breast reconstruction

breast implantmammaplastymammoplasty


  1. meet at breast level; "The runner breasted the tape"
  2. the part of an animals body that corresponds to a persons chest
  3. either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman (同)bosom, knocker, boob, tit, titty
  4. the front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen; "he beat his breast in anger" (同)chest
  5. meat carved from the breast of a fowl (同)white_meat
  6. the activity of constructing something again
  7. recall that is hypothesized to work by storing abstract features which are then used to construct the memory during recall (同)reconstructive memory
  8. an interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence
  9. the period after the American Civil War when the southern states were reorganized and reintegrated into the Union; 1865-1877 (同)Reconstruction Period
  10. having a breast or breasts; or breasts as specified; used chiefly in compounds; "small-breasted"; "red-breasted sandpiper"


  1. 『胸』,『胸部』;(服の)胸部 / 『乳房』,乳 / 《文》胸中,心紳 / …'を'胸に受ける,胸に受けて進む / …‘に'雄々しく立ち向かう
  2. 〈U〉再建,改造,復興,復元 / 〈C〉再建(改造,復元)された物 / 《the R-》《米》南部諸州の再統合期,再建時代(南北戦争後,法律・諸制度を改正した1865年から1877年までの期間)

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English Journal

  • Alleviation of capsular formations on silicone implants in rats using biomembrane-mimicking coatings.
  • Park JU1, Ham J2, Kim S3, Seo JH4, Kim SH5, Lee S2, Min HJ6, Choi S2, Choi RM6, Kim H2, Oh S7, Hur JA8, Choi TH9, Lee Y10.
  • Acta biomaterialia.Acta Biomater.2014 Oct;10(10):4217-25. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.07.007. Epub 2014 Jul 12.
  • Despite their popular use in breast augmentation and reconstruction surgeries, the limited biocompatibility of silicone implants can induce severe side effects, including capsular contracture - an excessive foreign body reaction that forms a tight and hard fibrous capsule around the implant. This st
  • PMID 25020265
  • Use of prophylactic postoperative antibiotics during surgical drain presence following mastectomy.
  • Edwards BL1, Stukenborg GJ, Brenin DR, Schroen AT.
  • Annals of surgical oncology.Ann Surg Oncol.2014 Oct;21(10):3249-55. doi: 10.1245/s10434-014-3960-7. Epub 2014 Aug 20.
  • BACKGROUND: National guidelines recommend one dose of perioperative antibiotics for breast surgery and discourage postoperative continuation. However, reported skin and soft tissue infection (SSI) rates after mastectomy range from 1-26 %, higher than expected for clean cases. Utility of routine or
  • PMID 25138078
  • Randomized trial of drain antisepsis after mastectomy and immediate prosthetic breast reconstruction.
  • Degnim AC1, Hoskin TL, Brahmbhatt RD, Warren-Peled A, Loprinzi M, Pavey ES, Boughey JC, Hieken TJ, Jacobson S, Lemaine V, Jakub JW, Irwin C, Foster RD, Sbitany H, Saint-Cyr M, Duralde E, Ramaker S, Chin R, Sieg M, Wildeman M, Scow JS, Patel R, Ballman K, Baddour LM, Esserman LJ.
  • Annals of surgical oncology.Ann Surg Oncol.2014 Oct;21(10):3240-8. doi: 10.1245/s10434-014-3918-9. Epub 2014 Aug 6.
  • BACKGROUND: In this 2-site randomized trial, we investigated the effect of antiseptic drain care on bacterial colonization of surgical drains and infection after immediate prosthetic breast reconstruction.METHODS: With IRB approval, we randomized patients undergoing bilateral mastectomy and reconstr
  • PMID 25096386

Japanese Journal

  • 中国における乳癌患者の身体経験
  • 患者まで届いている再生医療 脂肪組織由来幹細胞を用いた乳房再建術
  • 再生医療 : 日本再生医療学会雑誌 14(4), 370-376, 2015-11
  • NAID 40020660788
  • DIEP flapとエキスパンダーを用いた二次乳房再建 (AYUMI マイクロサージャリーに関する最近の話題)

Related Links

Women who have undergone breast reconstruction share their stories and photos. New additions are added regularly to help connect our users with women who have had all types of breast reconstruction surgery.
Breast reconstruction is an option for a woman who has lost a breast due to cancer or other condition. Learn more, view before and after photos from ASPS. ... Breast Reconstruction Helping You Become Whole Again Breast ...

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mammoplastybreast reconstructionmammaplasty



breast reconstructionbreast implant



breast reconstruction



breast reconstruction



breast reconstruction



  • n.




  • n.
  • 胸、胸部
  • 乳房