- a special situation; "this thing has got to end"; "it is a remarkable thing"
- a separate and self-contained entity
- an action; "how could you do such a thing?"
- an artifact; "how does this thing work?"
- an entity that is not named specifically; "I couldnt tell what the thing was"
- any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence; "the thing I like about her is ..."
- a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion; "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him"
- a special abstraction; "a thing of the spirit"; "things of the heart"
- a special objective; "the thing is to stay in bounds"
- a statement regarded as an object; "to say the same thing in other terms"; "how can you say such a thing?"
- an event; "a funny thing happened on the way to the..."
- form vertical ribs by knitting; "A ribbed sweater"
- a projecting molding on the underside of a vault or ceiling; may be ornamental or structural
- support resembling the rib of an animal
- any of the 12 pairs of curved arches of bone extending from the spine to or toward the sternum in humans (and similar bones in most vertebrates) (同)costa
- a riblike supporting or strengthening part of an animal or plant
- a teasing remark
- cut of meat including one or more ribs
- interrupt, break, or destroy; "fracture the balance of power"
- breaking of hard tissue such as bone; "it was a nasty fracture"; "the break seems to have been caused by a fall" (同)break
- fracture a bone of; "I broke my foot while playing hockey" (同)break
- become fractured; "The tibia fractured from the blow of the iron pipe"
- break (a bone); "She broke her clavicle"
- break into pieces; "The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle"
- violate or abuse; "This writer really fractures the language"
- the act of cracking something (同)crack, cracking
- 〈C〉(形のある)『物』,物体;(生物に対しての)『無生物』 / 〈C〉(形のない)『もの』,事,事柄,でき事 / 《複数形で》事情,事態,状勢,状況 / 《複数形で》(すべての)事物,事柄 / 《通例 the~》(努力・活動などの)目的,目標 / 〈C〉衣服,衣類・《one's things》持ち物,所持品,身の回り品 / 《複数形で》道具,用具・〈C〉《親愛・哀れみ・軽べつなどの感情をこめて》人,者,やつ / 《the~》《話》(…の)流行《+in+名》
- 『肋骨』(ろっこつ),あばら骨 / (骨付きの)あばら肉 / 肋骨状の物;(船の)肋骨,肋材(ろくざい);(丸天井の)萩減(ろく)(建物・橋の)横ばり;(かさなどの) 骨 / 葉脈(vein) / (編物・織物の)うね / …‘に'肋骨(肋材)をつける / 〈編物〉‘に'うね模様をつける / 《話》…‘を'いじめる,からかう
- 〈U〉(特に)骨を折ること;骨を折った状熊 / 〈C〉割れ(裂け)目,(鉱物の)破砕面 / 〈足・腕などを〉‘を'骨折する;…‘を'砕く / 骨折する;砕ける
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- 《前述の名詞または文脈でそれと分かる名詞に付けて》『その』,あの,名の / 《唯一の事物に付けて》 / 《方角・自然現象に付けて》 / 《用具・楽器・特定の病気などに付けて》 / 《修飾吾[句]を伴う名詞に付けて》 / 《単数普通名詞に付けて》(1)《種族全体》…『というもの』 / 《複数名詞または集合名詞に付けて》 / 《単位》『…につき;…単位[で]』 / 《身体の一部に付けて,所有格に代わる》 / 《形容詞に付けて》 / 《固有名詞に付けて》 / 《強意用法に》『随一の』,典型的な / 《「the+比較級,the+比較級」の形で》『…すればするほどそれだけ』 / 《比較級の前に》(…につれて,のために)『それだけ』,ますます
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English Journal
- Bone scintigraphic findings of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia associated with adefovir therapy: involvement of lower extremity skeletons.
- Kim DH, Lee SW, Kweon YO, Lee J, Ahn BC.SourceFrom the *Departments of Nuclear Medicine and †Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine and Hospital, Daegu, Republic of Korea.
- Clinical nuclear medicine.Clin Nucl Med.2013 May;38(5):378-80. doi: 10.1097/RLU.0b013e3182868a7f.
- Occurrence of hypophosphatemic osteomalacia (HO) induced by administration of low-dose adefovir therapy is rare, and bone scintigraphy of the disease has rarely been reported. We report on bone scintigraphic findings in patients with HO. Multiple uptakes in ribs, spines, and lower extremities, sugge
- PMID 23478852
- Intrathoracic Displacement of a Fractured Humeral Head due to Blunt Trauma.
- Tsai YM, Shen PH, Chang H, Tzao C, Lee SC, Cheng YL.SourceDivision of Thoracic Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center.
- Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery : official journal of the Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia.Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2013 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- The incidence of a fractured humeral head penetrating into the thoracic cavity is extremely rare. A 46-year-old woman presented with moderate respiratory distress at the emergency department after being involved in a motor vehicle accident. Radiographic examinations revealed fractures of the second
- PMID 23558222
Japanese Journal
- 臨床室 気胸を合併した動揺胸郭に対し肋骨骨折の観血的整復固定術を行った2例
- 拘縮肩の病態と治療選択 −肩甲骨 • 肋骨運動に着目して
- 浜田 純一郎,立原 久義,山口 光國,小川 清久
- 肩関節 35(2), 617-620, 2011
- … The pathophysiology of stiff shoulder has not been fully elucidated. … The purpose of this study was to clarify scapula and ribs motions in various stiff shoulders: frozen shoulder (FS), rotator cuff tear (RCT), calcific tendinitis (CT), fracture and operation (trauma), and diabetes mellitus (DM). …
- NAID 130001413764
- 英
- rib fracture, fracture of the ribs
- 関
- 骨折、肋骨、動揺胸郭
- 除痛
- 保存療法:背側で1-2本程度の骨折の場合
- 固定:
- 外固定:前方~側方の多発骨折の場合。バストバンドか絆創膏固定により外固定を行う。
- 内固定:動揺胸郭がある場合