- 関
- congenital toxoplasmosis
- (medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease
- (phonetics) the alteration of a speech sound under the influence of a neighboring sound
- the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
- (international law) illegality that taints or contaminates a ship or cargo rendering it liable to seizure
- moral corruption or contamination; "ambitious men are led astray by an infection that is almost unavoidable"
- an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted (同)contagion, transmission
- present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development (同)inborn, innate
- 〈U〉(病気の)伝染;感染 / 〈C〉伝染病
- (病気・身体的欠陥など)生まれつきの,先天的な
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English Journal
- Toxoplasma infection and milk consumption: Meta-analysis of assumptions and evidences.
- Boughattas S1.
- Critical reviews in food science and nutrition.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.2017 Sep 2;57(13):2924-2933. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2015.1084993.
- PMID 26467987
- Serodiagnosis of Toxoplasmosis: The effect of measurement of IgG avidity in pregnant women in Rabat in Morocco.
- Laboudi M1, Sadak A2.
- Acta tropica.Acta Trop.2017 Aug;172:139-142. doi: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2017.04.008. Epub 2017 Apr 20.
- PMID 28433574
- Early serum biomarker networks in infants with distinct retinochoroidal lesion status of congenital toxoplasmosis.
- de Araújo TE1, Coelho-Dos-Reis JG2, Béla SR2, Carneiro ACAV3, Machado AS3, Cardoso LM2, Ribeiro ÁL2, Dias MHF2, Queiroz Andrade GM4, Vasconcelos-Santos DV5, Januário JN6, Teixeira-Carvalho A2, Vitor RWA3, Ferro EAV7, Martins-Filho OA8; UFMG Congenital Toxoplasmosis Brazilian Group – UFMG-CTBG.
- Cytokine.Cytokine.2017 Jul;95:102-112. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2017.02.018. Epub 2017 Feb 28.
- PMID 28254558
Related Links
- Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant can be tested to find out if they are at risk for the infection. Pregnant women who have cats as house pets may be at higher risk. They should avoid contact with ...
- Approximately 85 percent of women of childbearing age in the United States are susceptible to acute infection with the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Transmission of T. gondii to the fetus can result in serious ...
- 英
- congenital toxoplasmosis, congenital toxoplasma infection
- 関
- トキソプラズマ症
- PED.655改変
- 妊娠中に母体が感染して生じることが多い小児トキソプラズマ感染症
- 妊娠初期は経胎盤感染しにくい。感染した場合は流産・死産
- 妊娠中期・妊娠後期では胎盤感染し多彩な症状を呈する
- 新生児の症状:脳室拡大、小頭症、脳内石灰化、髄膜炎、精神遅滞、脳性麻痺、けいれん、網脈絡膜炎、黄疸、発疹、貧血、リンパ節腫脹、肝脾腫、低出生体重児
- 診断:髄液、血液からの原虫の検出。血液中のトキソプラズマ特異的IgM抗体の検出
- 治療薬:アセチルスピラノマイシン
- 関
- contagion、infect、infectious disease、infestation、transmission、transmit
- 関
- congenital、congenitally