- the physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction (同)blockage
- any structure that makes progress difficult (同)obstructor, obstructer, impediment, impedimenta
- getting in someones way
- the act of obstructing; "obstruction of justice"
- in or relating to the duodenum; "duodenal ulcer"
- 〈U〉(…への)妨害,障害《+『to』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…への)妨害物,障害物《+『to』+『名』》
- 十二指腸の
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- 1. 腸回転異常 intestinal malrotation
- 2. 成人における胃流出路閉塞 gastric outlet obstruction in adults
- 3. 慢性膵炎の合併症 complications of chronic pancreatitis
- 4. 上腸間膜動脈症候群 superior mesenteric artery syndrome
- 5. 進行膵外分泌癌に対する支持療法 supportive care of the patient with advanced exocrine pancreatic cancer
English Journal
- Endovascular Treatment of Aortoduodenal Syndrome.
- Ahn KT1, Tanabe H2, Kotani M2, Kato Y2, Toyama M2.
- Annals of vascular surgery.Ann Vasc Surg.2016 Feb;31:206.e1-3. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2015.08.007. Epub 2015 Nov 17.
- PURPOSE: Duodenal obstruction caused by aneurysmal dilatation of the abdominal aorta is a rare clinical entity that is traditionally treated by open aneurysm repair, aneurysmorrhaphy, and duodenal release. We present here the case of aortoduodenal syndrome treated by endovascular therapy.CASE REPORT
- PMID 26597247
- French comment on article: Comparison of the clinical impact of endoscopic ultrasound-guided choledochoduodenostomy and hepaticogastrostomy for bile duct obstruction with duodenal obstruction.
- [No authors listed]
- Endoscopy.Endoscopy.2016 Feb;48(2):207-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-100246. Epub 2016 Jan 28.
- PMID 26820091
- Comparison of the clinical impact of endoscopic ultrasound-guided choledochoduodenostomy and hepaticogastrostomy for bile duct obstruction with duodenal obstruction.
- Ogura T1, Chiba Y2, Masuda D1, Kitano M3, Sano T1, Saori O1, Yamamoto K4, Imaoka H5, Imoto A1, Takeuchi T1, Fukunishi S1, Higuchi K1.
- Endoscopy.Endoscopy.2016 Feb;48(2):163. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1393251. Epub 2015 Sep 29.
- PMID 26418074
Japanese Journal
- 術中ICG蛍光造影が胃空腸吻合の適否決定に有用であった膵癌腹膜転移の1例
- 山梨 恵次,鍛 利幸,宮内 雄也,伊東 大輔,古元 克好,小切 匡史
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(4), 1067-1070, 2014
- 症例は68歳,女性.膵体部癌・腹膜転移による頻回の嘔吐のため当院紹介となった.CT検査では,膵癌の十二指腸への浸潤と多発腹膜転移を認め,上部消化管造影検査では,造影剤の十二指腸通過を全く認めなかった.胃空腸バイパスによって症状改善の可能性があると考えられたが,十二指腸以遠の腸管閉塞の有無を術前に確認することができなかった.Indocyanine green(ICG)を手術2日前に静脈注射し,術中に …
- NAID 130004713907
- 腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術後に癒着性イレウスを発症した腸回転異常の1例
- 柏舘 俊明,阿部 隆之,佐藤 耕一郎,加藤 博孝
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(4), 1038-1042, 2014
- 今回われわれは,腸回転異常症を背景に,腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術後の胆嚢摘出部に小腸の癒着性イレウスを発症した1例を経験したので報告する.<BR>症例は81歳の男性.1999年に脳梗塞を発症し長期臥床中.2005年10月に慢性胆嚢炎に対し腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術施行した.2008年3月にイレウスの診断にて近医より紹介され受診した.CT上,肝下面に小腸のcaliber changeを認め,closed …
- NAID 130004713902
- Late Complications of Self-expandable Metallic Stent Placement for Malignant Gastric Outlet Obstruction
- Matsumoto Kazuya,Hayashi Akihiro,Yashima Kazuo,Harada Kenichi,Takeda Yohei,Onoyama Takumi,Kawata Soichiro,Ikebuchi Yuichiro,Horie Yasushi,Murawaki Yoshikazu
- Internal Medicine 53(24), 2773-2775, 2014
- … He subsequently received a duodenal stent for malignant gastric outlet obstruction. … On day 43 after the placement of the duodenal stent, he reported feeling poorly, with hypotension and hematemesis. … This is the first report of massive gastrointestinal tract bleeding as a late complication of self-expandable metallic stent placement for malignant gastric outlet obstruction. …
- NAID 130004713294
Related Links
- Duodenal Obstruction Definition Duodenal obstruction is a failure of food to pass out of the stomach either from a complete or partial obstruction. Description The duodenum is the first part of the intestine, into which the stomach, the ...
- Gastric outlet obstruction (GOO) is a clinical syndrome characterized by epigastric abdominal pain and postprandial vomiting due to mechanical obstruction.The incidence of gastric outlet obstruction is not known precisely. It is likely ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- congenital duodenal atresia
- 同
- 十二指腸閉塞 duodenal obstruction
- 関
- 先天性十二指腸狭窄症
- 立位腹部単純X線像:double bubble sign
[show details]
- http://www.mynet.ne.jp/~torigoe/tostudent.htm
- 妨害、障害、支障、差し障り。妨害物、
- 閉塞、閉塞症。
- 関
- blockage、deterrent、obliteration、occlude、occlusion、stasis
- 関
- duodenum