- a front foot of a quadruped
- (四足動物の)前足
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/29 21:42:09」(JST)
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The forefeet of a male clearly visible.
The forefoot is the anterior aspect of the foot, composed of the five metatarsal bones, the fourteen phalanges and associated soft tissue structures.[1][2] It is a common site of pathology in podiatry, and is the anatomic region involved in such conditions as hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, and Morton's neuroma, among others.[3] In cases of severe deformity, such as in Charcot joints seen with diabetic neuropathy, the forefoot can be reconstructed by arthroplasty.[4]
- ^ "Forefoot at About.com".
- ^ "Rear-foot, mid-foot and fore-foot motion during the stance phase of gait.". Science Direct.
- ^ V Hetherington. Hallux Valgus and Forefoot Surgery.
- ^ The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. "Arthroplasty of the forefoot" (PDF).
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English Journal
- Surgical technique: repair of forefoot skin and soft tissue defects using a lateral tarsal flap with a reverse dorsalis pedis artery pedicle: a retrospective study of 11 patients.
- Fu D, Zhou L, Yang S, Xiao B.SourceDepartment of Orthopaedics, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430022, China.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2013 Jan;471(1):317-23. doi: 10.1007/s11999-012-2598-7. Epub 2012 Sep 13.
- BACKGROUND: Various authors have proposed flaps to reconstruct traumatic forefoot skin and soft tissue defects, especially with exposure of tendon and/or bone although which is best for particular circumstances is unclear.DESCRIPTION OF TECHNIQUE: The indications for the technique were a forefoot de
- PMID 22972659
- Effects of obesity on dynamic plantar pressure distribution in Chinese prepubescent children during walking.
- Yan SH, Zhang K, Tan GQ, Yang J, Liu ZC.SourceSchool of Biomedical Engineering, Capital Medical University, No. 10 Xi Tou Tiao, You An Men Wai, Fengtai District, Beijing 100069, PR China. Electronic address: yansh74@ccmu.edu.cn.
- Gait & posture.Gait Posture.2013 Jan;37(1):37-42. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2012.05.018. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
- The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of obesity on dynamic plantar pressure distribution during walking for prepubescent children. A footscan(®) plantar pressure plate system was used to collect the gait data. Fifty obese prepubescent children and fifty non-obese prepubescent childr
- PMID 22858245
- A multi-segment foot model based on anatomically registered technical coordinate systems: Method repeatability and sensitivity in pediatric planovalgus feet.
- Saraswat P, Macwilliams BA, Davis RB, D'Astous JL.SourceShriners Hospitals for Children, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
- Gait & posture.Gait Posture.2013 Jan;37(1):121-5. doi: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2012.06.023. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
- Several multisegment foot models have been proposed and some have been used to study foot pathologies. These models have been tested and validated on typically developed populations; however application of such models to feet with significant deformities presents an additional set of challenges. For
- PMID 22858244
Japanese Journal
- Effect of revised high-heeled shoes on foot pressure and static balance during standing
- , , ,
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27(4), 1129-1131, 2015
- … [Results] Forefoot and rearfoot pressures were significantly different between the 2 types of high-heeled shoes. …
- NAID 130005067508
- 糖尿病足病変における関節可動域制限およびclaw toe が歩行時足底圧へ及ぼす影響
- 河辺 信秀,田伏 友彦,山坂 奈奈子 [他],廣瀬 典子,米本 竜馬
- 日本下肢救済・足病学会誌 7(1), 59-64, 2015
- 要旨:【目的】糖尿病足病変の足底圧異常には足関節背屈可動域制限(LA),中足趾節関節可動域制限およびclaw toe(CT)が関与するが,その影響は不明確である.今回,これらの因子が歩行時足底圧へ及ぼす影響を調査した.【方法】対象は,2 型糖尿病患者55 例55 肢であった.N 群(LA・CT なし)27 例27 肢,L 群(LA あり・CT なし)23 例23 肢,LC 群(LA・CT あり)5 …
- NAID 130005064182
- Relationship between foot posture measurements and force platform parameters during two balance tasks in older and younger subjects
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- Journal of Physical Therapy Science 27(3), 705-710, 2015
- … Foot posture was tested for four domains: 1) hallux flexion and extension range of motion using a goniometer, 2) navicular height and 3) length of the foot using a pachymeter, and 4) footprint (width of forefoot, arch index and hallux valgus). … Older people presented a significantly lower hallux mobility and higher values for width of the forefoot and transverse arch index than younger adults. …
- NAID 130005061641
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