免疫芽球性リンパ節症。血管免疫芽球性リンパ節症 AIL angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy
- chronic abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes (usually associated with disease)
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English Journal
- Immunoblastic follicular lymphoma: a very unusual transformation of low-grade follicular lymphoma.
- Gheith S1, Cornfield D2, Chen W3, Singh-Kahlon P4, Ahmed B5.
- Human pathology.Hum Pathol.2014 Aug 13. pii: S0046-8177(14)00313-X. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2014.07.016. [Epub ahead of print]
- A 73-year-old man, in clinical remission 17 years after radiation therapy for a localized low-grade follicular lymphoma (FL), developed extensive lymphadenopathy, ascites, and splenomegaly with splenic masses. Axillary lymph node biopsy showed FL composed of nodules of centrocytes side by side with
- PMID 25223592
- Comparison of referring and final pathology for patients with T-cell lymphoma in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network.
- Herrera AF1, Crosby-Thompson A, Friedberg JW, Abel GA, Czuczman MS, Gordon LI, Kaminski MS, Millenson MM, Nademanee AP, Niland JC, Rodig SJ, Rodriguez MA, Zelenetz AD, LaCasce AS.
- Cancer.Cancer.2014 Jul 1;120(13):1993-9. doi: 10.1002/cncr.28676. Epub 2014 Apr 4.
- BACKGROUND: T-cell lymphomas (TCLs) are uncommon in the United States. The accurate diagnosis of TCL is challenging and requires morphologic interpretation, immunophenotyping, and molecular techniques. The authors compared pathologic diagnoses at referring centers with diagnoses from expert hematopa
- PMID 24706502
- A rare case of anaplastic variant of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma presenting as a lung primary.
- Kos Z1, Burns BF, Gomes MM, Sekhon HS.
- International journal of surgical pathology.Int J Surg Pathol.2014 Apr;22(2):167-71. doi: 10.1177/1066896913491318. Epub 2013 Jun 17.
- Primary pulmonary lymphoma is an uncommon neoplastic disorder representing approximately 0.5% to 1% of primary pulmonary malignancies. The vast majority are of low-grade, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue type. Primary diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the lung is rare, though cases of the centroblas
- PMID 23775019
Japanese Journal
- 骨髄,リンパ節,肝およびひ臓に線維化とリンパ節に類上皮細胞の増生の見られたAngio‐immunoblastic Lymphadenopathyの1例
- 佐藤 功,三浦 明,横道 弘直,鈴木 千征,一迫 玲
- 臨床血液 31(7), 958-962, 1990
- … We report a 47-year-old man diagnosed as angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia (AILD) with fibrosis of the bone marrow, lymph node, liver and spleen, and proliferatin of epithelioid cells in lymph node. … He was admitted to a hospital in May, 1980 because of general fatigue, cough, fever and systemic lymphadenopathy. …
- NAID 130004499702
- 造血器疾患に合併した感染症に対するCefbuperazone, Amikacin併用療法
- 田中 新司,津田 昌一郎,中川 均,西垣 光,奥田 司,谷脇 雅史,三澤 信一,瀧野 辰郎,阿部 達生
- The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 42(12), 2548-2554, 1989
- 造血器疾患に合併した感染症22例に対しCefbuperazone (CBPZ), Amikacin (AMK) 併用療法を地行し, 有効性及び安全性の検討を行った。<BR>1. 評価対象症例は18例で, その有効率は55.6%であった。<BR>2. 感染症の内訳で最も多い敗血症疑い症例での有効率は42.9%であった。<BR>3. 投与後好中球数が多い程有効率が高 …
- NAID 130004394913
- 血管免疫芽球性リンパ節症(AILD/IBL)病変(IBL様Tリンパ腫)
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- 英
- immunoblastic lymphadenopathy, IBL
- 同
- 異常蛋白血症を伴う血管免疫芽球性リンパ節症 angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia AILD、血管免疫芽球性リンパ節症 angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy AIL、リンパ肉芽腫症X lymphogranulomatosis X、免疫異形成症 immunodysplastic disease、リンパ異形成症候群 lymphodysplastic syndrome
- 関
- 免疫芽球
免疫芽球性リンパ節症。血管免疫芽球性リンパ節症 angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy
免疫芽球性リンパ節症。血管免疫芽球性リンパ節症 AIL angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy
免疫芽球性リンパ節症。異常蛋白血症を伴う血管免疫芽球性リンパ節症 AILD
- 関
- immunoblast