- 英
- Mycobacterium infection
- 関
- 抗酸菌症、抗酸菌感染症
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- 1. 成人の潜在性結核感染症の診断法(結核検診)approach to diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection tuberculosis screening in adults [show details]
… sources of infection . There is no test that definitively establishes a diagnosis of LTBI. LTBI is a clinical diagnosis established by demonstrating prior TB infection and excluding active TB disease. Available …
- 2. 肺結核の臨床症状および合併症clinical manifestations and complications of pulmonary tuberculosis [show details]
… of pulmonary TB. Extrapulmonary and miliary TB are also discussed separately. The natural history of tuberculosis infection is described in detail separately. After primary infection, 90 percent of …
- 3. 医療機関での結核の感染と感染対策tuberculosis transmission and control in health care settings [show details]
…associated with increased risk for TB infection include: Recent exposure to a person with a case of infectious TB; History of a positive test result for M. tuberculosis infection; Illicit drug use; Birth in or …
- 4. 成人の肺結核の診断diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults [show details]
… designed for diagnosis of TB infection; a positive result supports (but cannot be used to establish) a diagnosis of active TB disease, and a negative result does not rule out active TB disease . In immunocompromised …
- 5. 結核:自然経過、微生物学、発症機序tuberculosis natural history microbiology and pathogenesis [show details]
…unusual unless the host is severely immunosuppressed. Prior TB infection, contained as latent tuberculosis, confers protection against subsequent TB disease . One review evaluating 23 paired cohorts (total …
Japanese Journal
- F-7 がん患者にみられたMycobacterium感染症の疫学的検討
- 白髭 豊,大江 裕一郎,新海 哲,江口 研二,佐々木 康綱,田村 友秀,児玉 章,国兼 浩嗣,岡本 浩明,大松 広伸,唐渡 敦也,西條 長宏
- 肺癌 31(5), 711, 1991-10-01
- NAID 110003122401
Related Pictures

- 英
- Mycobacterium infection
- 関
- Mycobacterium感染症、抗酸菌感染症
- 英
- nontuberculous mycobacteriosis
- 英
- Mycobacterium infection
- 関
- 抗酸菌症、Mycobacterium感染症
- 英
- infectious disease
- 関
- 感染、定着、感染症法
- 病原体から引き起こされる疾患
- 感染が成立して、宿主に病気が発症した状態
- →宿主が病原体を追い出そうとしている状態
- http://www.forth.go.jp/tourist/worldinfo/index.html
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- http://www.cdc.gov/
- 英
- infection
- 関
- 定着、感染症、不顕性感染、顕性感染。サブクリニカル感染
- 細菌が宿主の体表面、体内や組織内に付着して増殖し、定着している状態。
- 感染の成立には微生物(定着能、増殖能、細胞内進入能、毒素産生能などを総合した病原性)と宿主(排除能、殺菌能などの生体防御機構)の力関係が崩れたときに生じる
- 英
- sis, pathy