- 同
- lymphogranuloma venereum
- 同
- lymphogranuloma venereum
- the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)l
- lira(イタリアの貨幣単位リラ)
- Low German
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/01/06 01:21:24」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
LGV(エルジェヴェ)とはLigne à grande vitesse(高速線)の略でフランスのTGVが走行する標準軌(1,435mm)の高速鉄道路線のことである。なお、次世代のTGVである動力分散式車両はAGVと呼ばれる。
- LGV北線
- LGV大西洋線
- LGV地中海線
- LGV南東線
- LGV東ヨーロッパ線
- LGV東連絡線
- LGVローヌ・アルプ線
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[Wiki en表示]
LGV may stand for:
- Gregor Virant's Civic List, a political party in Slovenia
- Large Goods Vehicle in Europe
- Lymphogranuloma venereum, a sexually transmitted disease
- Lignes à Grande Vitesse, French high-speed rail lines:
- LGV Atlantique
- LGV Est
- LGV Interconnexion Est
- LGV Nord
- LGV Méditerranée
- LGV Picardie
- LGV Rhône-Alpes
- LGV Rhin-Rhône
- LGV Sud-Est
- LGV Sud Europe Atlantique
- Laser Guided Vehicle
- Lattitude Global Volunteering, a British charity — volunteering for young people
See also
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The fa2 gene and molecular markers mapping in the gp segment of the Pisum linkage group V.
- Gawłowska M1, Święcicki W2.
- Journal of applied genetics.J Appl Genet.2016 Jan 27. [Epub ahead of print]
- Review studies on the world Pisum genetic resources have shown that stem fasciation is controlled by three loci, i.e., fa1 (LGIV; Wt 10006 - type line of the Polish Gene Bank), fa2 (LGV, the line Wt 12185), and fas (LGIII, the line Shtambovii). Outstanding advantages of this character (e.g., pods ga
- PMID 26815699
- Phospholipid Composition in Synthetic Surfactants Is Important for Tidal Volumes and Alveolar Stability in Surfactant-Treated Preterm Newborn Rabbits.
- Calkovska A1, Linderholm B, Haegerstrand-Björkman M, Pioselli B, Pelizzi N, Johansson J, Curstedt T.
- Neonatology.Neonatology.2016 Jan 13;109(3):177-185. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: The development of synthetic surfactants for the treatment of lung pulmonary diseases has been going on for many years.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of phospholipid mixtures combined with SP-B and SP-C analogues on lung functions in an animal model of respiratory distress syndro
- PMID 26757268
- Asymptomatic Lymphogranuloma Venereum in Men who Have Sex with Men, United Kingdom.
- Saxon C, Hughes G, Ison C; UK LGV Case-Finding Group.
- Emerging infectious diseases.Emerg Infect Dis.2016 Jan;22(1):112-6. doi: 10.3201/EID2201.141867.
- We investigated prevalence of lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) among men who have sex with men who were tested for chlamydia at 12 clinics in the United Kingdom during 10 weeks in 2012. Of 713 men positive for Chlamydia trachomatis, 66 (9%) had LGV serovars; 15 (27%) of 55 for whom data were available
- PMID 26691688
Japanese Journal
- LgV制御器を用いたコントロール・モーメント・ジャイロの特異点回避
- Computed tomography(CT)による胃癌患者の術前胃周囲血管解剖診断の有用性
Related Links
- 270-1416 千葉県白井市神々廻1904-2 Tel.047-491-3131 電話受付8:00~ 20:00. LGV透明看板 ... イメージ. 6月1日~. ICカード移行お手続き. LGVがICカード 導入でさらにお得になります!
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- ラ
- lymphogranulomatosis inguinale
- 同
- 第四性病 fourth venereal disease、性病性リンパ肉芽腫 lymphogranuloma venereum LGV、ニコラ・ファーヴル病 Nicolas-Favre disease、フライ病 Frei disease、donovanosis
- 鼠径リンパ肉芽腫、性病性リンパ肉芽腫症、鼡径リンパ肉芽腫、鼡径リンパ肉芽腫症
- 関
- クラミジア、性感染症、
[show details]
- 関
- donovanosis、LGV、lymphogranuloma venereum
- 同
- 同
- 同
- 同
- 同
- lateral geniculate body