- 関
- critical
- in a critical manner; "this must be examined critically"
- in a hypocritical manner; "he behaved hypocritically by praying piously when people were watching"
- in an uncritical manner; "he accepted her decisions uncritically"
- of or involving or characteristic of critics or criticism; "critical acclaim"
- forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis; "a critical point in the campaign"; "the critical test" (同)decisive
- urgently needed; absolutely necessary; "a critical element of the plan"; "critical medical supplies"; "vital for a healthy society"; "of vital interest" (同)vital
- at or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain a chain reaction; "a critical temperature of water is 100 degrees C--its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure"; "critical mass"; "go critical"
- being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency; "a critical shortage of food"; "a critical illness"; "an illness at the critical stage"
- characterized by careful evaluation and judgment; "a critical reading"; "a critical dissertation"; "a critical analysis of Melvilles writings"
- marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws; "a critical attitude"
- 『評論の』,批評の / 批判的な,物を見る眼のある / 『酷評的な』,あら捜しの,手きびしい / 『危機の』,危急の;(病気が)危篤の / 臨界の(温度・圧力などにより物質が急速にその状態を変える境),臨界点における
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English Journal
- A hybrid FDTD-Rayleigh integral computational method for the simulation of the ultrasound measurement of proximal femur.
- Cassereau D1, Nauleau P2, Bendjoudi A3, Minonzio JG2, Laugier P2, Bossy E3, Grimal Q2.Author information 1Laboratoire d'Imagerie Paramétrique, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS UMR 7623, ESPCI ParisTech, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France. Electronic address: didier.cassereau@upmc.fr.2Laboratoire d'Imagerie Paramétrique, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS UMR 7623, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France.3Institut Langevin, CNRS UMR 7587, ESPCI ParisTech, INSERM ERL U979, Université Denis Diderot-Paris7, 1 rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France.AbstractThe development of novel quantitative ultrasound (QUS) techniques to measure the hip is critically dependent on the possibility to simulate the ultrasound propagation. One specificity of hip QUS is that ultrasounds propagate through a large thickness of soft tissue, which can be modeled by a homogeneous fluid in a first approach. Finite difference time domain (FDTD) algorithms have been widely used to simulate QUS measurements but they are not adapted to simulate ultrasonic propagation over long distances in homogeneous media. In this paper, an hybrid numerical method is presented to simulate hip QUS measurements. A two-dimensional FDTD simulation in the vicinity of the bone is coupled to the semi-analytic calculation of the Rayleigh integral to compute the wave propagation between the probe and the bone. The method is used to simulate a setup dedicated to the measurement of circumferential guided waves in the cortical compartment of the femoral neck. The proposed approach is validated by comparison with a full FDTD simulation and with an experiment on a bone phantom. For a realistic QUS configuration, the computation time is estimated to be sixty times less with the hybrid method than with a full FDTD approach.
- Ultrasonics.Ultrasonics.2014 Jul;54(5):1197-202. doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2013.06.004. Epub 2013 Jun 25.
- The development of novel quantitative ultrasound (QUS) techniques to measure the hip is critically dependent on the possibility to simulate the ultrasound propagation. One specificity of hip QUS is that ultrasounds propagate through a large thickness of soft tissue, which can be modeled by a homogen
- PMID 23849752
- The bispecific immunoligand ULBP2-aCEA redirects natural killer cells to tumor cells and reveals potent anti-tumor activity against colon carcinoma.
- Rothe A1, Jachimowicz RD, Borchmann S, Madlener M, Keßler J, Reiners KS, Sauer M, Hansen HP, Ullrich RT, Chatterjee S, Borchmann P, Yazaki P, Koslowsky TC, Engert A, Heukamp LC, Hallek M, von Strandmann EP.Author information 1Department I of Internal Medicine, Innate Immunity Group, University Hospital Cologne, Cologne, Germany.AbstractNKG2D, an activating receptor expressed on NK cells and T cells, is critically involved in tumor immunosurveillance. In this study, we explored the potential therapeutic utility of the NKG2D ligand ULBP2 for the treatment of colon carcinoma. To this end we designed a fusion protein consisting of human ULBP2 and an antibody-derived single chain targeting the tumor carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). The bispecific recombinant fusion protein re-directed NK cells towards malignant cells by binding to both, tumor cells and NK cells, and triggered NK cell-mediated target cell killing in vitro. Moreover, tumor growth was significantly delayed in a syngeneic colon carcinoma mouse model in response to immunoligand treatment. The anti-tumor activity could be attributed to the stimulation of immune cells with an elevated expression of the activation marker CD69 on NK, T and NKT cells and the infiltration of CD45+ immune cells into the solid tumor. In summary, it was demonstrated that immunoligands provide specific tumor targeting by NK cells and exert anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo. This technology represents a novel immunotherapeutic strategy for solid tumors with the potential to be further developed for clinical applications.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2014 Jun 15;134(12):2829-40. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28609. Epub 2013 Nov 29.
- NKG2D, an activating receptor expressed on NK cells and T cells, is critically involved in tumor immunosurveillance. In this study, we explored the potential therapeutic utility of the NKG2D ligand ULBP2 for the treatment of colon carcinoma. To this end we designed a fusion protein consisting of hum
- PMID 24242212
- Putting the value into biosimilar decision making: The judgment value criteria.
- Mendes de Abreu M1, Strand V2, Levy RA3, Araujo DV4.Author information 1Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Electronic address: mirhelen@terra.com.br.2Adjunct Division of Immunology/Rheumatology, Stanford University School of Medicine. Electronic address: vstrand@aol.com.3Department of Medicine, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Electronic address: roger.a.levy@gmail.com.4Department of Medicine, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Electronic address: denizarvianna@gmail.com.AbstractUncertainties remain the key issue surrounding biosimilars, although decisions regarding their use must be made. The challenges for policymakers, doctors, patients and others seeking to navigate in the uncharted waters of biosimilars must be clarified. At the most basic level, scientific understanding of the issue remains limited and when making decisions, policymakers must consider all those affected by health policy decisions, particularly the ultimate recipients of these medicines: the patients. The biosimilar-value chain relies on measurement of comparabilities. The goal is to demonstrate how, from a molecular perspective, closely similar they are or are not and how potential small differences may be relevant to clinical outcomes. To critically understand these points, this conceptual paper will present a knowledge-value chain and discuss each dimension assigning value in the decision making process re-utilization of biosimilars.
- Autoimmunity reviews.Autoimmun Rev.2014 Jun;13(6):678-684. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2014.01.051. Epub 2014 Jan 15.
- Uncertainties remain the key issue surrounding biosimilars, although decisions regarding their use must be made. The challenges for policymakers, doctors, patients and others seeking to navigate in the uncharted waters of biosimilars must be clarified. At the most basic level, scientific understandi
- PMID 24440285
Japanese Journal
- 授業現場における質問と発問の違い-語用論と心理学の視点から-
- 東京工芸大学工学部紀要. 人文・社会編 = The Academic Reports, the Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Polytechnic University 41(2), 1-7, 2018-06-30
- NAID 120006486106
- Chick chorioallantoic membrane assay as an in vivo model to study the effect of nanoparticle-based anticancer drugs in ovarian cancer
- 経済成長施策としての「『我が事・丸ごと』地域共生社会」批判
- 障害者問題研究 = Japanese journal on the issues of persons with disabilities 46(1), 72-79, 2018-05
- NAID 40021568092
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