- either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood
- a fibrous amphibole; used for making fireproof articles; inhaling fibers can cause asbestosis or lung cancer
- 《しばしば複数形で》『肺』,肺臓
- (耐火・断熱用の)石綿
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English Journal
- Integrative analysis of microRNA, mRNA and aCGH data reveals asbestos- and histology-related changes in lung cancer.
- Nymark P, Guled M, Borze I, Faisal A, Lahti L, Salmenkivi K, Kettunen E, Anttila S, Knuutila S.SourceDepartment of Pathology, Haartman Institute and HUSLAB, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; Biological Mechanisms and Prevention of Work-related Diseases, Health and Work Ability, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland.
- Genes, chromosomes & cancer.Genes Chromosomes Cancer.2011 Aug;50(8):585-97. doi: 10.1002/gcc.20880. Epub 2011 May 11.
- Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate of all of the cancers in the world and asbestos-related lung cancer is one of the leading occupational cancers. The identification of asbestos-related molecular changes has long been a topic of increasing research interest. The aim of this study was to iden
- PMID 21563230
- Occupational exposure to diesel and gasoline emissions and lung cancer in Canadian men.
- Villeneuve PJ, Parent ME, Sahni V, Johnson KC; the Canadian Cancer Registries Epidemiology Research Group.SourcePopulation Studies Division, Health Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
- Environmental research.Environ Res.2011 Jul;111(5):727-735. Epub 2011 May 4.
- The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies diesel exhaust as a probable human carcinogen; this decision is based largely from lung cancer evidence. Gasoline exhaust is classified as a possible carcinogen. Epidemiological studies are needed that improve upon some of the limitations of
- PMID 21536265
Japanese Journal
- Field study: Non-response bias in a surveillance program for asbestos-related lung cancer
- Knoll Lars,Felten Michael K.,Ackermann Diana [他]
- Journal of Occupational Health 53(1), 16-22, 2011-01
- NAID 40017654692
- Occult Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Mimicking Rapid Progression of Asbestosis
- Tachikawa Ryo,Tomii Keisuke,Imai Yukihiro
- Internal Medicine 50(9), 1055-1058, 2011
- … We herein present an autopsy case of occult lung adenocarcinoma that masqueraded as rapid progression of preexisting asbestosis. … An autopsy revealed that well-differentiated adenocarcinoma with prominent reactive fibrosis was diffusely distributed within the fibrotic lesions in addition to the underlying asbestosis, and the unusually rapid progression of asbestosis was attributed to the reactive fibrosis of occult lung adenocarcinoma. …
- NAID 130000650112
Related Links
- 27 Jun 2011 ... Learn about asbestos related lung disorders including asbestosis, lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma, scarring of the lungs, fluid around the lungs, and lung calcification.
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- 英
- asbestos lung, asbestosis, lung asbestosis
- ラ
- asbestosis pulmonum
- 同
- アスベスト肺
- 関
- 塵肺
[show details]
- 石綿小体:喀痰や経気管支肺生検中に見られる
- 胸膜斑:壁側胸膜の石灰化(下肺野、横隔膜)
- 胸膜:胸水?、ヒアリン性胸膜肥厚斑、臓側胸膜線維症、胸膜変化(石綿肺>珪肺)で胸膜炎多い
- 肺野:間質性びまん性線維化病巣(両肺下肺野の間質性びまん性線維症を呈しUIP様。)、進展すれば蜂窩肺
- 喀痰・肺胞洗浄液より石綿小体を特定
- 胸部単純X線写真
- 肺機能検査:拘束性肺障害(%VC↓)、拡散障害(DLCO↓)
- 1. 肺癌(石綿肺患者:発症の相対危険度10、石綿肺患者+喫煙:発症の相対危険度100)。暴露から10-20年後
- 2. 悪性胸膜中皮腫:暴露から20-40年後。
- 3. 肺線維腫
- 4. 良性胸膜病変
- http://merckmanual.jp/mmhe2j/sec04/ch049/ch049d.html
- http://www.mhlw.go.jp/topics/2005/07/tp0729-1.html
- http://www.asbestos-center.jp/asbestos/qanda.html
- http://www.research12.jp/jinpai/16.html
- 5. 石綿による疾病の労災認定基準の改正 厚生労働省発表 平成18年2月9日(木)
- http://www.mhlw.go.jp/houdou/2006/02/h0209-1.html
- 6. [charged] Asbestosis - uptodate [1]