- a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body (同)arteria, arterial blood vessel
- acute abdominal pain (especially in infants) (同)intestinal colic, gripes, griping
- a pass between mountain peaks (同)gap
- 動脈 / (道路・水路・鉄道などの)勘線,(通信の)主チャンネル
- 腹痛,さしこみ
- (山脈の)鞍部(あんぶ),山あい
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/13 19:18:39」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Colic artery (an artery that serves the colon) can refer to the:
- Ileocolic artery
- Right colic artery
- Middle colic artery
- Left colic artery
The first three are branches of the superior mesenteric artery; the fourth is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery.
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English Journal
- Anatomy of the transverse colon revisited with respect to complete mesocolic excision and possible pathways of aberrant lymphatic tumor spread.
- Stelzner S1, Hohenberger W2, Weber K2, West NP3, Witzigmann H4, Wedel T5.
- International journal of colorectal disease.Int J Colorectal Dis.2015 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Although lymph node metastases to pancreatic and gastroepiploic lymph node stations in transverse colon cancer have been described, the mode of lymphatic spread in this area remains unclear. This study was undertaken to describe possible pathways of aberrant lymphatic spread in the complex
- PMID 26546443
- Hepatic Artery Reconstruction with a Continuous Suture Method for Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery.
- Otsuka S1, Kaneoka Y2, Maeda A3, Takayama Y3, Fukami Y3, Onoe S3.
- World journal of surgery.World J Surg.2015 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: In some cases, hepato-biliary-pancreatic (HBP) surgery requires hepatic artery resection and hepatic artery reconstruction (HAR) for histologically curative resection. We describe our surgical HAR technique, which involves continuous suturing, and we report the results of a study of the
- PMID 26546188
- Technical difficulties of left colic artery preservation during left colectomy for colon cancer.
- Patroni A1,2, Bonnet S3, Bourillon C4,5, Bruzzi M1,2, Zinzindohoué F2,4, Chevallier JM1,2,4, Douard R6,7,8, Berger A2,4.
- Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA.Surg Radiol Anat.2015 Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Low-tie ligation in colorectal cancer surgery is associated with technical difficulties in left colic artery preservation. We aimed to evaluate and classify the anatomical and technical difficulties of left colic artery (LCA) preservation at its origin and along its route at the inferior bo
- PMID 26526820
Japanese Journal
- PET/CTを用いた3次元融合画像による術前シミュレーション
- 百目木 泰,萩原 信悟,伊藤 友一,藤田 昌紀,椿 昌裕,加藤 広行
- 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 66(5), 323-329, 2013
- 【目的】術前PET/CT検査を用いて3次元融合画像を作成し大腸癌手術の術前シミュレーションとしての有用性を検討した.【対象および方法】2005年10月から2010年4月までの期間,大腸癌と診断されPET/CTを施行し,血管構築ならびにcolonographyを行った146例を対象とした.16列MDCTを搭載したPET/CT装置(Siemens)を用いて撮影し,Workstation上でPET画像, …
- NAID 130003369852
- 山田 和歌,向井 基,加治 建 [他],武藤 充,松藤 凡
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 48(5), 849-853, 2012-08-20
- 慢性中腸軸捻転を伴った年長児腸回転異常症の2例を経験した.症例1は5歳男児.1歳時より周期性嘔吐症の診断で入院を繰り返した,造影CT検査でwhirlpool signを認めた,上腸間膜動脈は中結腸動脈末梢側で途絶がみられ,途絶部位の末梢側は中結腸動脈からの側副路より血流を受けていた.症例2は13歳男児.4歳頃より嘔吐を繰り返すようになった.造影CT検査でwhirlpool sign, SMV ro …
- NAID 110009489659
- 症例報告 再々肝切除術後の中結腸動脈瘤破裂をきたし,後腹膜膿瘍形成を認め胸腔内にも穿破した忘れることのできない1例
Related Links
- colic artery n. An artery with origin in the superior mesenteric artery, sometimes by a common trunk with the ileocolic artery, with distribution to the ascending colon, and with anastomoses to the middle colic and ileocolic arteries ...
- The middle colic artery is a branch of the superior mesenteric artery that mostly supplies the transverse colon. It arises just below the pancreas. It passes inferiorly and anteriorly between the layers of the transverse mesocolon, and ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- colic artery
- ラ
- arteria colica
- 関
- 上腸間膜動脈
- 関
- abdominal cramp、colicky、colicky pain
Escherichia coli、Campylobacter coli