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- 1. 皮膚エリテマトーデスの概要overview of cutaneous lupus erythematosus [show details]
… cutaneous LE and LE-nonspecific skin diseases is provided here. In-depth discussions of SLE and the treatment of DLE and SCLE are provided separately. The modified Gilliam grouping system for cutaneous …
- 2. 神経系のライム病nervous system lyme disease [show details]
…peripheral nervous system. Even in central nervous system disease, the sensitivity remains unclear. A negative test for Lyme antibodies in the CSF does not exclude central nervous system Lyme disease. As …
- 3. ペーシングシステムの誤作動:評価およびマネージメントpacing system malfunction evaluation and management [show details]
…rapid battery depletion. Recording system artifacts may raise concerns about a system malfunction when they occur in a patient who has a pacemaker. Digital recording systems can either create a pacing stimulus …
- 4. 自然免疫系の概要an overview of the innate immune system [show details]
…cells of the adaptive system as well, demonstrating that the innate and adaptive immune systems interact at many points and enhance each other function . The adaptive immune system has a potentially limitless …
- 5. 肺癌の腫瘍・リンパ節・転移(TNM)分類tumor node metastasis tnm staging system for lung cancer [show details]
…The Tumor, Node, Metastasis (TNM) staging system for lung cancer is an internationally accepted system used to characterize the extent of disease. The TNM system combines features of the tumor into disease …
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- ルイスシステム Lewis system、LEシステム LE system
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エリテマトーデス lupus erythematosus