- Teachers College 教員養成大学
English Journal
- Tactile Corpuscle-like Bodies in Gastrointestinal-type Mucosa: A Case Series.
- Celeiro-Muñoz C1, Huebner TA, Robertson SA, Pittman ME, Singhi AD, Arnold CA, Bhaijee F, Voltaggio L, Montgomery EA.
- The American journal of surgical pathology.Am J Surg Pathol.2015 Dec;39(12):1668-72. doi: 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000480.
- PMID 26291509
- Hydrodechlorination of polychlorinated molecules using transition metal phosphide catalysts.
- Cecilia JA1, Infantes-Molina A2, Rodríguez-Castellón E1.
- Journal of hazardous materials.J Hazard Mater.2015 Oct 15;296:112-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2015.04.021. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- PMID 25913677
- Mechanism of T-cell lymphomagenesis: transformation of growth-factor-dependent T-lymphoblastoma cells to growth-factor-independent T-lymphoma cells.
- Haas M, Altman A, Rothenberg E, Bogart MH, Jones OW.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.1984 Mar;81(6):1742-6.
- In a previous paper we described the induction by x-irradiation or radiation-induced leukemia virus-inoculation of two classes of lymphoid T-cell neoplasms: The first class, designated T-cell lymphoblastoma (TCLB), consists of growth-factor-dependent eudiploid cells that home to the spleen and give
- PMID 6608730
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- Bienvenue sur le site du TCLB Tous les jours, petite restauration, Et le Vendredi 3 mars, grand souper de tournoi avec inscription Menu: Brochettes de poulet au chorizo sauce au paprika, frites et salade + petit dessert. Toujours ...
- TCLB 引張圧縮両用ロードセル TCLBC 引張圧縮両用ロードセル TCLBS 引張圧縮両用ロードセル TCLB-M 特殊用途 ロードセル ピン型ロードセル LPN エレベータ用ロードセル CB エレベータ用ロードセル EL ロープテンション用 ロードセル ...
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- 英
- transcutaneous lung biopsy, TCLB, percutaneous lung biopsy