- affecting or undertaken by two parties; "a bilateral agreement between the United States and Japan"
- having identical parts on each side of an axis (同)isobilateral, bilaterally symmetrical, bilaterally symmetric
- having two sides or parts (同)two-sided
- a remedy for hearing loss or deafness
- of or relating to the science of acoustics; "acoustic properties of a hall" (同)acoustical
- the study of the physical properties of sound
- autosomal dominant disease characterized by numerous neurofibromas and by spots on the skin and often by developmental abnormalities (同)von Recklinghausen''s disease
- 両側のある,左右同形の / 双方の,二派の / (おもに法律で)相互に義務を負う,双務的な
- 音響の;聴覚の / (特に楽器が電気的に増幅・変化されていない)自然音を出す
- 《単数扱い》音響学 / 《複数扱い》(劇場などの)音響効果
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English Journal
- Progression of hearing loss in neurofibromatosis type 2 according to genetic severity.
- Emmanouil B, Houston R, May A, Ramsden JD, Hanemann CO, Halliday D, Parry A, Mackeith S.
- The Laryngoscope. 2019 Apr;129(4)974-980.
- This study set out to describe the progression of hearing loss in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), treated in a quaternary multidisciplinary clinic. It also aimed to compare hearing loss across patients grouped according to a known genetic severity score to explore its utility for progn
- PMID 30456886
- From process to progress-2017 International Conference on Neurofibromatosis 1, Neurofibromatosis 2 and Schwannomatosis.
- Ferner RE, Bakker A, Elgersma Y, Evans DGR, Giovannini M, Legius E, Lloyd A, Messiaen LM, Plotkin S, Reilly KM, Schindeler A, Smith MJ, Ullrich NJ, Widemann B, Sherman LS.
- American journal of medical genetics. Part A. 2019 Mar;().
- The neurofibromatoses are inherited, tumor suppressor disorders that are characterized by multiple, benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors and other nervous system tumors. Each disease is associated with a distinct genetic mutation and with a different pathogenesis and clinical course. Neurofibromato
- PMID 30908866
- Identification of myeloid-derived suppressor cells that have an immunosuppressive function in NF2 patients.
- Wang Y, Li P, Wang B, Wang S, Liu P.
- Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology. 2019 Feb;145(2)523-533.
- There is no targeted drug therapy for NF2 patients, and surgery or radiosurgery is not always effective. Therefore, the exploration of new therapeutic pathways is urgently needed. We analyzed the expression of cytokines in the serum of NF2 patients and determined the percentage of HLA-DRCD33CD11b ce
- PMID 30603902
Japanese Journal
- 視神経鞘髄膜腫に対し強度変調放射線治療を施行した神経線維腫症2型の一例
- 松野 裕樹,山田 裕子,井上 結香子,金森 章泰,中村 誠
- 神経眼科 34(4), 449-454, 2017
- 小児の神経線維腫症2型(NF2)に合併した視神経鞘髄膜腫に対し,強度変調放射線治療(IMRT)を施行した一例を報告する.症例は12歳女児.結膜炎で近医受診した際に,右視神経乳頭腫脹を指摘された.矯正視力は左右とも1.5で,Goldmann視野検査(GP)で右眼マリオット盲点の拡大を認めた.頭部造影MRIで,右視神経鞘髄膜腫,両聴神経鞘腫が疑われ,NF2と診断された.6か月後に右眼GPが悪化し,IM …
- NAID 130006321826
- 血管内治療と二期的摘出術が有用であった大型・hypervascular聴神経腫瘍の1手術例
- 高橋 和孝,松本 康史,山口 卓,小野 隆裕,小田 正哉,笹嶋 寿郎,清水 宏明
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 24(8), 544-550, 2015
- … <br> 症例は31歳, 男性, 家族性神経線維腫症Ⅱ型 (neurofibromatosis 2), 13年前に右聴神経腫瘍を手術した. …
- NAID 130005094980
- 和田 哲郎,辻 茂希,田渕 経司,大久保 英樹,高橋 和彦,瀬成田 雅光,原 晃,中山 雅博,廣瀬 由紀,中馬越 真理子,西村 文吾,田中 秀峰,星野 朝文,上前泊 功,飛田 忠道
- 耳鼻咽喉科展望 56(Supplement1), s43-s48, 2013
- 1988年から2011年の24年間に, 当科を受診した聴神経腫瘍 (VS) 初回治療症例は187例であった。これらの内, 最終的に神経線維腫症II型 (NF2) と診断された症例は11例で, 10例は両側聴神経腫瘍により, 1例は一側の聴神経腫瘍と多発する髄膜腫と神経鞘腫により診断された。一側性聴神経腫瘍症例176例と神経線維腫症II型症例11例に分けてretrospectiveに検討を行った。& …
- NAID 130004546523
Related Links
- Neurofibromatosis type 2 is a disorder characterized by the growth of noncancerous tumors in the nervous system. The most common tumors associated with neurofibromatosis type 2 are called vestibular schwannomas or acoustic ...
- bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis definition: a genetic condition in which a person develops acoustic neuromas (= tumours that affect the nerve that runs from the inner ear to the brain) that eventually lead to loss of the ability to hear ...
- Neurofibromatosis type 2 is a disorder characterized by the growth of noncancerous tumors in the nervous system. The most common tumors associated with neurofibromatosis type 2 are called vestibular schwannomas or acoustic ...
Related Pictures

- 関
- acoustic neurinoma、acoustic neuroma、bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis、neurofibromatosis 2、neurofibromatosis II、neurofibromatosis type 2、neurofibromatosis type II、type 2 neurofibromatosis、type II neurofibromatosis、vestibular schwannoma
- 関
- acoustic neuroma、acoustic schwannoma、bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis、neurofibromatosis 2、neurofibromatosis II、neurofibromatosis type 2、neurofibromatosis type II、type II neurofibromatosis
- 英
- bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis
- 関
- 神経線維腫症2型、神経線維腫症II型
- 関
- bilaterality、bilaterally、left-right symmetry、two-sided、two-tailed
- 関
- acoustical、audition、auditory、hearing
神経線維腫症 NF