- partial or total loss of articulate speech resulting from lesions of the central nervous system
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2009) |
Dyslalia means difficulties in talking due to structural defects in speech organs.[1] It does not include speech impairment due to neurological or other factors.
- ^ "dyslalia". Merriam-Webster Medical Online Dictionary. 2010. Retrieved July 25, 2010.
See also
External links
- http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/175282/dyslalia
English Journal
- Age association of language task induced deactivation induced in a pediatric population.
- Sun B, Berl MM, Burns TG, Gaillard WD, Hayes L, Adjouadi M, Jones RA.SourceDepartment of Radiology, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2013 Jan 15;65:23-33. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.09.071. Epub 2012 Oct 12.
- Task-induced deactivation (TID) potentially reflects the interactions between the default mode and task specific networks, which are assumed to be age dependent. The study of the age association of such interactions provides insight about the maturation of neural networks, and lays out the groundwor
- PMID 23063445
Japanese Journal
- Ciprofloxacin増量に伴い軽快した重症レジオネラ肺炎の1例
- 橋爪 裕,鈴木 邦明,川田 忠嘉 [他],遠藤 克明,堀江 健夫,滝瀬 淳,Hashizume Yutaka,Suzuki Kuniaki,Kawata Tadayshi,Endou Katsuaki,Horie Takeo,Takise Atsushi
- 北関東医学 61(2), 169-174, 2011
- 症例は38歳, 男性. 主訴 : 発熱, 構音障害. 2010年6月初旬から発熱と感冒症状を認め, 同月中旬に構音障害が出現し近医を受診した. 受診時, 胸部X線写真で右下肺野に浸潤影を認めた. レジオネラ尿中抗原は陰性であったが, 入浴施設職員であったことからレジオネラ肺炎が疑われ同院へ入院した. 翌日, 急激な意識障害と呼吸状態悪化のため当院へ転院となった. ヒメネス染色やレジオネラ尿中抗原は …
- NAID 130000872628
- 奥村 映仁,飛田 尚慶,大場 誠悟,中尾 紀子,朝比奈 泉
- 日本顎変形症学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of jaw deformities 20(1), 25-29, 2010-04-15
- … The patient was a 62-year-old female with chief complaints concerning occlusal disharmony, dyslalia, and aesthetic disturbance. …
- NAID 10029085955
- 中橋 美紀,澤田 亜也子,前山 啓充,高井 優子,森 靖子,西村 洋,宇野 敦彦
- 小児耳鼻咽喉科 30(1), 37-41, 2009-03-01
- NAID 10024844537
Related Links
- Dyslalia (gr. dys - zaburzenie, lalia - mowa) – zaburzenia mowy polegające na nieprawidłowej realizacji fonemów (najmniejszych elementów składowych wyrazów) według zazwyczaj ustalonych norm społecznych spowodowane wadami w ...
- dys·la·lia. noun \dis-ˈlā-lē-ə, -ˈlal-ē-ə\. Definition of DYSLALIA. : a speech defect caused by malformation of or imperfect distribution of nerves to the organs of articulation (as the tongue). Test Your Vocabulary. Take Our 10-Question Quiz ...
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- 関
- articulation disorder、dysarthria、dyslalia
- 関
- anarthria、dysarthria、dyslalia、spastic dysarthria
- 関
- aprosodia、dyslalia、lalopathy
- 英
- dyslalia
- 同
- functional articulation disorders