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English Journal
- Multiple injections per injection episode: High-risk injection practice among people who injected pills during the 2015 HIV outbreak in Indiana.
- Broz D1, Zibbell J2, Foote C3, Roseberry JC4, Patel MR2, Conrad C4, Chapman E4, Peters PJ2, Needle R5, McAlister C3, Duwve JM6.
- The International journal on drug policy.Int J Drug Policy.2017 Dec 23;52:97-101. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.12.003. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 29278838
- AuthorsBroussard IM1, Bhimji SS2.
- Open/close author information list" class="jig-ncbitoggler" href="#
- PMID 29262198
- Tissue factor-bearing microparticles and inflammation: a potential mechanism for the development of venous thromboembolism in cancer.
- Date K1, Ettelaie C2, Maraveyas A1,3.
- Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.J Thromb Haemost.2017 Dec;15(12):2289-2299. doi: 10.1111/jth.13871. Epub 2017 Nov 8.
- PMID 29028284
Japanese Journal
- Autopsy Cases of Lung Cancer and Liver Cancer among Japanese Dentists-A Review of the Annual of the Pathological Autopsy Cases in Japan
- , , , ,
- Industrial Health 49(5), 663-671, 2011
- … It has been speculated that dentists are also at high risk for occupational exposure to bloodborne viruses such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C. …
- NAID 130004828650
- 看護師の針刺しに関する要因の文献検討1997~2007
- Non-hospital based registered nurses and the risk of bloodborne pathogen exposure
- Gershon Robyn R. M.,Qureshi Kristine A.,Pogorzelska Monika [他]
- Industrial Health 45(5), 695-704, 2007-10
- NAID 40015693850
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- bloodborne、blood-borne infection 血液感染
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- blood-borne、bloodborne
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- blood-borne pathogen