- shaped like a ring (同)annulate, annulated, circinate, ringed, ring-shaped, doughnut-shaped
- a person suffering with rheumatism
- abnormal redness of the skin resulting from dilation of blood vessels (as in sunburn or inflammation)
- 《文》環状の
- リューマチの / リューマチにかがった / リューマチ患者
- 紅斑(こうはん)(炎症などにより皮膚が異常に赤くなること)
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English Journal
- Neutrophilic figurate erythema of infancy.
- Patrizi A, Savoia F, Varotti E, Gaspari V, Passarini B, Neri I.SourceDivision of Dermatology, Department of Specialistic and Experimental Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy. annalisa.patrizi@unibo.it
- Pediatric dermatology.Pediatr Dermatol.2008 Mar-Apr;25(2):255-60. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2008.00646.x.
- We report here a new case of neutrophilic figurate erythema of infancy in a 1-year and 9-month-old white boy. Neutrophilic figurate erythema of infancy is a rare inflammatory dermatosis which is part of the figurate inflammatory dermatoses of infancy and is considered a variant of annular erythema o
- PMID 18429795
- White JW Jr.AbstractThe gyrate erythemas consist of a nonspecific group (often called erythema annulare centrifugum) for which the cause is usually unknown, and three specific types (erythema marginatum rheumaticum, erythema chronicum migrans [Lyme disease], and erythema gyratum repens). The first specific type, erythema marginatum rheumaticum, has become extremely rare with the decline of its associated disease, rheumatic fever. The second specific type, erythema chronicum migrans, is caused by a spirochete transmitted by the I. ricinus complex of ticks. The third specific type, erythema gyratum repens, is uncommon, morphologically distinctive, and an indicator of serious disease, usually internal malignancy, in almost every instance.
- Dermatologic clinics.Dermatol Clin.1985 Jan;3(1):129-39.
- The gyrate erythemas consist of a nonspecific group (often called erythema annulare centrifugum) for which the cause is usually unknown, and three specific types (erythema marginatum rheumaticum, erythema chronicum migrans [Lyme disease], and erythema gyratum repens). The first specific type, erythe
- PMID 3912086
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- er·y·the·ma an·nu·la·re rheu·ma·ti·cum a variant of erythema multiforme associated with rheumatic fever.
- Erythema annulare rheumaticum information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Erythema annulare rheumaticum Description of Erythema annulare ...
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- 英
- annular erythema
- ラ
- erythema annulare, erythema circinatum
- 英
- rheumatic annular erythema
- ラ
- erythema annulare rheumaticum
- 同
- erythema marginatum rheumaticum, erythema multiforme rheumaticum
- 関
- リウマチ熱、環状紅斑
- 関
- circular、cyclic、cyclo、orbicular、orbicularis
- 関
- rheumatica、rheumatism、rheumatoid