- 関
- LDL、low-density lipoprotein
- the 12th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)l
- a conjugated protein having a lipid component; the principal means for transporting lipids in the blood
- lira(イタリアの貨幣単位リラ)
- lethal dose(薬の)最小致死量
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English Journal
- A Comparative Study of Lipid-Lowering Effects of Guggul and Atorvastatin Monotherapy in Comparison to Their Combination in High Cholesterol Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemia in Rabbits.
- Das S1, Datta A1, Bagchi C1, Chakraborty S1, Mitra A2, Tripathi SK1.
- Journal of dietary supplements.J Diet Suppl.2016 Sep 2;13(5):495-504. doi: 10.3109/19390211.2015.1118654. Epub 2016 Jan 6.
- BACKGROUND: Hypolipidemic activity of gugulipid has been widely described in traditional literature.OBJECTIVE: This study was done to evaluate hypolipidemic activity of guggul and atorvaststin monotherapy in comparison to their combination in rabbits.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male New Zealand White rab
- PMID 26735695
- Hydroxytyrosol in functional hydroxytyrosol-enriched biscuits is highly bioavailable and decreases oxidised low density lipoprotein levels in humans.
- Mateos R1, Martínez-López S2, Baeza Arévalo G2, Amigo-Benavent M2, Sarriá B2, Bravo-Clemente L3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Aug 15;205:248-56. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.03.011. Epub 2016 Mar 4.
- Hydroxytyrosol (HT) and its derivatives in olive oil protect low-density lipoproteins (LDL) against oxidation. Biscuits could be a convenient alternative to broaden consumers' choice of HT-rich foods, although the biscuit matrix could affect HT bioavailability. We performed a crossover, randomized,
- PMID 27006237
- Disease Activity, Oxidized-LDL Fraction and Anti-Oxidized LDL Antibodies Influence Cardiovascular Risk in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Nowak B1, Madej M2, Łuczak A2, Małecki R3, Wiland P2.
- Advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University.Adv Clin Exp Med.2016 Jul-Aug;25(1):43-50. doi: 10.17219/acem/29847.
- BACKGROUND: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have a shortened lifespan compared to the general population. The high rate of premature mortality in the RA population can be attributed to cardiovascular disease (CVD).OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to look for non-classic risk factors tha
- PMID 26935497
Japanese Journal
- Effects of MβCD on Lipoxygenase-Induced LDL Oxidation
- 前立腺がんと脂質代謝 (特集 脂質代謝と腎泌尿器疾患)
- Developmental Endothelial Locus-1 (Del-1) Inhibits Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Activity by Direct Binding, and Its Overexpression Attenuates Atherogenesis in Mice
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 80(12), 2541-2549, 2016-12
- NAID 40021004912
Related Links
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- 英
- LDL lipoprotein
- 関
- 低密度リ・タンパク質
- 同
- low density lipoprotein
- 関
- 低密度リポ蛋白、低密度リポタンパク、低密度リポタンパク質
- 関
- VLDLより由来し、これに含まれるTGがLPLにより分解されて比較的密度の高いLDLが生じる
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リポ蛋白 lipoprotein
リポ蛋白 lipoprotein