- unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication; "the boxer was out cold"; "pass out cold"
- a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?" (同)common_cold
- the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head" (同)coldness
- without compunction or human feeling; "in cold blood"; "cold-blooded killing"; "insensate destruction" (同)cold-blooded, inhuman, insensate
- sexually unresponsive; "was cold to his advances"; "a frigid woman" (同)frigid
- lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"; "stale news" (同)stale, dusty, moth-eaten
- (color) giving no sensation of warmth; "a cold bluish grey"
- extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion; "a cold unfriendly nod"; "a cold and unaffectionate person"; "a cold impersonal manner"; "cold logic"; "the concert left me cold"
- feeling or showing no enthusiasm; "a cold audience"; "a cold response to the new play"
- having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration; "a cold climate"; "a cold room"; "dinner has gotten cold"; "cold fingers"; "if you are cold, turn up the heat"; "a cold beer"
- having lost freshness through passage of time; "a cold trail"; "dogs attempting to catch a cold scent"
- lacking the warmth of life; "cold in his grave"
- marked by errorless familiarity; "had her lines cold before rehearsals started"
- of a seeker; far from the object sought
- so intense as to be almost uncontrollable; "cold fury gripped him"
- a pass between mountain peaks (同)gap
- 『寒い』,冷たい;冷えた,冷やした / (性格・態度などが)『冷たい』,冷淡な,熱意のない;無情な,冷酷な / (物事が)人をがっかりさせる,つまらない / (色調が)冷たい,寒色の / (獲物のにおい臭が)かすかな,弱い / 《話》(打撃などで)意識を失った,失神した / 完全に,全く / 〈U〉《しばしばthe~》『寒さ』,寒け,冷たさ / 〈C〉,時に〈U〉『かぜ』,感冒
- (山脈の)鞍部(あんぶ),山あい
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- 1. 寒冷蕁麻疹cold urticaria [show details]
… limited to cold-exposed skin areas. Exposure to cold weather is one of the most common triggers for symptoms, with variables that include temperature, humidity, and wind chill factor. Extensive cold contact …
- 2. 寒冷凝集素症cold agglutinin disease [show details]
… hemolysis due to a cold-sensitive antibody) – Cryoglobulinemia (immunoglobulins that precipitate in the cold; not associated with hemolysis) – There are three major types of cold-sensitive antibodies …
- 3. 発作性寒冷血色素尿症paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria [show details]
… types are presented separately. Cold-induced syndromes – Cold-induced syndromes include CAD, mentioned above, as well as cryoglobulinemia, the Raynaud phenomenon, and cold-induced anaphylaxis. Like PCH, …
- 4. 0℃以上の寒冷湿潤下で生じる寒冷障害(塹壕足)および温暖湿潤下で生じる組織損傷nonfreezing cold water trench foot and warm water immersion injuries [show details]
… caused by cold exposure to tissue not resulting in freezing. This condition is also referred to as trench foot or nonfreezing cold injury (NFCI). NFCI can cause gangrene or infection acutely, and cold intolerance …
- 5. 寒冷刺激頭痛cold stimulus headache [show details]
… Cold stimulus headache, also known as ice-cream headache or brain-freeze headache, is triggered by exposure of the unprotected head to a cold environment, or by ingesting cold materials that pass over …
English Journal
- Diffuse panbronchiolitis and rheumatoid arthritis-associated bronchiolar disease: similarities and differences.
- Hayakawa H, Sato A, Imokawa S, Todate A, Chida K, Suzuki K, Iwata M.
- Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan). 1998 Jun;37(6)504-8.
- There is a considerable overlap between diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB) and bronchiolar disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis. The present study assessed how these conditions could be differentiated. The subjects included 25 DPB patients and 15 RA patients with bronchiolar disease (RA-BD). Pat
- PMID 9678682
- Experimental infection with Plasmodium chabaudi in rats: antigen and antibody associated with anemia and glomerulonephritis of acute infection.
- Musoke AJ, Cox HW, Williams JF.
- The Journal of parasitology. 1977 Dec;63(6)1081-8.
- Rat-adapted Plasmodium chabaudi caused a syndrome characterized by hemolytic anemia, splenomegaly, and glomerulonephritis. All rats recovered and appeared normal after 4 weeks despite persistence of proteinuria. Serologic studies on the malarious rats revealed that the infection was associated with
- PMID 592039
- Properties of a cold hemagglutin in associated with leptospiral hemolytic anemia of sheep.
- Bhasin JL, Freeman MJ, Morter RL.
- Infection and immunity. 1971 Mar;3(3)398-404.
- The cold hemagglutinin which appears after leptospiral infection of sheep was isolated consistently from the plasma by absorption to autologous erythrocyte stroma at 4 C and subsequent elution at 25 C. Immunoelectrophoretic tests disclosed that the purified preparations consisted primarily of a sing
- PMID 16557986
Japanese Journal
- Diffuse Panbronchiolitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis-Associated Bronchiolar Disease: Similarities and Differences
- Hayakawa Hiroshi,Sato Atsuhiko,Imokawa Shiro [他],TODATE Akihiro,CHIDA Kingo,SUZUKI Kazuya,IWATA Masatoshi
- Internal medicine 37(6), 504-508, 1998-06
- … Most patients with either DPB or RA-BD had a history of sinusitis as well as elevated cold hemagglutin titers and decreased levels in partial pressure of oxygen (PaO<sub>2</sub>), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV<sub>1.0</sub>) and V 25/Ht. …
- NAID 10007010143
- 谷内 昇一郎
- 関西医科大学雑誌 36(2), 286-305, 1984
- … It was demonstrated that in these diseases ALA was dependent on complement with cold activity and the highest LCA was obtained at 1/2 diluted serum.<BR>2. … In mycoplasma pneumonia LCA was compared with cold hemagglutin (CHA) by using both cord and adult erythrocytes, and was found to be in more direct correlation with cord C HA than with adult CHA. …
- NAID 130004701241
- 鈴木 幹三,松原 四郎,内潟 雅信,田辺 等,岡野 弘,谷本 普一,松岡 ひろ子
- 日本胸部疾患学会雑誌 20(10), 1084-1089, 1982
- … Laboratory data were as follows: ESR 75mm/hr, CRP ±, WBC 7, 400, cold hemagglutin titer>2, 048, M. …
- NAID 130003675049
Related Links
- Cold agglutinin disease is a form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia caused by cold-reacting autoantibodies. Autoantibodies that bind to the erythrocyte membrane leading to premature erythrocyte destruction (hemolysis ...
- When it’s cold outside, people may huddle together to stay warm. But when your red blood cells huddle, or clump, together when your temperature drops, that could mean you need to have a cold agglutinins test.
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- 寒い、冷たい、寒気がする。冷やした、冷えた(opp.hot)。加熱せずに処理する
- 冷たくなった、死んでいる
- 冷静な。冷淡な。よそよそしい。(やっと抑えている)激しい(怒り)。不感症の。気を滅入らせる、寒々とした
- 興ざましの、つまらない。気乗りのしない。(味が)弱い
- 客観的な(事実)
- 同
- chronic obstructive lung disease, 慢性閉塞性肺疾患