- 関
- hypogastric、lower abdomen
- the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of' (同)neighborhood
- the extended spatial location of something; "the farming regions of France"; "religions in all parts of the world"; "regions of outer space" (同)part
- a knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about; "it was a limited realm of discourse"; "here we enter the region of opinion"; "the realm of the occult" (同)realm
- a large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth; "penguins inhabit the polar regions"
- (地理的な)『地域』,『地帯』;(特に広大な)地方 / 《複数形で》(宇宙などの)区分,界,属 / (身体の)部分 / (学問などの)分野,領域 / 《複数形で》(都会から離れた)地方
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/24 05:59:58」(JST)
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This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (September 2011) |
Hypogastrium |
Surface lines of the front of the thorax and abdomen.
Front view of the thoracic and abdominal viscera. a. Median plane. b b. Lateral planes. c c. Trans tuberculllar plane. d d. Subcostal plane. e e. Transpyloric plane.
Latin |
regio hypogastrica, regio pubica |
Gray's |
p.1149 |
The hypogastrium (alternative names including hypogastric region, pubic region and suprapubic region) is an area of the human abdomen located below the navel. The pubis bone constitutes its lower limit.
External links
- Abdominal Viscera Basics - Page 1 of 10 anatomy module at med.umich.edu
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
Superficial axial anatomy and general regions (TA A01.2.01–06, GA 12.1287)
Head |
Neck |
- Anterior of the neck
- Muscular
- Carotid
- Submandibular
- Submental
- Posterior of the neck
- Suboccipital
Thorax |
- Triangle of auscultation
- axillary folds
- Clavipectoral triangle
- Inframammary fold
Abdomen/pelvis |
- Epigastrium
- Hypochondrium
- Umbilical region
- Latus
- Hypogastrium
- Inguinal region
- McBurney's point
- Desjardins' point
- Traube's space
Perineal |
- Anal triangle
- Urogenital triangle
General anatomy: systems and organs, regional anatomy, planes and lines, superficial axial anatomy, superficial anatomy of limbs
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English Journal
- [Normal abdominal ultrasound anatomy. Examination procedure].
- Salcedo Joven I1, Segura Grau A2, Rodríguez Lorenzo A3, Segura Cabral JM4.
- Semergen / Sociedad Española de Medicina Rural y Generalista.Semergen.2014 May-Jun;40(4):205-10. doi: 10.1016/j.semerg.2013.11.009. Epub 2014 Apr 18.
- To carry out an abdominal ultrasound examination with the highest degree of accuracy and thoroughness, it is essential to have a good knowledge of the anatomy and the normal measurements of the different organs. In this way, we can determine their normal condition and identify the pathology and its
- PMID 24746380
- The current management of isolated degenerative femoral artery aneurysms is too aggressive for their natural history.
- Lawrence PF1, Harlander-Locke MP2, Oderich GS3, Humphries MD4, Landry GJ5, Ballard JL6, Abularrage CJ7; Vascular Low-Frequency Disease Consortium.
- Journal of vascular surgery.J Vasc Surg.2014 Feb;59(2):343-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2013.08.090.
- BACKGROUND: Previous studies have combined anastomotic, catheter-induced, and atherosclerotic isolated femoral artery aneurysms (FAAs) to achieve adequate numbers for analysis and have recommended repair of asymptomatic FAAs with diameters ≥2.5 cm and all symptomatic FAAs. This study evaluated the
- PMID 24461859
- Tuberculosis of the pubic symphysis: four unusual cases and literature review.
- Lal H1, Jain VK, Kannan S.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2013 Oct;471(10):3372-80. doi: 10.1007/s11999-013-3037-0. Epub 2013 May 14.
- BACKGROUND: The incidence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) has increased in the chemotherapeutic era owing to the increasing presence of immunodeficiency disorders. Pubic symphysis TB, although uncommon, is again important as these infections once were in the prechemotherapeutic era.CASE DESCRIPT
- PMID 23670672
Japanese Journal
- 金沢大学皮膚科における最近16年間の乳房外 Paget 病の統計
- 山田 瑞貴,藤本 晃英,竹原 和彦,八田 尚人
- Skin cancer : official organ of the Japanese Society for Skin Cancer = 皮膚悪性腫瘍研究会機関誌 20(3), 311-317, 2006-02-15
- … Fifty patients had lesions on the genital area, 3 on the perianal region, 1 on the hypogastric region, and 4 on the axilla. …
- NAID 10019606707
- 2A1-A07 患者着用型腹腔鏡把持マニピュレータの提案
- 谷口 和弘,西川 敦,関本 貢嗣,瀧口 修司,関 洋介,安井 昌義,門田 守人,宮崎 文夫
- ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2006, "2A1-A07(1)"-"2A1-A07(4)", 2006
- … To solve these problems, we propose a novel wearable laparoscope manipulator which is put on the surface of the patient's hypogastric region, using a parallel mechanism and artificial muscles. …
- NAID 110008693915
- c-kit遺伝子exon9に変異を認めたメシル酸イマチニブ耐性腸間膜gastrointestinal stromal tumorの1例
- 須藤 隆之,菅井 有,上杉 憲幸,幅野 渉,中村 眞一,斎藤 和好
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 38(2), 208-213, 2005-02-01
- 症例は58歳の男性で,平成14年7月27日腹部膨満感があり近医を受診した.精査にて腸間膜腫瘍と診断,9月12日腫瘍摘出,右半結腸切除,小腸切除術を施行.病理組織学的所見は紡錘形腫瘍細胞が束状に増殖していた.免疫組織学的検査にてc-kit染色陽性で,腸間膜gastroin-testinal stromal tumor(GIST)の診断となる.10月27日よりメシル酸イマチニブ400mg/日投与開始. …
- NAID 10015445444
Related Links
- Definition of hypogastric region in the Medical Dictionary. hypogastric region explanation. Information about hypogastric region in Free online English dictionary. What is hypogastric region? Meaning of hypogastric region medical term.
- The hypogastrium (alternative names including hypogastric region, pubic region and suprapubic region) is an area of the human abdomen located below the navel. The pubis bone constitutes its lower limit.
Related Pictures

- 英
- lower abdomen, hypogastric region
- 関
- area、district、division、domain、local、moiety、part、partial、piece、portion、realm、regional、segment、segmental、territory、universe
- 関
- hypogastric region、lower abdomen