- 関
- contagious、infectiosity、infectious、infective、infectivity、transmissibility、transmissible
- of or relating to infection; "infectious hospital"; "infectious disease"
- caused by infection or capable of causing infection; "viruses and other infective agents"; "a carrier remains infective without himself showing signs of the disease" (同)infective
- easily spread; "fear is exceedingly infectious; children catch it from their elders"- Bertrand Russell
- easily diffused or spread as from one person to another; "a contagious grin"
- able to cause disease; "infective agents"; "pathogenic bacteria" (同)morbific, pathogenic
- (病気が)伝染する,伝染性の / (影響などが)感化しやすい,うつりやすい
- (病気が)接触伝染性の / 《補語にのみ用いて》(人が)伝染病の原因になる,伝染病を広げる / すぐ広がる,移りやすい
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English Journal
- Microcavia australis (Caviidae, Rodentia), a new highly competent host of Trypanosoma cruzi I in rural communities of northwestern Argentina.
- Cecere MC1, Cardinal MV2, Arrabal JP3, Moreno C4, Gürtler RE2.
- Acta tropica.Acta Trop.2015 Feb;142:34-40. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2014.10.019. Epub 2014 Nov 3.
- Rodents are well-known hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi but little is known on the role of some caviomorph rodents. We assessed the occurrence and prevalence of T. cruzi infection in Microcavia australis ("southern mountain, desert or small cavy") and its infectiousness to the vector Triatoma infestans in
- PMID 25447830
- Experimental study of the relationship between Plasmodium gametocyte density and infection success in mosquitoes; implications for the evaluation of malaria transmission-reducing interventions.
- Da DF1, Churcher TS2, Yerbanga RS3, Yaméogo B3, Sangaré I1, Ouedraogo JB3, Sinden RE4, Blagborough AM5, Cohuet A6.
- Experimental parasitology.Exp Parasitol.2015 Feb;149:74-83. doi: 10.1016/j.exppara.2014.12.010. Epub 2014 Dec 23.
- The evaluation of transmission reducing interventions (TRI) to control malaria widely uses membrane feeding assays. In such assays, the intensity of Plasmodium infection in the vector might affect the measured efficacy of the candidates to block transmission. Gametocyte density in the host blood is
- PMID 25541384
- The dual effects of root-cap exudates on nematodes: from quiescence in plant-parasitic nematodes to frenzy in entomopathogenic nematodes.
- Hiltpold I1, Jaffuel G2, Turlings TC2.
- Journal of experimental botany.J Exp Bot.2015 Feb;66(2):603-11. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru345. Epub 2014 Aug 27.
- To defend themselves against herbivores and pathogens, plants produce numerous secondary metabolites, either constitutively or de novo in response to attacks. An intriguing constitutive example is the exudate produced by certain root-cap cells that can induce a state of reversible quiescence in plan
- PMID 25165149
Japanese Journal
- タイのアフリカナマズClarias gariepinus卵から分離された淡水性卵菌類
- 水産増殖 60(2), 269-276, 2012-06
- NAID 40019368109
- 藤野 忠彦,布施川 久恵,西海 麻依,大久保 泰之,柿崎 徹,前島 潔,杉森 裕樹
- 結核 83(8), 567-572, 2008-08-15
- 〔目的〕結核症例の排菌停止までの期間を調べ,入院期間を決定する要因について検討を行った。〔研究対象〕1996年1月1日より2003年12月31日までの8年間に,旧国立療養所神奈川病院(現,独立行政法人国立病院機構神奈川病院)結核病棟に入院した確実診断例1260例を研究対象とした。〔結果〕入院時大量排菌例(塗抹検査G9〜10)の排菌停止までの期間は3カ月(median),[3.9カ月(mean)], …
- NAID 10025688852
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- communicability、communicable、epidemic、infectiosity、infectious、infectiousness、infective、infectivity、transmissibility、transmissible
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- communicability、communicable、contagious、epidemic、infectiosity、infectiousness、infective、infectivity、transmissibility、transmissible
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- communicability, communicable, contagious, epidemic, infectiosity, infectious, infectiousness, infective, infectivity, spreading, transferable, transmissibility
- 英
- infectivity、transmissibility、infectiousness、infectiosity、infectious、infective、transmissible、contagious
- 関
- 感染力、伝染性、伝達性、伝播性
- 関
- contagion、contagious、infectiosity、infectious、infectiousness、infective、infectivity、spreading、transmissible