- 関
- immediate、immediately、moment、momentary、realtime
- in or of the present month; "your letter of the 10th inst" (同)inst
- of the present time and place; "the immediate revisions"
- performed with little or no delay; "an immediate reply to my letter"; "a prompt reply"; "was quick to respond"; "a straightaway denial" (同)prompt, quick, straightaway
- having no intervening medium; "an immediate influence"
- immediately before or after as in a chain of cause and effect; "the immediate result"; "the immediate cause of the trouble"
- a particular point in time; "the moment he arrived the party began" (同)minute, second, instant
- an indefinitely short time; "wait just a moment"; "in a mo"; "it only takes a minute"; "in just a bit" (同)mo, minute, second, bit
- a turning force produced by an object acting at a distance (or a measure of that force)
- the n-th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n-th power of the deviations from a fixed value
- near or close by; "he passed immediately behind her"
- without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening; "he answered immediately"; "found an answer straightaway"; "an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith"; "Come here now!" (同)instantly, straightaway, straight off, directly, now, right away, at once, forthwith, like a shot
- bearing an immediate relation; "this immediately concerns your future"
- represent by an instance; "This word instantiates the usage that the linguists claimed to be typical for a certain dialect"
- find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word); "The linguists could not instantiate this sense of the noun that he claimed existed in a certain dialect"
- 『一瞬の間』,瞬間(moment) / 《the,this,thatなどを伴って》(…の)ちょうどその瞬間,まさに(…の)時 / 『即時の』,すぐの,即刻の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『急の』,緊急の(urgent) / 『即席の』,インスタント[料理]の / 《古》今月の
- 『即座の』,即時の / 当座の,当面の / (時間・空間的に)すぐ近くの / 直接の,じかの(direct)
- 〈C〉『瞬間』,瞬時 / 〈C〉《単違形で》(特定の)『時期』,機会,場合 / 《the moment》今,現在 / 〈U〉『重要』,重大(importance) / 〈C〉《単数形で》(物理・機械で)モーメント,運動率
- 『ただちに』,即座に / 直接に,じかに(directly) / …するや否や(as soon as)
- 『瞬時の』,はかない,つかの間の / 《ややまれ》刻々の
- (テレビのスポーツ実況中継などで)直前の場面のビデオ再生
- 『ただちに』 / …するやいなや(as soon as, directly)
- すぐに,ただちに(instantly)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/01 01:26:08」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
An instant is an infinitesimal moment in time, a moment whose passage is instantaneous.
The continuous nature of time and its infinite divisibility was addressed by Aristotle in his Physics, where he wrote on Zeno's paradoxes. The philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell was still seeking to define the exact nature of an instant thousands of years later.[1]
In physics, a theoretical lower-bound unit of time called the Planck time has been proposed, that being the time required for light to travel a distance of 1 Planck length.[2] The Planck time is theorized to be the smallest time measurement that will ever be possible,[3] roughly 10−43 seconds. Within the framework of the laws of physics as they are understood today, for times less than one Planck time apart, we can neither measure nor detect any change. As of May 2010[update], the smallest time interval that was directly measured was on the order of 12 attoseconds (12 × 10−18 seconds),[4] about 1024 times larger than the Planck time. It is therefore physically impossible, with current technology, to determine if any action exists that causes a reaction in "an instant", rather than a reaction occurring after an interval of time too short to observe or measure.
See also
- ^ W. Newton-Smith (1984), "The Russellian construction of instants", The structure of time, Routledge, p. 129, ISBN 978-0-7102-0389-2
- ^ "Big Bang models back to Planck time". Georgia State University. 19 June 2005.
- ^ "Planck Time". COSMOS - The SAO Encyclopedia of Astronomy. Swinburne University.
- ^ "12 attoseconds is the world record for shortest controllable time".
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- 早速の、即座の、即時の。現在に近い。現在の。
- 直接の(direct)、じかの。すぐとなりの、隣接した、(関係などが)一番近い、直近の。直接関係する。
- 関
- direct、directly、fast-acting、immediate-type、immediately、instant、realtime、straightforward
- 英
- immediate、instant、realtime、immediately
- 関
- 実時間、即時型、速効性、直接、リアルタイム、瞬間、直ちに、すぐに
- 関
- immediate、instant、now、readily、realtime、shortly、soon
- 関
- immediate、immediately、instant、real time、real-time
- 関
- hour、hr、instant、momentary、time
- 関
- immediate effect、instantaneously
- 関
- instantaneous
- 関
- embodiment、embody、somatization