- Marine Corps海兵隊 / Medical Corps医療隊 / Member of Congress(米国の)国会議員
English Journal
- Response to low-dose bortezomib in plasma cell leukemia patients with malignant pleural effusion and ascites: a case report and a review of the literature.
- Sekiguchi Y, Shirane S, Imai H, Sugimoto K, Wakabayashi M, Sawada T, Chigira N, Ichikawa K, Komatsu N, Noguchi M.SourceDivision of Hematology, Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital, Japan. yasu_sek@juntendo-urayasu.jp
- Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan).Intern Med.2012;51(11):1393-8. Epub 2012 Jun 1.
- Pleural effusion or ascites complicating plasmacytoma is rare and has a poor prognosis. A 70-year-old man was diagnosed as plasma cell leukemia and one course of ranimustine-vindesine, melphalan, and prednisolone followed by melphalan and prednisone (MP) maintained a very good partial response. Afte
- PMID 22687849
- Ranimustine, ifosfamide, procarbazine, dexamethasone, and etoposide therapy for central nervous system recurrence of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in patients with poor performance status: a pilot study.
- Miwa A, Sekiguchi N, Tanimura A, Homma C, Shikai T, Takezako Y, Yamagata N, Takezako N.SourceDepartment of Hematology, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
- Leukemia & lymphoma.Leuk Lymphoma.2011 Oct;52(10):1898-903. Epub 2011 Jun 8.
- The prognosis of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with central nervous system (CNS) involvement is still poor. We performed a pilot study to establish treatment for patients who had refractory or recurrent CNS involvement without employing high-dose chemotherapy or stem cell support. Eigh
- PMID 21649542
Japanese Journal
- Temozolomide (TMZ)を中心とした悪性神経膠腫化学療法の世界の現状
- 若林 俊彦
- Neuro-Oncologyの進歩 21(3), 45-50, 2014
- … especially glioblastoma (GBM), the most common glioma in adults, kills patients within a median time span of a year after diagnosis despite treatment with aggressive surgical resection, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.In Japan, alkylating agents such as 1- (4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyridiminyl) methyl-3- (2-chloroethyl) -3-nitrosourea (ACNU) and methyl-6-[3- (2-chloroethyl) -3-nitrosoureido] -6-deoxy-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (MCNU) have been used to treatmalignant gliomas for a long time, however, this treatment offered few clinical benefits.Temozolomide …
- NAID 130005002163
- Safety and feasibility of high-dose ranimustine (MCNU), carboplatin, etoposide, and cyclophosphamide (MCVC) therapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation for malignant lymphoma
- KAMEOKA Yoshihiro,TAKAHASHI Naoto,ISHIZAWA Kenichi,KATO Yuichi,ITO Jugo,SASAKI Osamu,MURAI Kazunori,NOJI Hideyoshi,HIROKAWA Makoto,TAJIMA Katsusi,SHICHISHIMA Tsutomu,ISHIDA Yoji,HARIGAE Hideo,SAWADA Kenichi
- International journal of hematology 96(5), 624-630, 2012-11-01
- NAID 10031126760
- 本態性血小板血症治療後に発症し,長期間寛解を維持している非ホジキンリンパ腫
- 窪田 良次,脇 正人
- 臨床血液 50(3), 197-202, 2009
- 症例は61歳女性。1987年8月,本態性血小板血症と診断(45歳時)され,心筋梗塞の既往があるためbusulfanおよびranimustine投与が行われた(総投与量は,378 mgおよび700 mg)。2000年6月頃より,貧血の進行と末梢血中に数%の芽球を認めるようになった。骨髄生検にて骨髄線維症と診断し,蛋白同化ホルモンの治療を開始した。2003年2月,腹部膨満感を自覚するようになり,腹部C …
- NAID 130004501326
Related Links
- Comparative anti-tumor effects of ACNU and MCNU were studied on 20 - methylcholanthrene-induced C_<57>black mouse malignant gliomas (MG-cells) and rat glial tumors (C_6-cells) in vitro and in vivo. The inhibitory effects of ACNU and ...
- MCU, Bhopal Communication, not only an essentiality of human society, is also the vehicle for all- round growth and development of life.The quantum of revolutionary changes in the communication systems.... Read More ...
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