions were 250 and 100 ppm, respectively. The isomerization reaction was enhanced more when both 100 ppm Mg++ and 50 ppm Co++ were added. Hydrolyzed isomerized lactose whey syrup with sweetness equivalent to sucrose was successfully produced through enzymatic isomerization of glucose in lactase-hydrolyzed whey permeate after supplementation with pure glucose. Fructose in hydrolyzed isomerized lactose whey syrup was effectively separated from other sugars by Dowex 1X8-200 anion exchange resin in the bisulfite form.
- Journal of dairy science.J Dairy Sci.1986 Apr;69(4):959-64.
- The maximum conversion of glucose to fructose in lactase-hydrolyzed whey permeate by glucose isomerase was approximately 52% at .1 g enzyme/ml substrate after 7 h incubation at 60 degrees C. Removal of minerals from the substrate was essential for enzyme activity. The dependence of the enzyme on Mg+
- PMID 3088075
Japanese Journal
- わが国における異性化糖の消費動向と食品表示に関わる栄養指導上の課題
- 河崎 美緒,瀧田 裕美,山口 迪夫
- 実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 39, 58-61, 2002-03-29
- … Nutritional problems on the consumption trend and food labeling regulation of isomerized sugar (isomerized glucose syrup composed of fructose approximately by half) in Japan were investigated with reference to those of ordinary sugars (mainly cane and beet sugars). …
- NAID 110001716242
- でん粉に関連した食品用低分子糖質 (糖質--その反応,合成,機能および利用特集号)
- 三輪 泰造
- 有機合成化学協会誌 42(6), 597-601, 1984
- … Besides dextrose and syrup, at present, isomerized syrups, maltitol, cyclodextrins, coupling sugar and maltooligosaccharides are utilized and employed for other many purposes. …
- NAID 130000930750
Related Links
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- 英
- isomerized sugar syrup
- 関
- carbohydrate、glucide、glyco
- 関
- isomerization
- 関
- corn syrup、liquid sugar syrup
- 関
- molasses