- treat gingerly or carefully; "You have to stroke the boss"
- a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain (同)apoplexy, cerebrovascular_accident, CVA
- (golf) the unit of scoring in golf is the act of hitting the ball with a club; "Nicklaus won by three strokes"
- (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand; "it took two strokes to get out of the bunker"; "a good shot requires good balance and tempo"; "he left me an almost impossible shot" (同)shot
- a light touch with the hands (同)stroking
- a single complete movement
- any one of the repeated movements of the limbs and body used for locomotion in swimming or rowing
- a light touch
- a mark made on a surface by a pen, pencil, or paintbrush; "she applied the paint in careful strokes"
- the oarsman nearest the stern of the shell who sets the pace for the rest of the crew
- row at a particular rate
- strike a ball with a smooth blow
- touch lightly and repeatedly, as with brushing motions; "He stroked his long beard"
- of or relating to the brain and the blood vessels that supply it; "a cerebrovascular accident"
- 脳卒中
- (こぶし・武器・金づちなどの)『一打ち』,一撃,打告《+of+名》 / 《単数形で》(運の)巡り合わせ《+of+名》 / 《単数形で》(…の)ひと仕事,ひと働き;みごとな成果《+of+名》 / (鐘・時計などの)『打つ音』《+of+名》 / (時計などが打って示す)時刻 / (繰り返される動作・運動の)『一動作』,一行程 / (ペン・鉛筆・筆などの)ひと筆,ひとなで;筆の運び,筆致 / 卒中 / (ゴルフ・テニスなどの)一打ち,ストローク / (心臓などの)一打ち,鼓動,脈搏 / (ボートの)整調[手] / 〈ボート〉‘の'整調をこぐ / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈ボール〉‘を'打つ
- 〈髪・動物など〉‘を'なでる,さする / 〈人〉‘を'なだめる《+名+down, down+名》 / 一なで,一さすり
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English Journal
- Amphetamine and other pharmacological agents in human and animal studies of recovery from stroke.
- Walker-Batson D1, Mehta J2, Smith P3, Johnson M4.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.2016 Jan 4;64:225-30. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.04.002. Epub 2015 Apr 18.
- Neuromodulation with pharmacological agents, including drugs of abuse such as amphetamine, when paired with behavioral experience, has been shown to positively modify outcomes in animal models of stroke. A number of clinical studies have tested the efficacy of a variety of drugs to enhance recovery
- PMID 25896190
- The neuroprotective potential of low-dose methamphetamine in preclinical models of stroke and traumatic brain injury.
- Rau T1, Ziemniak J2, Poulsen D3.
- Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry.Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry.2016 Jan 4;64:231-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2015.02.013. Epub 2015 Feb 25.
- Methamphetamine is a psychostimulant that was initially synthesized in 1920. Since then it has been used to treat attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), obesity and narcolepsy. However, methamphetamine has also become a major drug of abuse worldwide. Under conditions of abuse, which involve
- PMID 25724762
Japanese Journal
- 血行動態介入による脳動脈瘤の血行力学的治療 : 3症例の検討と文献的考察
- 脊山 英徳,野口 明男,栗田 浩樹,佐藤 栄志,小西 善史,塩川 芳昭
- 脳卒中の外科 = Surgery for cerebral stroke
- NAID 10031125967
- Effects of weather variability and air pollutants on emergency admissions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
- Hori Aya,Hashizume Masahiro,Tsuda Yoko,Tsukahara Teruomi,Nomiyama Tetsuo
- International journal of environmental health research 22(5), 416-430, 2012-10-01
- … We examined the effect of ambient temperature, air pressure and air pollutants on daily emergency admissions by identifying the cause of admission for each type of stroke and cardiovascular disease using generalized linear Poisson regressionmodels allowing for overdispersion, and controlling for seasonal and inter-annual variations, days of the week and public holidays, levels of influenza and respiratory syncytial viruses. … We found stronger detrimental effect of cold on stroke than cardiovascular disease. …
- NAID 120004724755
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- The Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases publishes original papers on basic and clinical science related to the fields of stroke and... ... Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2013: 0.930 SNIP measures contextual ...
- 関
- acute stroke、apoplectic、apoplectic stroke、apoplexia、apoplexia cerebri、cerebral apoplexy、cerebral stroke、cerebrovascular accident、cerebrovascular stroke、CVA、extravasation、stroke
- 同
- apoplexia
- 関
- apoplexy、cerebral stroke、cerebrovascular accident、cerebrovascular stroke、CVA、stroke
- 英
- cerebrovascular stroke
- 関
- cerebral blood vessel