- 英
- Ward's triangle
- 関
- ウォード三角
- block forming a division of a hospital (or a suite of rooms) shared by patients who need a similar kind of care; "they put her in a 4-bed ward" (同)hospital ward
- a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections
- a person who is under the protection or in the custody of another
- English economist and conservationist (1914-1981) (同)Barbara Ward, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth
- United States businessman who in 1872 established a successful mail-order business (1843-1913) (同)Montgomery Ward, Aaron Montgomery Ward
- English writer of novels who was an active opponent of the womens suffrage movement (1851-1920) (同)Mrs. Humphrey Ward, Mary Augusta Arnold Ward
- 〈C〉『病棟』,病室 / 〈C〉(刑務所の)監房 / 〈U〉(未成年者などの)後見,保護;〈C〉被後見人 / 〈C〉(行政区画の)『区』 / 〈U〉警備,見張り / 〈危険・病気など〉‘を'避ける,‘から'身を守る《+off+名,+名+off》
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Japanese Journal
- 大腿骨(頸部・大転子部・Ward 三角)と踵骨および橈骨の骨密度の左右差に関する検討
- 吉岡 真二,棚田 修二,八木 大,曾我部 一郎,濱本 研
- 日本骨形態計測学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Bone Morphometry 6(2), 149, 1996-07-01
- NAID 10016701819
Related Pictures

- 英
- Ward's triangle
- 関
- Ward三角
- 英
- 関
- 角度、隅、端、コーナー、触角