- the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)l
- lira(イタリアの貨幣単位リラ)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/06 10:53:51」(JST)
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- ラトビアのISO 3166-1国名コード
- リトアニア獣医学アカデミー(Lietuvos veterinarijos akademija)の略称
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LVA ist the abbreviation of:
- Lake View Academy
- Land-vertebrate age
- Las Vegas Academy, an art highschool
- Latvia's country code
- Layered Voice Analysis
- Library of Virginia
- Liga Veneto Autonomo
- Literacy Volunteers of America, an organization with advocate Wally Amos
- Lithuanian Veterinary Academy
- London Video Arts was founded for the promotion, distribution and exhibition of video art
- Longwall Visual Analysis
- Low vision aid, magnifying glass designed to help people with limited vision to read small print
- Luchtvaartafdeling or Royal Netherlands Air Force
- Makuv'a language's ISO 639-3 code
- USS Liberty Veterans Association
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- Ecotoxicological characterization of sugarcane vinasses when applied to tropical soils.
- Alves PR1, Natal-da-Luz T2, Sousa JP2, Cardoso EJ3.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Sep 1;526:222-32. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.03.150. Epub 2015 Apr 28.
- The impact of sugarcane vinasse on soil invertebrates was assessed through ecotoxicological assays. Increasing concentrations of two vinasses from different distillery plants (VA and VB), and a vinasse from a laboratory production (VC), were amended on two natural tropical Oxisols (LV and LVA) and a
- PMID 25933292
- Control of pathogens in biofilms on the surface of stainless steel by levulinic acid plus sodium dodecyl sulfate.
- Chen D1, Zhao T1, Doyle MP2.
- International journal of food microbiology.Int J Food Microbiol.2015 Aug 17;207:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2015.04.026. Epub 2015 Apr 24.
- The efficacy of levulinic acid (LVA) plus sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to remove or inactivate Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in biofilms on the surface of stainless steel coupons was evaluated. Five- or six-strain mixtures (ca. 9.0l
- PMID 25950851
- PMID 25937204
Japanese Journal
- Ventricular Tachycardia Originating from a Heart-shaped Idiopathic Left Ventricular Aneurysm Diagnosed on a Three-dimensional Electroanatomical Mapping System Integrated with CT Imaging
- An Yoshimori,Nagashima Michio,Yamazato Shoichiro,Hayashi Kentaro,Makihara Yu,Fukunaga Masato,Hiroshima Ken-ichi,Ohe Masatsugu,Goya Masahiko
- Internal Medicine 52(12), 1347-1352, 2013
- … Idiopathic left ventricular aneurysms and diverticula (LVA/Ds) are rare cardiac malformations that can be detected using certain imaging techniques. … In electrophysiological studies, it is often difficult to establish the relationship between clinical manifestations of cardiac arrhythmias and those of LVA/Ds due to anatomical complexities. …
- NAID 130003365668
- 局所麻酔下リンパ管細静脈吻合術のコツ (特集 実践的局所麻酔 : 私のコツ)
- Long-Term Prognosis of Adult Patients With Isolated Congenital Left Ventricular Aneurysm or Diverticulum and Abnormal Electrocardiogram Patterns
- OHLOW Marc-Alexander,LAUER Bernward,LOTZE Ulrich,BRUNELLI Michele,GELLER J. Christoph
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 76(10), 2465-2470, 2012-09-25
- … Background: Congenital left ventricular aneurysm (LVA) and diverticulum (LVD) are rare cardiac anomalies frequently associated with electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities. … Methods and Results: A total of 108 patients with LVA or LVD having ECG-abnormalities were assessed. … The patients were classified into 2 groups according to ECG abnormalities: a distinct ECG group (8 ECG patterns known to be frequently associated with LVA/LVD); …
- NAID 10030875187
Related Links
- リンパ管静脈吻合(LVA)とは リンパ浮腫は手足や顔などにリンパ液のうったいによるむくみが生じる病気です。がんなどでリンパ節を郭清されたり(取り除かれたり)、放射線治療を受けた方に起こることがほとんどですが、原因不明 ...
- 婦人科がんでリンパ節郭清の為にリンパ浮腫を発症した患者さんにLVA(顕微鏡下リンパ管細静脈吻合術)に関する情報を発信するホームページです。ご質問のある方は簡単な既往歴をお書き添えの上、お問合わせよりご連絡ください。
Related Pictures

- 英
- enlarged vestibular aqueduct enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome, large vestibular aqueduct LVA, large vestibular aqueduct syndrome
- 関
- ペンドレッド症候群
[show details]
- 先天的・後天的に発症(E1)
- 先天性が一般的。内耳の発生異常である。前庭水管の発生異常。妊娠15週。(E1)
- SLC26A4(PDS)遺伝子の変異が原因(SOTO.170) → 前庭水管拡大を伴った非症候性難聴とPendred症候群は一連の症候群である可能性が高い(SOTO.170)
- 幼少期から感音性難聴。ときにめまいを伴う。難聴は進行性、変動することがある。発症の契機はは頭部外傷。(SOTO.170)
- 側頭骨のCT(E1)。CTかMRI(SOTO.170)
- 画像所見(E1):通常の水管径1mm以下なのに本症では1.5-2mm異常に拡大。(SOTO.170)
左心補助人工心臓, left ventricular assist system
左心補助循環装置 left ventricular assist device