Structural architecture of SNP effects on complex traits.
Gamazon ER1, Cox NJ1, Davis LK2.
American journal of human genetics.Am J Hum Genet.2014 Nov 6;95(5):477-89. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2014.09.009. Epub 2014 Oct 9.
Despite the discovery of copy-number variation (CNV) across the genome nearly 10 years ago, current SNP-based analysis methodologies continue to collapse the homozygous (i.e., A/A), hemizygous (i.e., A/0), and duplicative (i.e., A/A/A) genotype states, treating the genotype variable as irreducible o
What is the role of long-acting injectable antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia?
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The Journal of clinical psychiatry.J Clin Psychiatry.2014 Nov;75(11):1261-2. doi: 10.4088/JCP.14com09518.
Experts and clinical guidelines recommend using long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics to prevent relapse among people diagnosed with schizophrenia who do not adhere to oral antipsychotic regimens. These recommendations belie a continued lack of strong evidence that LAIs have advantages over or
Associations between children’s video game playing and psychosocial health: information from both parent and child reports.
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Cyberpsychology, behavior and social networking.Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw.2014 Oct;17(10):639-43. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2014.0128.
Video games are a highly heterogeneous form of entertainment. As recent reviews highlight, this heterogeneity makes likely that video games have both positive and negative consequences for child development. This study investigated the associations between gaming frequency and psychosocial health am
… With reference to Lacan's term, "sujet supposé savoir," (subject supposed to know) and Bion's concept of "K linking," it was considered that "unconscious" appeared and came into one's own only in analytical relationship, and that there was no end in our knowing "unconscious." Then, through the comparison of psychoanalytical epistemology with "unconscious" and traditional epistemology, where the definition of knowledge has been "justified true belie!," the concept of "clinical epistemology" was considered from the ontological viewpoint. …
transitive verb. 1. a : to give a false impression of b : to present an appearance not in agreement with. 2. a : to show (something) to be false or wrong b : to run counter to : contradict. 3. : disguise 3. — be·li·er \-ˈlī(-ə)r\ noun. See belie defined for ...