- ride or float on an inflated tube; "We tubed down the river on a hot summer day"
- conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases (同)tubing
- electronic device consisting of a system of electrodes arranged in an evacuated glass or metal envelope (同)vacuum_tube, thermionic vacuum tube, thermionic_tube, electron_tube, thermionic_valve
- (anatomy) any hollow cylindrical body structure (同)tube-shaped structure
- convey in a tube; "inside Paris, they used to tube mail"
- place or enclose in a tube
- provide with a tube or insert a tube into
- the amount that a tub will hold; "a tub of water" (同)tubful
- a large open vessel for holding or storing liquids (同)vat
- of a tire; having an inner tube
- (金属・ガラス・ゴムなどの)管,筒 / (絵の具・歯みがきなどの)チューブ / 《米》(列車・地下鉄の)トンネル / 《英》地下鉄(《米》subway) / (ラジオ・テレビなどの)真空管(vacuum tube) / (動植物の)管状器官
- 『おけ』,たらい / 《話》'bath 2 / (また tubful)おけ1杯[の量](の…)《+of+名》 / 《話》のろくてぶかっこうな船;《俗》でぶ,太っちょ
- 〈U〉管状の物 / 《集合的に》管類 / 〈C〉(ある長さの1本の)管
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Sengstaken–Blakemore tube |
Intervention |
Sengstaken–Blakemore tube with four lumens
ICD-9-CM |
96.06 |
Scheme of using the tube. There are sphygmomanometer drains connected with esophageal port, to enable inflating the balloon with correct pressure.
A Sengstaken–Blakemore tube is a medical device inserted through the nose or mouth and used occasionally in the management of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to esophageal varices (distended and fragile veins in the esophageal wall, usually a result of cirrhosis). The use of the tube was originally described in 1950,[1] although similar approaches to bleeding varices were described by Westphal in 1930.[2] With the advent of modern endoscopic techniques which can rapidly and definitively control variceal bleeding, Sengstaken–Blakemore tubes are rarely used at present.[3]
The device consists of a flexible plastic tube containing several internal channels and two inflatable balloons. Apart from the balloons, the tube has an opening at the bottom (gastric tip) of the device. More modern models also have an opening near the upper esophagus; such devices are properly termed Minnesota tubes.[3][4] It is passed down into the oesophagus and the gastric balloon is inflated inside the stomach. A traction of 1 kg is applied to the tube so that the gastric balloon will compress on the gastroesophageal junction to reduce the blood flow to esophageal varices. If the use of traction alone cannot stop the bleeding, the esophageal balloon is also inflated to help stop the bleeding. The esophageal balloon should not remain inflated for more than six hours, to avoid necrosis. The gastric lumen is for aspirating stomach contents.
Generally it is used only in emergencies where bleeding from presumed varices is impossible to control by administration of medication. It may be difficult to position, particularly in an unwell patient, and may inadvertently be inserted in the trachea, hence endotracheal intubation before the procedure is strongly advised to secure the airway. The tube is often kept in the refrigerator in the hospital's emergency department, intensive care unit and gastroenterology ward. It is a temporary measure: ulceration and rupture of the esophagus and stomach are recognized complications.[4][5]
A related device with a larger gastric balloon capacity (about 500 ml), the Linton–Nachlas tube, is used for bleeding gastric varices. It does not have an esophageal balloon.
- ^ Sengstaken RW, Blakemore AH (1950). "Balloon tamponage for the control of hemorrhage from esophageal varices". Ann Surg 131 (5): 781–9. doi:10.1097/00000658-195005000-00017. PMC 1616705. PMID 15411151.
- ^ Westphal K (1930). "Ueber eine Kompressionsbehandlung der Blutungen aus Oesophagusvarizen". Deutsch Med Wochenschr 56 (27): 1135.
- ^ a b Treger R, Graham TP, Dea SK (May 17, 2009). "Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube". Medscape. Retrieved February 2, 2011.
- ^ a b Bauer JJ, Kreel I, Kark AE (1974). "The use of the Sengstaken-Blakemore tube for immediate control of bleeding esophageal varices". Ann Surg 179 (3): 273–7. doi:10.1097/00000658-197403000-00005. PMC 1355886. PMID 4544329.
- ^ Chien JY, Yu CJ (2005). "Images in clinical medicine. Malposition of a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube". N. Engl. J. Med. 352 (8): e7. doi:10.1056/NEJMicm040003. PMID 15728803.
External links[edit]
Medical placement and administration procedures (ICD-9-CM V3 96, ICD-10-PCS 2-3)
Intubation |
- Tracheal intubation
- Balloon tamponade (Sengstaken–Blakemore tube)
Therapeutic irrigation |
- Antiseptic lavage
- Gastric lavage
- Arthroscopic lavage
- Ductal lavage
- Vaginal douche
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
- 1. 活動性静脈瘤出血の治療 treatment of active variceal hemorrhage
- 2. 子宮出血を制御するための子宮内バルーンカテーテル使用 use of intrauterine balloon catheters for control of uterine hemorrhage
- 3. 経腟分娩後の出血管理 management of postpartum hemorrhage at vaginal delivery
- 4. 直腸異物 rectal foreign bodies
English Journal
- Two cases of variceal haemorrhage during living-donor liver transplantation.
- Matsusaki T, Morimatsu H, Sato T, Matsumi J, Okazaki N, Umeda Y, Morita K.SourceDepartment of Anesthesiology and Resuscitology, Okayama University Medical School, 2-5-1 Kitaku Shikatacho, Okayama 700-8558, Japan. matusakik@ybb.ne.jp
- British journal of anaesthesia.Br J Anaesth.2011 Apr;106(4):537-9. Epub 2011 Feb 14.
- Some patients with cirrhosis experience rupture of venous varices before operation, and liver transplantation is a therapy of last resort for these patients. However, we have experienced two cases of intraoperative rupture in whom no abnormalities of the venous varices were seen on endoscopy before
- PMID 21324927
- Management of varices in cirrhosis.
- Thalheimer U, Triantos C, Goulis J, Burroughs AK.SourceThe Royal Free Sheila Sherlock Liver Centre, University Department of Surgery, Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, NW3 2QG, London, UK. uthalheimer@gmx.net
- Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy.Expert Opin Pharmacother.2011 Apr;12(5):721-35. Epub 2011 Jan 27.
- INTRODUCTION: Acute variceal bleeding is a medical emergency and one of the main causes of mortality in patients with cirrhosis. Timely and effective treatment of the acute bleeding episode results in increased survival, and appropriate prophylactic treatment can prevent bleeding or rebleeding from
- PMID 21269241
Japanese Journal
- OP-192-4 Sengstaken-Blakemore tubeを用いた新しい食道「ソフト」ブジー法の有用性の検討(食道-1,一般口演,第110回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Sengstaken-Blakemore(S-B)チューブによる食道静脈瘤出血の止血法 (特集 処置と小手術のコツと合併症) -- (処置各論)
Related Links
- A Sengstaken-Blakemore tube is a medical device inserted through the nose or mouth and used occasionally in the management of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage due to esophageal varices (distended and fragile veins in the esophageal ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
- 同
- ゼングスタケン・ブレークモア管, ゼングスタケン・ブレークモアチューブ、ゼングスターケン・ブレークモア管, ゼングスターケン・ブレークモアチューブ、セングスターケン・ブレークモア管,セングスターケン・ブレークモアチューブ 、Sengstaken-Blakemoreチューブ Sengstaken-Blakemore管、SBチューブ S-B tube
- 関
- 食道静脈瘤
[show details]
- 食道静脈瘤破裂による出血に対する緊急止血用デバイス。
- 出血により視野が遮られ内視鏡的止血を施行できない場合に用いる、らしい
- 長時間の使用は食道を圧迫障害するために、数時間ごとに減圧する。
- http://img.tfd.com/dorland/tube_Sengstaken-Blakemore.jpg
- http://www.free-ed.net/sweethaven/MedTech/NurseCare/pics/fig91801_07.jpg
- 関
- canal、duct、ductal、ductus、meatus、pipe、tubal、vas