- unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication; "the boxer was out cold"; "pass out cold"
- a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?" (同)common_cold
- the sensation produced by low temperatures; "he shivered from the cold"; "the cold helped clear his head" (同)coldness
- without compunction or human feeling; "in cold blood"; "cold-blooded killing"; "insensate destruction" (同)cold-blooded, inhuman, insensate
- sexually unresponsive; "was cold to his advances"; "a frigid woman" (同)frigid
- lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"; "stale news" (同)stale, dusty, moth-eaten
- (color) giving no sensation of warmth; "a cold bluish grey"
- extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion; "a cold unfriendly nod"; "a cold and unaffectionate person"; "a cold impersonal manner"; "cold logic"; "the concert left me cold"
- feeling or showing no enthusiasm; "a cold audience"; "a cold response to the new play"
- having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration; "a cold climate"; "a cold room"; "dinner has gotten cold"; "cold fingers"; "if you are cold, turn up the heat"; "a cold beer"
- having lost freshness through passage of time; "a cold trail"; "dogs attempting to catch a cold scent"
- lacking the warmth of life; "cold in his grave"
- marked by errorless familiarity; "had her lines cold before rehearsals started"
- of a seeker; far from the object sought
- so intense as to be almost uncontrollable; "cold fury gripped him"
- a special situation; "this thing has got to end"; "it is a remarkable thing"
- a separate and self-contained entity
- an action; "how could you do such a thing?"
- an artifact; "how does this thing work?"
- an entity that is not named specifically; "I couldnt tell what the thing was"
- any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence; "the thing I like about her is ..."
- a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion; "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him"
- a special abstraction; "a thing of the spirit"; "things of the heart"
- a special objective; "the thing is to stay in bounds"
- a statement regarded as an object; "to say the same thing in other terms"; "how can you say such a thing?"
- an event; "a funny thing happened on the way to the..."
- surround with a wall in order to fortify (同)palisade, fence, fence in, surround
- a difficult or awkward situation; "his back was to the wall"; "competition was pushing them to the wall"
- a layer of material that encloses space; "the walls of the cylinder were perforated"; "the containers walls were blue"
- a masonry fence (as around an estate or garden); "the wall followed the road"; "he ducked behind the garden wall and waited"
- an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures"
- (anatomy) a layer (a lining or membrane) that encloses a structure; "stomach walls" (同)paries
- a vertical (or almost vertical) smooth rock face (as of a cave or mountain)
- anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect; "a wall of water"; "a wall of smoke"; "a wall of prejudice"; "negotiations ran into a brick wall"
- 『寒い』,冷たい;冷えた,冷やした / (性格・態度などが)『冷たい』,冷淡な,熱意のない;無情な,冷酷な / (物事が)人をがっかりさせる,つまらない / (色調が)冷たい,寒色の / (獲物のにおい臭が)かすかな,弱い / 《話》(打撃などで)意識を失った,失神した / 完全に,全く / 〈U〉《しばしばthe~》『寒さ』,寒け,冷たさ / 〈C〉,時に〈U〉『かぜ』,感冒
- 〈C〉(形のある)『物』,物体;(生物に対しての)『無生物』 / 〈C〉(形のない)『もの』,事,事柄,でき事 / 《複数形で》事情,事態,状勢,状況 / 《複数形で》(すべての)事物,事柄 / 《通例 the~》(努力・活動などの)目的,目標 / 〈C〉衣服,衣類・《one's things》持ち物,所持品,身の回り品 / 《複数形で》道具,用具・〈C〉《親愛・哀れみ・軽べつなどの感情をこめて》人,者,やつ / 《the~》《話》(…の)流行《+in+名》
- {C}(石・れんがなどの)『壁』,へい / {U}(胃などの)内壁,内側 / {C}(…の)壁[のようなもの]《+of+名》 / …‘を'壁(へい)で囲む / …‘を'壁で仕切る / 〈窓・入り口など〉‘を'壁ぃふさぐ《+up+名,+名+up》
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- 《前述の名詞または文脈でそれと分かる名詞に付けて》『その』,あの,名の / 《唯一の事物に付けて》 / 《方角・自然現象に付けて》 / 《用具・楽器・特定の病気などに付けて》 / 《修飾吾[句]を伴う名詞に付けて》 / 《単数普通名詞に付けて》(1)《種族全体》…『というもの』 / 《複数名詞または集合名詞に付けて》 / 《単位》『…につき;…単位[で]』 / 《身体の一部に付けて,所有格に代わる》 / 《形容詞に付けて》 / 《固有名詞に付けて》 / 《強意用法に》『随一の』,典型的な / 《「the+比較級,the+比較級」の形で》『…すればするほどそれだけ』 / 《比較級の前に》(…につれて,のために)『それだけ』,ますます
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English Journal
- Role of Cross Sectional Imaging in Isolated Chest Wall Tuberculosis.
- Boruah DK1, Sanyal S2, Sharma BK3, Prakash A4, Dhingani DD4, Bora K4.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR.J Clin Diagn Res.2017 Jan;11(1):TC01-TC06. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/23522.9185. Epub 2017 Jan 1.
- PMID 28274020
- Treatment paradox in musculo-skeletal tuberculosis in an immunocompetent adult male; a case report from a tertiary care hospital.
- Chaskar P1, Rana G2, Anuradha3, Duggal N4, Arora J5.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR.J Clin Diagn Res.2015 Apr;9(4):DD01-2. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/10943.5749. Epub 2015 Apr 1.
- PMID 26046019
- [Cold thoracic parietal abscess in immunocompetent individuals].
- Benjelloun H1, Morad S1, Zaghba N1, Bakhatar A1, Yassine N1, Bahlaoui A1.
- The Pan African medical journal.Pan Afr Med J.2015 Feb 20;20:161. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2015.20.161.5773. eCollection 2015.
- PMID 26113904
Japanese Journal
- 結核性胸膜炎に対する胸腔ドレーン留置後に発症した胸壁冷膿瘍の1例
Related Links
- Hydatid Cyst The Chest Wall... 409 x 307 · 162 kB · jpeg Courtesy of : yester.ispub.com
- 1. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998 Oct;66(4):1174-8. Cold abscess of the chest wall: a surgical entity? Faure E, Souilamas R, Riquet M, Chehab A, Le Pimpec-Barthes F, Manac'h D, Debesse B. Service de Chirurgie Thoracique, Hôpital ...
- 英
- cold abscess of chest wall, pericostal abscess, cold abscess of the chest wall
- 関
- 冷膿瘍
- 寒い、冷たい、寒気がする。冷やした、冷えた(opp.hot)。加熱せずに処理する
- 冷たくなった、死んでいる
- 冷静な。冷淡な。よそよそしい。(やっと抑えている)激しい(怒り)。不感症の。気を滅入らせる、寒々とした
- 興ざましの、つまらない。気乗りのしない。(味が)弱い
- 客観的な(事実)
- 関
- breast、pectoral、pectoral region、thoraces、thoracic、thorax
- 同
- chronic obstructive lung disease, 慢性閉塞性肺疾患