出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/11 03:34:09」(JST)
国民保健サービス(こくみんほけんサービス、英語: National Health Service, NHS)とは、イギリスの国営医療サービス事業をさし、患者の医療ニーズに対して公平なサービスを提供することを目的に1948年に設立され[1][2]、現在も運営されている。利用者の健康リスクや経済的な支払い能力にかかわらず利用が可能であり、自己負担は殆ど少ないか無料である(公費負担医療・ユニバーサルヘルスケア)。 また、外国人も合法的にイギリスに滞在していると認定を受けられれば、NHSのサービスを利用することができる[3]。
第二次世界大戦後の1942年、ベヴァリッジ報告書においては社会保障構想が勧告されていた。1945年の労働党はNational Health Service設立をマニフェストで公約し、総選挙において単独過半数の議席を獲得したことで、この構想は実現されることになった[4] 。
NHSはThe NHS Constitutionにおいて、市民および患者の「権利と義務」を提示している[6][7]。
内訳として、税収による一般財源(80%)、国民保険(約12%)、受益者負担(2~3%)、その他となっている[9]。Department of Health(英国厚生省)から、4つのNHSにそれぞれ予算が配分され、地域に必要な医療サービスに基づいてそれぞれの医療機関(病院、診療所、ケア・ホームなど)に予算が配分されるという仕組みになっている。NHSイングランドでは、地域ごとに152の Primary Care Trust (PCT) という組織が編成され、PCTが医療機関(病院、診療所、ケア・ホームなど)と個別に契約し、予算配分を行っている。 NHSイングランドの経営規模は、2000年では総資産27,627百万ポンド、自己資本18,386百万ポンドであった[11]。
その人が住んでいる住所から徒歩圏内にあるGeneral Practitioner(GP:家庭医/一般医/総合診療医)をかかりつけ医として選択し、医師あるいは診療所に登録を済ませる(General medical services契約)[1]。医療サービスを受けたい場合には、まずGPに受診するために予約をし、診療を受けることになる。GPはプライマリ・ケア(よく見られる症状・疾患の治療・管理・予防)を担当しており、必要に応じて専門医(Consultants)を紹介する[1]。
イングランドの場合には、NHS Choiceから、郵便番号(ポストコード)を入力して、所轄GPを検索することが可能である。
「:en:British National Formulary」も参照
英国国民医薬品集(British National Formulary, BNF)は、NHSにて利用可能な全ての医薬品についてのリファレンス書籍である。 内容は幅広い医薬品情報・処方アドバイス・薬理作用などが含まれ、処方適用・作用機序・副作用・処方手段・法的規制なども記載されている。ジェネリック薬の名称と市販価格、その他の特記事項も記載されている[13]。
NHSにはブラックリスト(公式には National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) (Prescription of Drugs etc.) Regulations 2004におけるスケジュール1と呼称される)が存在し、 NHS Drug TariffにおいてPart XVIIIAに指定された薬剤および市販名薬についてはNHSでは処方することができない[14]。もしこれらの医薬品を処方してもNHSは調剤費の支給を拒否する。
この回答差の理由は不明であるが、キングス・カレッジ・ロンドンの研究者は、NHSがメディアの批判材料として多く取り上げられることに起因するとしている[16][17] 。この傾向は満足度調査においても現れており、多くの人々は一般的に全国紙はNHSを批判していると考えており(全国紙を好む13%の人のうち、紙面が批判的であると64%が回答した)、全国紙は最も信頼性が低いと考える情報源(50%が殆どもしくは全く信用できないと回答、一方新聞は36%が信用できると回答)だとし、新聞メディアは放送メディアよりも信頼性が低いと回答したと報告された[15]。調査では最も信頼の高いと考える情報源は、GP医からのリーフレットと友人からの情報であり(77%がこれらを信頼すると回答)、次に医療専門家(75%)であると回答した[15]。
ウィキメディア・コモンズには、国民保健サービスに関連するカテゴリがあります。 |
この項目は、医学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(プロジェクト:医学/Portal:医学と医療)。 |
It has been suggested that Emergency Medical Services 1939-1945 be merged into this article. (Discuss) Proposed since January 2014. |
The four publicly funded healthcare systems in the countries of the United Kingdom, may be referred to as the National Health Service (NHS).
The systems are primarily funded through central taxation. They provide a comprehensive range of health services, the vast majority of which are free at the point of use for people legally resident in the United Kingdom. The four systems are entirely independent, and operate under different management, rules, and political authority.[1]
The individual systems are:
All services are often referred to as "the NHS", although only the English NHS is officially called the "National Health Service". All of the services were founded in 1948, based on legislation passed in 1946, 1947 and 1948. NHS Wales was part of the same structure as England until powers over the NHS in Wales were transferred to the Secretary of State for Wales in 1969, and responsibility for NHS Wales was passed to the Welsh Government under devolution in 1999.
The Government elected in 1945 had made manifesto commitments[2] to implement the recommendations of the Beveridge Report of 1942. The report's recommendation to create "comprehensive health and rehabilitation services for prevention and cure of disease"[3] was implemented across the United Kingdom by 1948. The services were initially funded through general taxation and National Insurance as part of the introduction of a wider Welfare State. They were initially free at the point of use, although some prescription charges were soon introduced in response to economic difficulties. These charges are still in place with the English NHS, but not in the other three systems.
In the UK Parliament at Westminster, the new health services were established through two Acts:
From 1969 the National Health Service in Wales became a separate entity under the Secretary of State for Wales.
In the Parliament of Northern Ireland at Stormont:
Following devolution in the United Kingdom from 1998, control over the non-English services passed to the devolved national governments, with the UK Government retaining control over the NHS in England.
Each system operates independently, and is politically accountable to the relevant government: the Scottish Government, Welsh Government, the Northern Ireland Executive, and the UK Government which is responsible for England's NHS.
Despite their separate funding and administration, there is no discrimination when a resident of one country of the United Kingdom requires treatment in another, although a patient will often be returned to their home area when they are fit to be moved. The financial and administrative consequences are dealt with by the organisations involved and no personal involvement by the patient is required.
Treatment of people not resident in the United Kingdom is subject to mostly uniform arrangements made by or delegated to the UK Department of Health rather than any individual health service. Foreign nationals always receive treatment free at the time of use for emergencies.
Foreign nationals also receive free treatment if they have been legally resident in the UK for 12 months, have recently arrived to take up permanent residence, are claiming asylum or have other legal resident status. Citizens of European Economic Area nations, as well as those from countries with which the UK has a reciprocal arrangements, are also entitled to free treatment by using the European Health Insurance Card.[4][5] Foreign nationals may be subject to an interview to establish their nationality and residence status, which must be resolved before non-emergency treatment can commence. Patients who do not qualify for free treatment are asked to pay in advance, or to sign a written undertaking to pay.
Treatment for injuries caused in a road traffic accident has been chargeable since the 1930s, but such charges were not generally enforced until the Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act 1999 came into force to direct the charges to the insurers of the vehicles involved. This necessarily involves patients in the charging process even though they are not personally billed for treatment.
Each National Health Service is mainly funded ultimately from general taxation (with a much smaller amount from National Insurance contributions). Other, less significant sources of income include charging overseas visitors and their insurers for the cost of NHS treatment, charges to patients for prescriptions and dental treatment, hospital car parking, patient telephone services, etc. NHS Trusts can earn income through treating patients privately; in England Trusts generate 0.6% of core revenues this way, much less in the rest of the UK.[1]
Expenditure for 2012/13 is planned to be:
The UK Parliament sets the overall budget available to the NHS in England. It also allocates a block grant to each devolved national government to spend on local needs. Each government may choose how much of its block grant to spend on its health care system.
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関連記事 | 「service」「health」「national」 |