- 関
- anterior limb、foreleg、forepaw
- the front limb (or the homologous structure in other animals, such as a flipper or wing)
- front paw; analogous to the human hand
- the forelimb of a quadruped
- (四足動物の)前脚,前肢
- (犬や猫など爪のある哺(ほ)乳動物の)前足
- (四足動物・昆虫の)前足
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/12 21:48:36」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Forelimbs in mammals have varying functions but are all homologous.
A forelimb is an anterior limb (arm, leg, or similar appendage) on a terrestrial vertebrate's body. For quadrupeds, the term foreleg is often used instead. (A forearm however is the part of the arm or forelimb between the elbow and the wrist.)
All vertebrate forelimbs are homologous, meaning that they all evolved from the same structures. For example, the flipper of a turtle or of a dolphin, the arm of a human, the foreleg of a horse, and the wings of both bats and birds[a] are ultimately homologous, despite the large differences between them.[1]
- de Beer, Gavin (1956). Vertebrate zoology: an introduction to the comparative anatomy, embryology, and evolution of chordate animals. Sidgwick and Jackson.
- ^ Bat wings are however composed largely of a thin membrane of skin supported on the five fingers, whereas bird wings are composed largely of feathers supported on much reduced fingers, with finger 2 supporting the alula and finger 4 the primary feathers of the wing; there are only distant homologies between birds and bats, with much closer homologies between any pair of bird species, or any pair of bat species.
- ^ "Image Gallery: Homo Sapiens. homology: homologies of the forelimb among vertebrates". Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved January 27, 2013.
English Journal
- Biomaterial bridges enable regeneration and re-entry of corticospinal tract axons into the caudal spinal cord after SCI: Association with recovery of forelimb function.
- Pawar K1, Cummings BJ2, Thomas A3, Shea LD3, Levine A4, Pfaff S4, Anderson AJ5.
- Biomaterials.Biomaterials.2015 Oct;65:1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.05.032. Epub 2015 Jun 23.
- Severed axon tracts fail to exhibit robust or spontaneous regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI). Regeneration failure reflects a combination of factors, including the growth state of neuronal cell bodies and the regeneration-inhibitory environment of the central nervous system. However, while
- PMID 26134079
- Experimental intracerebral haemorrhage: description of a semi-coagulated autologous blood model in rats.
- Liu L, Wang S, Xu R, Zheng J, Tang J, Tang X, Zhang D.
- Neurological research.Neurol Res.2015 Oct;37(10):874-9. doi: 10.1179/1743132815Y.0000000067. Epub 2015 Jul 16.
- OBJECTIVES: A major limitation of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) research is the lack of reproducible animal models. The purpose of the present study was to produce experimental haemorrhages and to characterise the lesion by histology and behaviour in rats.METHODS: A total of 180 male SD rats were
- PMID 26178629
- Relationships among rat ultrasonic vocalizations, behavioral measures of striatal dopamine loss, and striatal tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity at acute and chronic time points following unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine-induced dopamine depletion.
- Grant LM1, Barnett DG2, Doll EJ3, Leverson G3, Ciucci M4.
- Behavioural brain research.Behav Brain Res.2015 Sep 15;291:361-71. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2015.05.042. Epub 2015 May 27.
- Voice deficits in Parkinson disease (PD) emerge early in the disease process, but do not improve with standard treatments targeting dopamine. Experimental work in the rat shows that severe and chronic unilateral nigrostriatal dopamine depletion with 6-OHDA results in decreased intensity, bandwidth,
- PMID 26026785
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 前肢屈腱における感染性腱鞘炎に対して腱鞘切開術を行った乳牛の一例
- 木村 邦彦,西川 晃豊
- 家畜診療 = Journal of livestock medicine 59(12), 769-774, 2012-12
- NAID 40019513048
- The influence of tempo upon the rhythmic motor control in macaque monkeys.
- Konoike Naho,Mikami Akichika,Miyachi Shigehiro
- Neuroscience research 74(1), 64-67, 2012-09
- We examined behavioral features of isochronous repetitive movements in two macaques. The monkeys were required to press a button repetitively in response to external cues. If the cue-intervals were co …
- NAID 120005147434
- ニホンアカガエル変態期の下顎下筋でみられた筋線維の作り替え
- 神宮司 洋一,白石 明久
- 群馬県立県民健康科学大学紀要 7, 55-62, 2012-03
- ニホンアカガエル(Rana japonica)の下顎下筋(submandibular muscle)でみられた筋変性とその再生過程を,前肢出現の約8日前から前肢出現後7日までの変態期間について,光学顕微鏡と電子顕微鏡を使って調べた.下顎下筋は変態期間中に発達するが,この過程で,少数ではあるが筋線維の作り替えによる筋線維数の増加がみられた.前肢出現の約8日前に筋線維の変性域では,その前兆と考えられる …
- NAID 110008914254
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- 関
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- anterior limb、forelimb、forepaw
- 関
- anterior limb、foreleg、forelimb