- 同
- minimal residual disease
- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/14 06:33:45」(JST)
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MRD may refer to:
- Machine-readable dictionary
- Mad Rollin' Dolls Woman's Flat Track Roller Derby League in Madison, WI
- Mandy Rice-Davies, a British former model and showgirl
- Marketing requirements document used in technology product development and planning
- Medical records department
- Minimal residual disease low levels of leukaemia cells present in the body after or during treatment
- IRA Required Minimum Distributions, US IRS requirement for age based retirement account distributions
- Miss Dominican Republic (Spanish: Miss República Dominicana)
- Motor Racing Developments Ltd. a racing car constructor better known as Brabham
- Movement for the Restoration of Democracy is a political alliance in Pakistan
- Multicast router discovery, a network protocol
- Mutant Response Division, a fictional Marvel Comics organization
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Core binding factor acute myeloid leukemia: the impact of age, leukocyte count, molecular findings, and minimal residual disease.
- Hoyos M, Nomdedeu JF, Esteve J, Duarte R, Ribera JM, Llorente A, Escoda L, Bueno J, Tormo M, Gallardo D, de Llano MP, Martí JM, Aventín A, Mangues R, Brunet S, Sierra J.SourceSpanish CETLAM Group Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spanish Cancer Network (RTICC), Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain; University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
- European journal of haematology.Eur J Haematol.2013 Sep;91(3):209-18. doi: 10.1111/ejh.12130. Epub 2013 Jul 25.
- PURPOSE: Most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and genetic rearrangements involving the core binding factor (CBF) have favorable prognosis. In contrast, a minority of them still have a high risk of leukemia recurrence. This study investigated the adverse features of CBF AML that could just
- PMID 23646898
- High-spatial-resolution isotropic three-dimensional fast-recovery fast spin-echo magnetic resonance dacryocystography combined with topical administration of sterile saline solution.
- Jing Z, Lang C, Qiu-Xia W, Rong L, Xin L, Wen-Zhen Z, Li-Ming X, Jian-Pin Q, He W.SourceDepartment of Radiology, Tongji Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430030, PR China. Electronic address: hbtjzj@yahoo.com.cn.
- European journal of radiology.Eur J Radiol.2013 Sep;82(9):1546-51. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2013.04.013. Epub 2013 May 29.
- OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the clinical performance of three-dimensional (3D) fast-recovery fast spin-echo (FRFSE) magnetic resonance dacryocystography (MRD) with topical administration of sterile saline solution for the assessment of the lacrimal drainage system (LDS).METHODS: A tota
- PMID 23726473
- In search of Pinkel's children: unravelling the biological heterogeneity of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia by genotype and treatment molecular response.
- Krawczyk J, Maguire S, Sandys N, Kelly J, Ryan C, O'Marcaigh A, Storey L, Rooney S, Phillips C, Smith OP.SourceDepartment of Haematology, Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin, 12, Ireland, jkrawczyk@pro.onet.pl.
- Irish journal of medical science.Ir J Med Sci.2013 Sep;182(3):377-82. doi: 10.1007/s11845-012-0892-8. Epub 2012 Dec 16.
- BACKGROUND: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), the commonest childhood malignancy has seen remarkable progress since the 1960s with cure rates now approaching 85 %. To achieve this patients undergo intensive treatment that usually takes 2.5-3.5 years involving on average 15 different chemotherap
- PMID 23242576
Japanese Journal
- 微小残存腫瘍量測定とその意義 (造血器腫瘍学 : 基礎と臨床の最新研究動向) -- (特論)
- 腫瘍マーカー (造血器腫瘍学 : 基礎と臨床の最新研究動向) -- (造血器腫瘍の診断と治療)
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- 英
- photosensitivity、photosensitivity disorder
- 関
- 感光性、光増感、慢性光線過敏性皮膚炎、光線過敏、光線過敏性皮膚炎、紫外皮膚炎
- 慢性光線性皮膚炎, 晩発性皮膚ポルフィリン症
- 英
- minimal residual disease, MRD
- 悪性腫瘍に対する治療が奏効して骨髄、血液中に腫瘍細胞を検出できないが、遺伝子レベルの検査で体内への残存が証明されている腫瘍細胞。
- 英
- minimal response dose, MRD
- 関
- 最小紅斑量
メチオニン methionine