- 関
- colic、colicky pain
- suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal (同)flatulent, gassy
- acute abdominal pain (especially in infants) (同)intestinal colic, gripes, griping
- 激しい腹痛の
- 腹痛,さしこみ
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"Cholic" redirects here. For the acid, see Cholic acid.
Colic |
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The cholic (1819) George Cruikshank.
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Colic (from Greek κολικός kolikos, "relative to the colon") or cholic is a form of pain which starts and stops abruptly. It occurs due to muscular contractions of a hollow tube (colon, ureter, gall bladder, etc.) in attempt to relieve the obstruction by forcing content out. It may be accompanied by vomiting and sweating.[1] Types include:
- Baby colic, a condition, usually in infants, characterized by incessant crying
- Renal colic, a pain in the flank, characteristic of kidney stones
- Biliary colic, blockage by a gallstone of the common bile duct or cystic duct
- Horse colic, a potentially fatal condition experienced by horses, caused by intestinal displacement or blockage
- Devon colic, an affliction caused by lead poisoning
- Painter's colic or lead poisoning
- ^ Bhat, Sriram (2013). SRB's Manual of Surgery. p. 364. ISBN 9789350259443
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English Journal
- Role of Tamsulosin, Tadalafil, and Silodosin as the Medical Expulsive Therapy in Lower Ureteric Stone: A Randomized Trial (a Pilot Study).
- Kumar S1, Jayant K2, Agrawal MM2, Singh SK2, Agrawal S2, Parmar KM2.
- Urology.Urology.2015 Jan;85(1):59-63. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2014.09.022.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of 2 different α-1 blockers and 1 phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor as medical expulsive therapy for distal ureteric calculi.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2011 and December 2012, 285 patients presenting with distal ureteric stones of size 5-10 mm were on consen
- PMID 25530364
- A porcelain gallbladder and a rapid tumor dissemination.
- Gómez-López JR1, De Andrés-Asenjo B1, Ortega-Loubon C2.
- Annals of medicine and surgery (2012).Ann Med Surg (Lond).2014 Sep 16;3(4):119-22. doi: 10.1016/j.amsu.2014.09.002. eCollection 2014.
- INTRODUCTION: Porcelain gallbladder is a very rare entity that consists of a calcification of the gallbladder wall, and is associated with carcinoma in 12.5-62% of patients, although recent studies suggest weaker association.CASE REPORT: We describe an 80-year-old woman who presented with colicky ab
- PMID 25568797
- Colicky epigastric and right upper quadrant pain.
- Billmann F1, Bokor-Billmann T1, Beck C2.
- JAMA surgery.JAMA Surg.2014 Dec 1;149(12):1337-8. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2014.316.
- PMID 25390289
Japanese Journal
- 腹腔鏡補助下回盲部切除術を施行した単純性潰瘍による回腸膀胱瘻の1例
- 明石 諭,山田 行重,杉森 志穂,島田 啓司,吉川 高志
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(1), 96-100, 2014
- 症例は40歳,男性.食後の強い心窩部痛にて入院となる.腹部MRI・CT検査で胆嚢結石と膀胱右側に膿瘍を認め,膀胱鏡検査で膿瘍の膀胱穿通を認めた.胆石発作による疼痛が強いため,患者の希望により腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術を先行した.その際の手術所見および尿細胞診にて悪性所見は認められず,炎症による腸膀胱瘻と診断し,腹腔鏡手術を行った.回腸末端部が膀胱に穿通しており,回盲部切除を行い,膀胱の瘻孔部は縫合閉鎖した …
- NAID 130004679168
- 尿路結石による腎後性腎障害を合併したHenoch-Schönlein 紫斑病の1 例
- 駿田 竹紫,木全 貴久,北尾 哲也,山内 壮作,辻 章志,岩本 幸久,金子 一成
- Nihon Shoni Jinzobyo Gakkai Zasshi 26(2), 292-296, 2014
- Henoch-Schönlein 紫斑病(Henoch-Schönlein purpura; HSP)は50~70%に消化器症状(腹痛,血便)を合併するが,腹痛に対してはステロイドが著効する。今回筆者らは,遷延するHSP の経過中に,両側尿管結石による急性腎後性腎障害を呈した小児例を経験した。本症例では,HSP による難治性の腹痛で,ステロイドの減量および中止が困難であったためその副作用である骨粗 …
- NAID 130004495424
- 胸腔鏡下肝部分切除術施行21ヵ月後に横隔膜ヘルニア嵌頓をきたした1例
- 細見 早苗,塚本 忠司,金沢 景繁,林下 浩士,池原 照幸
- 日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 33(3), 657-660, 2013
- 症例は62歳,男性。肝細胞癌に対する胸腔鏡下肝S8部分切除術の1年9ヵ月後に,間欠的な上腹部痛を主訴に救急搬送された。腹部単純X線写真では,小腸ガスおよび右横隔膜にそって異常ガス像を認めた。単純性イレウスと診断し保存的に経過をみていたが,第4病日に右季肋部に圧痛を認めるようになった。同日の腹部単純X線検査では右横隔膜上の異常ガス像は拡大し,腹腔内腸管にニボー像を認めたため,横隔膜ヘルニア嵌頓による …
- NAID 130004509146
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- Colicky definition, paroxysmal pain in the abdomen or bowels. See more. Added to Favorites Dictionary Thesaurus Word Dynamo Quotes Reference Translator Spanish Log In Sign Up Premium colicky Use Colicky in a sentence / ...
- We as parents know how distressing colic can be for your newborn baby and offer different tips and remedies for dealing with colicky babies ... Colicky brings you a new way of dealing with the pain of colic. We understand that you ...
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- 44歳の男性。航空会社の職員に付き添われて空港内の診療所を受診した。持参した英文紹介状の一部を示す。
- This patient is a 44-year-old man with a complaint of right flank pain*. The pain suddenly occurred while he was on the airplane. It was colicky and radiated to the right inguinal region. Neither nausea nor diarrhea was associated. He had appendectomy when he was 8 years old.
- Urinalysis results: Protein(-), Sugar(-), Occult blood(2+)
- *flank pain: lateral abdominal pain
- 出張のため近隣国へ向かう飛行機内で上記の症状を認めたため、到着直後に現地の空港内の診療所を受診し鎮痛薬を投与された。疼痛は我慢できる程度になり、予定を変更して次の便で日本に帰国した。現在、紹介状に書かれた症状は我慢できる程度に続いており、新たに生じた症状はない。意識は清明。身長 165cm、体重 68kg。体温 37.1℃。脈拍 76/分、整。血圧 136/76mmHg。
- この患者にみられる可能性の高い身体診察所見はどれか。
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- 関
- abdominal cramp、colic、colicky
- 関
- abdominal cramp、colicky、colicky pain