- an organism that thrives in a relatively acid environment (同)acidophile
- of or relating to eosinophil
- a bacterium that is used to make yogurt and to supplement probiotics (同)Lactobacillus_acidophilus
- especially of some bacteria; growing well in an acid medium (同)acidophilous, aciduric
- archaebacteria that thrive in strongly acidic environments at high temperatures
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/03/14 10:32:38」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Acidophil cell |
Code |
TH H3. |
In the anterior pituitary, the term "acidophil" is used to describe two different types of cells:
- somatotrophs, which generate somatotropin (also known as growth hormone)
- mammotrophs, which generate prolactin
When using standard staining techniques, they cannot be distinguished from each other (though they can be distinguished from basophils and chromophobes),[1] and are therefore identified simply as "acidophils".
See also
- Acidophile (histology)
- Basophilic
- Oxyphil cell
- ^ BU Histology Learning System: 14002loa
Human anatomy, endocrine system: endocrine glands (TA A11, TH H3.08, GA 11.1269)
Islets of pancreas |
- Alpha cell
- Beta cell
- Delta cell
- PP cell
- Epsilon cell
pituitary axes
+parathyroid |
Pituitary |
Posterior pituitary |
- Pars nervosa
- Median eminence
- Infundibular stalk
Anterior pituitary |
- Pars intermedia
- Pars tuberalis
- Pars distalis
- Acidophil cell
- Somatotropic cell
- Prolactin cell
- Basophil cell
- Corticotropic cell
- Gonadotropic cell
- Thyrotropic cell
- Chromophobe cell
Thyroid axis |
Thyroid gland |
- Thyroid isthmus
- Lobes of thyroid gland
- Pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland
- Follicular cell
- Parafollicular cell
Parathyroid gland |
Adrenal axis:
Adrenal gland |
Cortex |
- Zona glomerulosa
- Zona fasciculata
- Zona reticularis
Medulla |
- Medullary chromaffin cell
Gonadal axis |
- Gonad: Testes
- Ovaries
- Corpus luteum
Pineal gland |
- Pinealocyte
- Corpora arenacea
Other |
- Enteroendocrine cell
- Paraganglia
noco (d)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
proc, drug (A10/H1/H2/H3/H5)
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English Journal
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- Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics.Aliment Pharmacol Ther.2015 Feb;41(4):368-78. doi: 10.1111/apt.13052. Epub 2014 Dec 11.
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- 症例は67歳の男性で,嚥下困難を主訴に上部消化管内視鏡検査を施行したところ,切歯より18cmの頸部食道に長径30mm大の粘膜下腫瘍を認めた.症状が強いことから手術適応と判断した.左頸部弧状切開にて食道にアプローチし,食道前壁を切開して腫瘍を直視下に確認した.腫瘍は後壁由来であり,全層性に切除した.肉眼検査的には25×15×10mm大の紡錘型単房性腫瘍であり,内容は淡黄色の液体成分であった.病理組織 …
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- Welcome Acidophil is an innovation company focused on the creation and development of bio-technologies and related products and businesses that address unmet market needs through combinations of: Market research, technical ...
- acidophil [as´id-o-fil″] 1. a histologic structure, cell, or other element staining readily with acid dyes. 2. one of the hormone-producing acidophilic cells of ... Electron microscopy may still be helpful for the diagnoses of some pituitary ...
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- 好酸球性の、好酸球の、好酸性の、好酸の、エオシン好性の、エオジン好性の
- 関
- acidophil、acidophile、acidophilic、eosinophil
- 日
- ラクトバチルス・アシドフィルス
- ラ
- Lactobacillus acidophilus、L. acidophilus
- 同
- アシドフィルス菌
- 関
- 乳酸桿菌
- 関
- lactic acid bacteria、lactic acid bacterium、lactobacilli
- 関
- eosinophilic adenoma、Hurthle cell tumor、oncocytoma、oxyphilic adenoma
- 関
- acidophil、eosinophil、eosinophilic
- 関
- Lactobacillus acidophilus