- 関
- infectivity titre
- the concentration of a solution as determined by titration (同)titre
- 軽打 / しっぺい返しとして
- =titmouse
- 乳首;乳房
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English Journal
- Culture-independent evaluation of nonenveloped-virus infectivity reduced by free-chlorine disinfection.
- Sano D1, Ohta T2, Nakamura A2, Nakagomi T3, Nakagomi O3, Okabe S2.
- Applied and environmental microbiology.Appl Environ Microbiol.2015 Apr 15;81(8):2819-26. doi: 10.1128/AEM.03802-14. Epub 2015 Feb 13.
- The inability of molecular detection methods to distinguish disinfected virions from infectious ones has hampered the assessment of infectivity for enteric viruses caused by disinfection practices. In the present study, the reduction of infectivity of murine norovirus S7-PP3 and mengovirus vMC0, sur
- PMID 25681178
- A(H7N9) Virus Results in Early Induction of Proinflammatory Cytokine Responses in both Human Lung Epithelial and Endothelial Cells and Shows Increased Human Adaptation Compared with Avian H5N1 Virus.
- Zeng H1, Belser JA1, Goldsmith CS2, Gustin KM1, Veguilla V1, Katz JM1, Tumpey TM3.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2015 Apr 15;89(8):4655-67. doi: 10.1128/JVI.03095-14. Epub 2015 Feb 11.
- Similar to H5N1 viruses, A(H7N9) influenza viruses have been associated with severe respiratory disease and fatal outcomes in humans. While high viral load, hypercytokinemia, and pulmonary endothelial cell involvement are known to be hallmarks of H5N1 virus infection, the pathogenic mechanism of the
- PMID 25673714
- Antibody Titer Has Positive Predictive Value for Vaccine Protection against Challenge with Natural Antigenic-Drift Variants of H5N1 High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses from Indonesia.
- Swayne DE1, Suarez DL2, Spackman E2, Jadhao S2, Dauphin G3, Kim-Torchetti M3, McGrane J4, Weaver J4, Daniels P5, Wong F5, Selleck P5, Wiyono A6, Indriani R6, Yupiana Y7, Sawitri Siregar E8, Prajitno T9, Smith D10, Fouchier R11.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2015 Apr 1;89(7):3746-62. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00025-15. Epub 2015 Jan 21.
- Vaccines are used in integrated control strategies to protect poultry against H5N1 high-pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI). H5N1 HPAI was first reported in Indonesia in 2003, and vaccination was initiated in 2004, but reports of vaccine failures began to emerge in mid-2005. This study investigated
- PMID 25609805
Japanese Journal
- イムノクロマト法を原理とする種々のアデノウイルス迅速抗原検出キットの,ウイルス検出感度の比較
- 大宮 卓,佐々木 純一,西村 秀一
- 医学検査 64(3), 319-323, 2015
- アデノウイルス感染症の診断補助を目的に日常的に検査室で使われている6社のイムノクロマトグラフィーを原理とした迅速抗原検出キット(クイックナビ,クイックチェイサー,イムノカード,ベリター,プライムチェック,イムノエース)について,アデノウイルス1型から7型までの7株に11型の1株を加えた8株の標準株ウイルス保存液を用いて検出感度を比較した。反応が陽性になるウイルス液の最大希釈度をもとに各キットについ …
- NAID 130005087806
- 伊藤 守弘イトウ モリヒロIto Morihiro,久保田 弘通クボタ ヒロミチKubota Hiromichi,岡田 慶オカダ ケイOkada Kei,吉川 大貴ヨシカワ ヒロキYoshikawa Hiroki,内藤 雄二ナイトウ ユウジNaitoh Yuji,竹内 環タケウチ タマキTakeuchi Tamaki,上田 ゆみ子ウエダ ユミコUeda Yumiko,伊藤 康彦イトウ ヤスヒコIto Yasuhiko
- 総合工学 26, 72-76, 2014-03
- … We dropped a solution containing influenza viruses (titer) to the fabrics, and then recovered the solution from the fabrics. … Subsequently, the infectivity titers of the solution were measured by using the MDCK cells. … The infectivity titters of the solution recovered from the normal cotton tissues and those from the antivirus fabrics were 3.2 X 105 and 8.6 X 102, respectively. …
- NAID 120005428825
- A new approach for evaluating the infectivity of noncultivatable enteric viruses without cell culture
- Tojo Kazuki,Sano Daisuke,Miura Takayuki,Nakagomi Toyoko,Nakagomi Osamu,Okabe Satoshi
- Water Science & Technology 67(10), 2236-2240, 2013
- … This study developed a novel approach for evaluating the infectivity of enteric viruses without cell culture. … Rotavirus was treated with free chlorine at an initial concentration of 0.3 mg/L for 3 min, and the log reduction in the infectious titer was 0.19 log (standard deviation, SD = 0.05). … These results showed that the proposed approach could discriminate a 0.19 log infectivity-reduced population from an intact population, although no reduction in the amplicon copy number was observed. …
- NAID 120005358932
Related Links
- 1. Hum Gene Ther. 2004 Oct;15(10):976-88. Factors influencing the titer and infectivity of lentiviral vectors. Logan AC, Nightingale SJ, Haas DL, Cho GJ, Pepper KA, Kohn DB. Lentiviral vectors have undergone several ...
- Virus Infectivity Titer Viral infectivity is defined as the number of virus particles capable to invade a host cell. This is determined by using susceptible cells to the specific virus by measuring the viral infectivity. The viral titer can be ...
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- 英
- infectivity titer、((英))infectivity titre
- 関
- infectivity titer
- 関
- contagion、contagious、infectiosity、infectious、infectiousness、infective、transmissibility、transmissible